ITT What Trump actually said, that is driving the shills bananas today

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ITT, Leaf desperately begs for the acceptance of his diabetic amerimutt overlords.

Transcript pls

I wanna motorboat those titties.

Aus fears truth, and hearing shit from the source.

He literally said injecting bleach into the ass cures everything, OP. And you know what? He's 100% right! He's a stable genius with big a brain.

ITT, lebanese turds who floated all the way to Australia have an opinion.

Ill take disinfect lungs over black kids stroke my leg hair any day.

Jesus Christ, you're gonna make me side with a LEAF over YOU? Huh faggot? You're really doing this??

wow, what a retard.


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>Aussie flag
>Not based
That one's a chink, that's how you can tell.

It’s all for fun, buddy. Everyone knows we love those moose fucking, maple syrup drinking, hockey watching bitches as much as we love anyone.

So typical. Meme flag and all.

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>"So I asked Bill a question some of you are thinking of if you're into that world, which I find to be pretty interesting. So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous, whether its ultraviolet or just very powerful light, and I think you said, that hasn't been checked but you're gonna test it. And then I said, supposing it brought the light inside the body, which you can either do either through the skin or some other way, and I think you said you're gonna test that too, sounds interesting. And I then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute, and is there a way you can do something like that by injection inside, or almost a cleaning. Because you see it gets in the lungs, and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it'd be interesting to check that. So you're going to have to use medical doctors, but it sounds interesting to me, so we'll see. But the whole concept of the light, the way it goes in one minute, that's pretty powerful."

Opinion automatically discarded memefag

Meme flags don't matter

Off my board mutt

Meeeeeme flag


Good thing you rushed right in to warn us all.
(You) Internet Hero.

kek it's funny cause it's true.

can and will shills be punished? “i’m just doin muh jerb” nor ignorance is a defense against breaking the law or siding with the enemy.
so could shills actually get jailed or even executed? or will they be killed by vigilantes post cabal downfall?


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The mutt falls off his mobility scooter, screaming in anguish.

It’s really easy to spot shills these days. They’re so lazy that they just copy memes but with their own side’s faggot stance on things. That said, Qtards are dumb as fuck, so so are memeflag cunts.

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Good God Trump is a fucking moron.

“muh Q tards”
do you (you fucking retard) realize 8kun is hosted on DOD servers?

this is honestly the weirdest media attempt i've ever seen. what trump said isnt even a big deal and yet everyone is acting like its apocalyptically stupid

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and would you look at that, light and injection of it is a medical appliance.

Trump once again 4D chessing causing the opposing liars to openly show themselfs by trying to ridicule something that is actually real and working.

I don't care

TL;DR Jewboi.

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We should stop doing all medical R&D to prevent Trump from ever being right again.