Sitting in public is now illegal in Seattle

Sitting in public is now illegal in Seattle.

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Looks like free lumber to me.

>bulldoze skate parks
>set up benches for sick axle grinds
Why does the government keep sending mixed messages?

Good, it's about time. Park benches are commie shit.


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They were probably full of homeless bums anyway god I hate the homeless

Hope they tazered the cunt.

Looks like the latest shipment of bootlickers has arrived.

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cool ppl always sit on the backs and put their feet on the seat bit anyway


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after reality check,,
not giving a fuck, those benches are mostly used by bums, addicts, wannabe gangbangers and other shit

This is just bum control to be honest. On one hand the city can't just round up the bums and put them in a camp or kick them out of the city because most of the citizens would sperg the fuck out. On the other hand every single person hates the bums and knows they filthy, disease spreading, violent beggars.

This is the solution. The city will slowly start closing off public spaces like this and use it to slowly push the homeless out of the city or into some sort of trap they can use to contain them.

I hate this place so fucking much.

they closed the boat ramps here, put giant cinder blocks in front of them. Fucking horsehit, it's walleye season. I'm gonna take my kayak out in the next couple weeks with the warmer weather. Out on the water is better social distancing than in a grocery store.

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lol this. the fuck are they thinking?

Cloudy, dingy, depressing, rainy, cold, humid, overdue for a massive quake. No thanks.

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Well, no, mine was ironic.

>caring about Seattle
It's basically Canada South, that's how pozzed it is. Fuck Seattle.

You went to school in 1845?

I thought they still confirmed fishing season still starts May 1? if not thats horseshit brother im with ya

Fuck people that want to sit down. Everyone should be standing upright when in public.

lol, and when you finally make it to year 6 and get to sit on these bad boys.

Closing parks, getting rid of benches, and blocking boat ramps makes it clear this has nothing to do with a virus, considering that you usually aren't near people at most of these. I've been walking an open preserve and boat launch and see almost no one every day.

Fuck you, I refuse to allow my tax dollars to go to a bench for lazy niggers like you to sit around and drink malt liquor out of a paper sack.

They're driving everyone insane so people will be forced to take a vaccine and ID to get back to "normal".

Just Slav Squat on that shit, lol.

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It's a question of personal character. You'll never catch me sitting in public.

>park benches cost $100,000 tax dollars to install
>they're not even maintained
>union workers charge government $10,000 to nail on 2 boards
>you're not even allowed to use the benches right now

I'm so fucking glad my governor isn't a Democrat. I swear they're trying to make people miserable on purpose and try to blame trump later.

>mfw the thought of all sitting down on those benches squashed on them shoulder to shoulder with your mates whilst you waited for the PE teacher to pick the teams

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pretty sure thats to keep bums from sleeping on em

based Bill Gates getting rid of the homeless

I could sit on that. np

It would be a real shame if somebody showed up with a screw gun and drove away with a truck full of 2x4s..

Like you walk in parks.

free lumber

checkmate homeless

>when you push someone off the end and they're the one who gets punished

I do not want to sit on those nasty ass looking benches anyways

Isn't it funny how all the blue states immediately descend into fear-based authoritarian police states while red states remain free, open, and still very low in relative virus outbreaks? It's almost like when pressed, leftism devolves into authoritarianism.

Lol look at those fucking benches! Hobos wouldn't even sleep on those! Just tear em up and give your city employees something to do when people are allowed to sit at the park alone again. Fucking liberals.

This, we can't lose track of what this is all really about.

They're 2/7s of the way to building new ones lol!