Perfect Europa does not exi-

Perfect Europa does not exi-....

Attached: perfect europe.png (1600x900, 1.69M)

What fucking mod is that?

Purple Dawn- Beta

may as well just draw a map on ms paint

Attached: 91544067_1292322234290551_8177081974327608943_n.jpg (720x720, 81.18K)

What's it about, you probably know about it better than the reddit descriptions

That map is absolutely BUILT

Why the fuck does he look like Bryan Cranston

The triumph over the armies of the Seljuk Empire in 1071 has cast its legacy over Byzantium for over 850 years now. The era of pride and prestige that followed in Rhomaion echoed beyond the winds of change. However, in 1930, the old order established in the preceding centuries is threatened by the rise of radical ideas, expansionism, and nationalism.
This mod explores the question of "what if Byzantium won Manzikert?"
This is a beta build of Purple Dawn: Rome in the Modern Era. As such, it is incomplete, BUT more complete than Alpha! I would love input on this mod. It will help me build this mod to its fullest potential.

>Bryan Cranston
Maybe it's based on him as a placeholder, hansel Ulmstert doesn't exist

Attached: Bryan-Cranston.jpg (300x409, 16.37K)

Because he IS the leader of germany in this mod for some reason haha

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What kind of directions will the story and the focuses go to in the mod? I've played HOI4 mods before and WCs aren't that fun if there isn't some flavor to what you're doing.
Like what kind of paths, ideologies and parties are we gonna see in the future?

Greece has tons of custom focuses as well.

Attached: Greece.png (1600x900, 1.22M)

What is it with Germans and playing these alternate history larp strategy games?

We just need some time from our overdose of work simulators after our work.

Attached: funny-German-working-simulator-beer.jpg (540x995, 165.53K)

Every country plays them.

I assume it's the same reason brits are obsessed with football simulators and simulating winning a world cup.

Attached: download.jpg (1280x720, 161.8K)

its a german hobby

Attached: map-painting-with-apu.jpg (1749x1000, 468.37K)

Redrawing borders is the favorite past-time of the master race

This is the perfect Europe.

Attached: perfect europe.jpg (1024x1006, 175.26K)

that hit too close to home, fuck OFF

>Not all of it occupied by the Second Finnish Hyperkhaganate

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It isn’t just Germans, fren

Attached: 5F856CAB-0444-4C6A-AE0D-79F13ED595AD.jpg (807x1024, 118.09K)

fuck your mother

What the fuck is that Ireland mate


>Marge Simpson sucking on a black dick


Attached: 1587598970732.jpg (920x767, 56.95K)

fuck you ill kill you piece of shit your mother get fucked by me tonight ok?

I knew we were the bad guys all along
If Germany wasn't so fucking cucked I'd happily join it, while we leave the french-swiss and italian-swiss to France and Italy.
For sure will join once the Nazis return from the dark of the moon


>Reality is often disappointing

Attached: eu4_302.png (1920x1080, 3.53M)

I can't see it.

Big boi

I refuse to play any of these games until I can conquer the world as the Faroe Islands.