Checkmate, 5G is dangerous
yes but does not cause corona. corona is due to bad diet, habits, etc. 5G fags take it to far.
I guess all other rat based studies for cancer research are irrelevant then because they’re not humans
> citing .gov propaganda
all radio waves have the potential to be dangerous.
Damn, time to pull everything and move back to the stone age.
Yes understood, The study indicates at the lower end of 5G band a significant increase in oxidative stress from 2100Mhz. If the 5G towers are at the same output level which is even under the W/Kg thresholds then it’s going to cause cancer free radicals.
Second link shows worst heating from. 900mhz. 1g is killing us all. Lmao. All rf exposure is negative. Chink land 5g is something diff. But all this mm wave shit is for internet of things and mass surveillance. We are cooking ourselves with a Cia wet dream, we got addicted to and carry in our pockets. Read up on wavelengths and exposure limits as well. It may open your eyes to other dangers. Being radio enthusiast makes some of this 5g nonsense hard to deal with.
Tldr;all radio frequency is bad, 5g is to give bandwidth for social credit score and control grid.
1000mhz is the lower band of 5G.
More towers
More cooking
Well good, I don't want my radicals to have cancer!
5g deprives you of oxygen > your lungs fug up > you "get" corona
2G was dangerous.
You are too retarded to keep track of health statistics after introducing any new technology, food, treatment...
here, op ...enjoy some anti-electricity propaganda from back in the days. you’re on their level. kook
Jews are repeating this crap, but it looks like you just zap people with a DEW and they can't breathe (or it's a poison or something else).
No oxygen crap or 5G dindu nuffins.
Refute the study then. Try and find a counter study, I’ll help you out. There isn’t one.
No one actually believes the Corona and 5G relation. Its flat earth tier conspiracy that is being hyped.
>34 countries with 5G networks
>200+ countries with the coof
How does 5G react to all the metals in the body that they put in our atmosphere?
If 5g is dangerous why am I still alive then
This isn’t the corona link. It’s merely the increase in cellular tower distribution that at higher levels. Including the MHz bandwidth will cause further complications in frontal lobe Oxidative stress and cancer causing free radicals
Why havent we died from being under visible light?
Higher frequency, more energy
Visible and UV ioinisomg radiation’s causes melanoma and skin carcinomas after prologues exposure
Visible is not ionizing though
UVC is
A & B are not
because visible light can't penetrate past your skin, which is able to deal with it
And the sun hasnt killed us already by pumping us full on spectrum yet, why?
5g is awesome, stop spreading disinfo. But i get it, you're boomers who are afraid of new tech because yall struggle to use TV remotes lmao
Because it’s at a level lower than the ratings in the study.
Check the study, W/Kg levels lower than nominal ratings suggested for 5G carrier waves and are causing problems.
If it was effective at killing rat brains but NOT human brains don't you think they would deploy it as an "electronic pesticide" not as a fucking tindr enabler.
They're selling shit we don't need and taxing us for it. 5G-propagandists must be eliminated.
3kw/sqrm is quite a bit higher than the
Water is wet.