Does anyone actually known someone who has the virus?
Does anyone actually known someone who has the virus?
It's usually knowing someone who knows someone else. This bastard HIV/flu freak virus may or may not have already infected most people. You might have had it already as "bronchitis" but it's really difficult to tell.
I know someone who knows someone who has it
I couple of my friends have it.
One of my uncle was tested positive, he died last Monday after 5 days at the hospital. The grandma of my wife also have it but without symptoms (also tested). Two distant relatives also have it.
Of couse I know him, he's me
Me, I had it twice, I smoked a bong of fish tank cleaner and then injected disinfectant into my peepee.
I might get it again just for the lols
well... a grandmother of a cousin of a cousin in Madrid died.
did you drink your bleach user?
My mom. She’s 61. It’s really not a big deal if you’re not 80 and/or immunocompromised.
Is coffee good for you?
Some black on my facebook feed posted a video about him having it. Looks like he just has a cold.
Because the symptoms of coronavirus are a cold.
my mom's friend has it
went in twice for bouts of pneumonia in a span of 3 weeks before they let her test for it
*Double pneumonia
Co-worker tested positive, 2 weeks of paid vacation boys
Yeah almost like there's some sort of propaganda going on here.
My maternal grandmother died of it two days ago, fortunately it was the one I was not close with.
Still haven't answered my aunt's text. Called my dad to make sure my paternal grandma was okay instead.
I just had a close friend die of a stroke and then I read some article about Corona causing strokes. So I dunno
A few coworkers got it a week ago. All got quarantined immediately, as well as everyone that interacted with them.
It's safe to say that you're not gonna encounter any people infected with corona if you spend all your day shitposting on a frogish board
toxic jewish mother, user ?
she gas ur (((little))) nose ?
Sounds a lot like the common cold.
Oy vey, my grandmother was infected in the Covid-19 chambers in auschwitz and was burned to death so that it wouldn't count as a "Sickness Death" by the nazis. Two years after the war ended my mother was born and she too had covid-19.
My gf's whole family got it. The dad and oldest sister tested positive and they saved the tests on the rest of them since they all had the same symptoms (coughing, headaches were huge, fevers, general unwell).
Yes. Im on Long island, nassau county, so far..... two aunts who work at a hospital here have had it, one was fine, one was in bad shape. I have lost three clients so far. two were orthodox jews who kept gathring. the third was just a guy who worked in the city.
more like brapaganda
The US death total is around 50K!!!!
If this keeps up, we might even reach the 80,000 death toll from the 2018 FLU season.
My homie's homie from the tattoo shop died
My 96 year old grandpa has it. I think he's almost over it, despite their best attempts to kill him through dehydration. Doing much better now that we told those dumbfucks to give him basic fluids.
only celebs can get it
Is virus good for you?
I know a guy that has it, "ho got it from his wife".
He got it 3 weeks ago, no symptoms, no nothing.
My wife's bosses mother had it and was fine. Describes as a bad flu
Don't even know anyone who knows anyone who has had it. Even the doctors haven't actually seen a case of Corona.
> cherry picking the highest estimate of the deadliest flu season of the last 10 years.
wow what an absolute nigger
A colleague at work of my great uncle had it.
2 people died at my work with it. They were older and had preexisting conditions so who knows really
I had it
imagine the smell
My parents' friend does
rice and fish
I think the people who work for BNO have it because they haven't updated their site in 2 days.