Thread meant for discussion about Fascism, National Socialism or any other Third Position belief.
>What is fascism?
At it's core, Fascism is a thought based on Unity, Willpower, Duty and Action. It views and wants to see man
as a part of a greater order, in which he has to adhere to the fundamental principles and ideals of Universe itself.In a Natural Order every thing has a place, and thus every thing is good, because it fills it's duty.
This natural order is based upon the various truths of the world, nation, race, gender and family. Everything else stems from this foundation.
>What are fascist economics?
The fundamental principle of Fascist economics is, that economy should serve the nation, not the other way around. This is the basic premise of fascist economics, and everything else stems from it.
Like in Syndicalism, the economy is organized around various corporations/syndicates, but they are still part of the state. Every sector of economy (like agriculture, fishing, public transport) have it's own syndicate,
which is made up of people, who have extensive knowledge and work experience in these sectors of economy. They collectively decide, what's best for their sector (wages, workhours, needed amounts of production).
Above all of them, still stands the state, that controls their actions, in case if they try to harm working class/national industry in any way.
/fg/ - Fascism General
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>Is Fascism different from National Socialism?
Both Fascism and NS share the same worldview. Italian Fascism was born for the conditions on the 20th century Italy, and it was meant for the Italian people, and it was inspired by various Italian movements, like Futurism.
NS was made for the Germanic people, and for the conditions on the 20th century Germany,and inspired by things like Völkisch movement.
While they have the same roots, their leaves are different, just because Italians are different than Germans. The same applies to every fascist group that has ever existed, exists or will exist.
>Is Fascism right or left?
It is beyond the left-right spectrum, synthesising ideas of both wings, while remaning a separate thing on it's own. Fascism is above traditional left-right paradigm, because it adheres to the fundamental truths of the Universe we
live in, while all other ideologies, left or right, are made up belief systems by humans, and their subjective views.
>Is Fascism the same as communism?
No, Fascists aren't materialists, they reject the notion of class warfare and dialectical materialism. Instead, we seek to unite the whole nation, independently of their economic status. Fascists reject the idea of dialectical materialism, instead, Fascists
believe that history is written by great man, who put all their energy into the fight they're facing and transform the material world according to their vision and worldview, using pure willpower. When talking about economics, Fascists still allow private ownership
of land and small busineses, as long as they act according to national interests. We do not seek to destroy the individual, instead we want to empower the individual person as a part of larger collective.
>What about race?
The race is one of the most important things to a fascist. Ethnicity and nation is strictily based on a race, and thus, if the racial makeup of nation changes, it's no longer the same nation. No fascist is "colorblind"
or supports race-mixing.
>Why do Fascists oppose liberalism?
Liberalism, created upon Enlightenment ideals, rejects the idea of organic and natural society, offering "freedom" and "equality" instead. The liberal view on freedom is totally wrong, as it emphasizes hedonistic attitude towards life, and "live and let live"
type of thought. Their "freedom" doesn't make anyone free, it only makes them slaves to their own animalistic desires. "Equality" is something just disgusting. Nothing great was ever created by the equal masses, instead, everything was done by great man
or groups of them, who where miles above the average. Democracy give the illusion to the lowest parts of society, that their opinion actually matters, and that they have a active saying in politics of the nation. Meanwhile, they are used by
the degenerate ruling class, who uses their lack of knowledge to push their own agenda. Thus, every liberal democracy is really just oligarchy, where people with the biggest influence use the common folk for their own good and personal gain. Liberal economics
put the emphasis on profit of the few, while viewing the regular, working-class man as nothing more than tool for the enrichment of elites. Both Liberalism and democracy creates a divided society.
>Why do Fascists oppose communism?
Communism is materialistic to it's core, it views human beings only in digits, and the only differnce between Communism and Capitalism is that Communism wants to divide resources differently. Fascism on the other hand, is idealistic, it recognizes
the spiritual and artistic needs of a man. Communism also promotes class warfare, while Fascism aims to unite the economic clases of a nation behind a higher goal.
Recommended reading
>Benito Mussolini - The Doctrine of Fascism
>Adolf Hitler - My Struggle
>George Sorel - Reflections on Violence
>Corneliu Zelea Codreanu - For My Legionaries
>Oswald Mosley - Fascism 100 Questions Asked and Answered
>Ironmarch Literature and Articles
>Raven Thompson - The Coming Corporate State
>Oswald Spengler - Prussianism And Socialism
>Oswald Spengler - Decline of West
>Giovanni Gentile - The Philosophic Basis of Fascism
>Julius Evola - Revolt Against The Modern World
>Francis Parker Yockey - Imperium
>George Lincoln Rockwell - This Time The World
>Kevin B. Macdonald - Culture of Critique
>Yukio Mishima - Sun and Steel
>Fausto Pitigliani - The Italian Corporative State
>Ernst Junger - Storm Of Steel
>James Mason - SIEGE
Useful links
>Doctrine of Fascism
>Mein Kampf
>Library of various Fascist works
>Ironmarch Archive
>NOOSE Archive
>Fascist/NS Philosophy
>Various Philosophic Works
>Cultured Thug YT Channel
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Bump for support
>schwarze sonne
/fg/ - Fed General
bump for my brothers
GTFO neosocialist leftard
whachya doin rabbi?
