The new president of Brazil
The new president of Brazil
I sure hope so. Then he can hire Moro again.
Holy shit, man. Bolsonaro is indeed a moron. I voted for him because of Paulo Guedes. But him having Moro quit is just beyond stupid.
I hope Bolsonaro gets impeached soon. He was better than the alternative, but now his degeneration is complete.
True. The only thing that will be annoying is to listen to lefty retards saying "I told you so".
Don't fret, amigo, Guedes is this close to quitting too
Ave Império!
>I voted for him because of Paulo Guedes.
Bonoro is also frying him. See "Plano Macho" attempt
Last time the military took over they sucked the jews dry, their dicks even got hurt.
You only needed to read about his (((campaign))) and Paulo (((Guedes))) to understand he was a retard. Fucking subhumans.
Why would this ZOG colony do such thing to Paulo (((Guedes)))?
No returns on Plano Macho on (((google))).
Bolsonaro is literally implementing Keynesian policies which goes completely against what Guedes defends
I have no idea why he went full retard really, I know he isn't a genius but he always hyped his own ministers and knew what "people wanted".
Also Mourão is a complete retard too and loves commie garbage like MST, why are you tards pretending like he's some savior?
I have no idea what's going on in Brazil's politics other than that Bolsonaro is suppose to be your version of Trump.
Since Trump has cucked on a number of things, I am guessing you are all upset because Bolsonaro is cucking on certain things?
What is he cucking on?
Bolsonaro screwed up everything. He is literally fucking Brazil now.
He's trying to save his sons' asses on a federal investigation by replacing the director of the federal police, so the minister of justice (the guy who got Lula behind bars when he was a judge) just resigned. This is a huge fuck up by Bolsonaro and points to the fact that he is probably guilty of some shady stuff himself. He has just fucked his term up. It's a bigger deal than anything Trump-related.
Bolsonaro is cucking every single pillar of his government by himself, he just lost by far his most popular minister and there's basically nothing left to look forward to with bolso, he went full retard and burned every single bridge possible and it's guaranteed that the lefty congress will now soft-coup him out.
It's a prosody joke like "Alberto Einstein". i'm talking about the new "Marshall Plan" announced by government without Guedes presence.
Why is he standing at attention with his hands being diffrent.
Bolsonaro is indeed a moron. I always knew he was stupid, but I didn't anticipate how monstrously stupid he could be. He went full retard.
>the minister of justice (the guy who got Lula behind bars when he was a judge) just resigned.
Also: Moro rennounced a HUGE pension of almost R$ 40k he could have if he had kept beeing a judge.
But probably he'll probably be a visiting professor in US
Is he gay?
Is he gonna give us shall issue carry and CZs, HKs, Colts, and AK? We still need expanded gun rights, dammit.
Well, if he's not a moron he was already set for two or three lifetimes by the time he renounced it. I know I would be.
He's amerindian.
>North American inuns drink Listerine
>Australian native niggers huff gas
What do your locals ingest in your colonized corner of the world, always wondered
Moro also supports the fake (((pandemic)))), good riddance
Bolsonaro forever, chora mais travecada
Cachaça, same as everybody else.
Someone's warming up...
Nice digits nigger
They huff shoe glue or paint thinner.
The amerindians in my state used to drink chimarrão, which became part of our culture.
Another military coup? How many will it take for you monkeys to reinplace the monarch?