
Nope, she's still too fat.
Why can't women just lose weight and look good?

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This is the worst thread I ve seen in days. worse than the endless nigger threads

What a fat bitch.

Hating obese retards doesn't mean you vouch for for skelly people

man the harpoons!

"I'm not an antisemite, my best friend is an Auschwitz survivor"

Seriously, what a heifer

God, put the fork down, fatty

You might not like it ladies but this is what peak performance looks like

I would go out with a girl like that, but I don't want to be acused of being a chubby chaser.


Can you stop posting gross hambeasts here ?

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>>Fat, ugly cunt posts extreme anorexia to combat her competition...actual healthy girls.

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I miss when women put in effort like this.

I’m comfortable with threads promoting/ encouraging the culling of non-whites and removing kikes as a race but making fun of white girls with anoxia nervosa isn’t based.

Land ho, amirite lads

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slide thread. why hasn't OP been banned yet, as well as everyone who replied without sage?

I see way too many fat girls and think, wow they really messed up. a lot could be pretty if they weren't fat, we'd have less incels as a result

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Look at all these hot jewish brauds Oy Vey!!

What is wrong with you, OP?

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Manufactured for melatonan rich phallus

Eating disorders are sad

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Over 2/3 of women have an eating disorder that makes them eat too much.

The healthy at every size type of SJW shit just proves the left is one giant coping mechanism. they are trying to mainstream how weird they are so people stop laughing at them

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I mean that's true too

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Post her flap meat

it's dangerous to keep kindling that close to a fire

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Those Antifa make me laugh.

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Don't have it

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