Who did him in?

Dies in "car-crash" redpill me on who had this done.

Attached: general_george_patton_a_p.jpg (640x960, 148.58K)

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He was about to release information that would lead to the indictment of Hillary Clinton.



KGB or whatever progenitor at the time. He was demanding action be taken against the soviets for their war crimes against Germany, he was even talking about an outright invasion of Russia to topple Stalin.

Infiltrated soviet agents who didnt want him to go to war against ussr

who cares. he'd be calling you a soiboi while treading on you with his tank tracks.

FDR and Eisenhower murdered him.

MIC & Freemasons.

This. At the end of the war, he realized that we fought the wrong enemy and this was a man who thrived on battling the Germans. The Russians were acting like absolute animals and the Jews were really outing themselves as complete parasites as soon as they were liberated. Having such a prominent US general spill the truth was damning.

He does kind of resemble Donald Trump. Maybe he came back?

Basically yeah

Attached: da joos.jpg (500x419, 49.81K)

Reminder Eisenhower forced Americans to go to school at gunpoint and stopped Joseph McCarthy's investigations. If that doesn't scream mole, what does?


Those who are simplifying it to Jews and Russian Soviets are not acknowledging the damning evidence.

I thought he survived the crash with a broken back and later died in a hospital?

Yes, he was murdered in hospital. osssociety.org/pdfs/Patton.pdf

Who has the most to win in this scenario ?

Soviets, american soldiers could have crushed ussr but suddenly they wasnt that war mongering lol


He died of Coronavirus for not self isolating

He was a faggot who bombed kids and innocents for the Jewish Empire when this dumb burger finally realized it he went completely crazy and wanted to gas the kikes for real, so he got car crashed.

I can see why you'd be against education.

checks out

America had been infiltrated by Communists specifically Trotskyite agents such as FDR who was backed by the Sicilian/Jewish mafia. Same people who killed Patton, killed Stalin.


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Refute me faggot!

fukin coofer

Don't remember sauce.

I never really bought the whole Freemason conspiracy thing

Russians had been slaughtered and brainwashed by bolsevik jews at that point.

He knew too much

Tbh, I think there are many powerful groups in the world, and masons are just one of them. They are powerful in Europe.

There's jew involvement in everything negative. If you get out of bed for a drink of water and stub your toe— a jew moved the furniture.

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