I am about to finish the book The lightning and the sun.
What other literature can you recommend on the topics of redpills, Judaism, globalism, national socialism?
Redpill literature
Other urls found in this thread:
Starship Troopers
Sai Westwood
Greek mythology.
I'm not gay
>lightning and sun
If you’re into spiritual hitlerism then you can read Nos by Miguel Serrano.
>posts on Yas Forums
>I'm not gay
Lmao, good one.
Ernst von Solomon’s The Outlaws is pretty good, Weimar era accelerationism
Who is that she’s so fucking hot
Post boipucci
Also looking for esoteric shit but not varg tier larpery about placenta
Im not strong in any literature but russian, but i can advice "Bratya Karamazovy" Dostoevsky
Britfag found it
No :3
I'm not asking you to become an Athenian, my dude. I'm asking you to take a look at the myths hold the foundations of western culture values.
best sci-fi has ever produced.
Siege by James Mason.
The Rational Male
Bachelor Pad Economics
Is Coffee Good For You is a good book.
The Brothers Karamazov is great
I’ll also add A Hero Of Our Time by Lermontov not esoteric or NS themed, but it’s a good book
The hidden wealth of nations by Gabriel "the zuc" Zucman.
Eric Hoffer - The True Believer: Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements
Based kike
Growth of the Soil (Markens Grøde) by Knut Hamsun
if you like preachy, nonsensical, childish interpretations of Ayn Rand-style Objectivism, the Sword of Truth books are hysterical
Oh my dick is coming it cooms with all its might
Its boring and useless. If you are a member of a culture you already know the culture.
it is all literature through one prism and with one message. You will never be redpilled if you reading the same point of view with different "sauce".
Thats why leftist are so retarded, they know only leftism
dont be an extreme of the same entity as leftists my friend
March of Titans: complete history of the white race
Everything you need is here:
If you read Nos you’re in for a wild ride
I'm a finance major so I'm well versed in economics , finance and globo homo bullshit already, don't need more retarded leftwing propaganda at this point