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What was his final thought?

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Other urls found in this thread: dad is a vp at goldman sachs she did this when she turned 18 love me some rebellious teens

"Too much lysol"


he was comforted by his daughter's acting skills

>i didnt delete that facial abuse video from my laptop

Did anyone?

>should have fucked my daughter a few more times

An actress with breathing difficulties, just like her father :^)

Few years ago she went rebellious and did like 3 porn movies including a facial abuse scene. Mayli I think.

>Few years ago she went rebellious
He probably put her up to it and had private watching parties with his Goldman-Sachs buddies.


Where is the 3rd video? I have only seen videos of facial abuse and another one where she licks some fat fucks ass and lets him creampie her.

Nah. She just got a taste of freedom. Suppress girls go crazy when they leave home for college especially if they join a sorority. She just happened to be filmed.

He probably diddled her first up all her holes before she did that.

>fucking slut

>tfw remember that face even after years of not watching her vids
Have u reached peak COOOMER?

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Imagine having a chinkish daughter kill your heart then a chink virus kill your body.

>Few years ago
Dude, that was like 10 years ago.

>2010 was 23 years ago

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She has more videos? I thought she only had the facialabuse one

She loved it, glad I learned early on from her how sluts really like to be treated.

His daughter will always have a special place in my "downloaded videos" folder

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She definitely at least has 2, the 3rd I have never been able to find.

>What was his final thought?
>"my daughters a fuckin whore, all women are whores"

What happens in the 3rd video.


>a pornstar famous for her love of being abused
>had a good relationship with her father
this is unheard of

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this is some rich NYC asian girl who basically got abused on one of the facial abuse porn vids.

like most girls who are overly promiscuous or have done things like porn, she was probably abused as a child

heres what shes doing now:

he's an NYC finance jew, he doesn't have a heart and probably raped her as a child (as is tradition of the jews).

All 3 here dad is a vp at goldman sachs she did this when she turned 18 love me some rebellious teens

Scroll down for the other 2

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Bullshit, she got kicked out of one university for trying to sell and make drugs. She was fucked in the head before sororities could.

>She just got a taste of freedom
so liberating

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Based user

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Father of the facial abuse girl

WTF is this real????

>cuny hunter college

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It really is sad that so many women fall for the porn meme. They think that doing porn is liberating and empowering and that they'll make alot of money doing it. Then when they end up getting basically raped while only being paid a few hundred dollars they end up mentally breaking down and need hundreds of hours of therapy to recover.


wtf is that cat real

This used to be a dream of mine before this house arrest, targeting and all the jew stuff.

The guy was jewish, so you get the idea.


(the dream was cooming all over a hapa, not the other way)

>I'm gonna, I'm gonna coooof!

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Is this anti-daughter demoralisation propaganda?

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search Mayli Facial Abuse to find her videos

That cat really can dance wow