>What is fascism?
...a form of authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society and of the economy.
FTFY, stupid.
>can't discern separate id's
>everything that's not my favourite brand of judaism must be another brand of judaism
Go pray to (((schicklgruber)))
You wouldn't be a high ranking official if fascism were implemented, just so you know. You and your family would be lined on the wall and shot because your neighbor told the local officer you criticized the supreme leader.
ok commie
Shouldn't you be shilling Biden juden?
>everything that's not my favourite brand of interventionist totalitarian socialism must be another brand of interventionist totalitarian socialism
Fucking pinko
Biden is a joke and Trump is a moderate. I don't care for either. And why are you so obsessed with kikes, you circumcised marroon?
Here is a better logo that isn't larpy coomer shit
>socialists defending socialists for defending followers of a zombie kike on a pike
>calling other people socialist kikes
fucking cringe. fuck outta here coomer simp
what are you a porn jew?
you are a subversive kike please kys
Australian kike
>subversing kike kys
i have no interest in imitating your idol adolf (((schicklgruber)))
You are so scared of the idea of Hitler, you must slander him at every turn, he's the only one who almost defeated you, Jew, his spirit cannot be defeated so you might as well give up
>Muh National Socialism = Marxism.
Literal Marxist Propaganda.
Designed to make ((((Marxism)))) the only alternative to the status quo, pushing all those who have even the slightest care for the common good into the arms of the Marxists.
your literal idealism of "paradise" is a place where minorities are non-white
christianity is statistically majority non-white on a global scale
you want to spend ETERNITY with spics and niggers that will outnumber you in said "paradise"
I would kill you, slaughter your whole jew worshiping family, and ascend to valhalla with my white forebearers, and ONLY my white forebearers while you ascend to nigger-spicdom
>using not only the life and death runes of pre-christianity but the Black Sun as well to promote your semitic jew worship from the Middle East
genuinely fucking astounding
you are the bottom of the barrel that the white race could ever fathomably conceive and deserve to be brutally disemboweled to death like a kike
Bump fascism and catholic rule is the best option for white people!
>mmuh mustache man bad.
Literally sell it somewhere else rabbi.
cum brained faggot consumer of jewish media
keep thinking you're the saviour of the white race by playing video games you fucking faggot retard.
he says triumphantly as he gestates in front of his glowing computer screen in the dark, glimmly smug as he clicks between multiple tabs of Yas Forums and Yas Forums, thinking about what jewshit hollywood trash to watch next, what faggot tv show, what batman faggot video game to play. no, you're mad that I'm pointing out the fact that like you enjoy being entertained by jewish pop culture and media while your race is genocided to extinction. le epic tyron lancaster cock and wine joke
cock and wine and dragons little baby yoda hurr star wars
fucking consumerist retard. blame the jews all you want, but the reason white women depise and loathe you is because you're a subhuman retarded faggot with a testosterone count that is sub
>You Believe "X" because you are Christian
Nigger you have no fucking idea what i believe.
Just like i dont know about Peganism from watching the Marvel movie thor.
Whether it jives with your fucking varg teir faggotry or not there are plenty of redpilled christain ideologies out there
(pic related)
Muh National Socialism = Marxism.
You're the only one who said that. There are non-marxist socialisms, and if you did your homework you'd know why fascism is one. And I despise every single one of you socialists, marxist, bakuninist, proudhonians and all.
>mustache man good
Go sell your pilpul elsewhere you illiterate moishe
you're fucking laughable
>worshiping a jewish semitic deity from the Middle East and calling anywhere but Mother Europa my holy lands is in the best interest for the white race
>This much salt
>t I'm pointing out the fact that like you enjoy being entertained by jewish pop culture and media while your race is genocided to extinction. le epic tyron lancaster cock and wine joke
>>cock and wine and dragons little baby yoda hurr star wars
>>>fucking consumerist retard.
Christ fucking knows if you werent just as much of a plebbit tier faggot you would NOT be able to make those god damn references.
Suck a dick Yas Forumstard.
Never thought I'd fight side by side with a poofter boong