This is a dead fetus at 19 weeks. You can still legally abort a fetus for up to 20 weeks...

This is a dead fetus at 19 weeks. You can still legally abort a fetus for up to 20 weeks. Do you think this fetus was a living thing or nah?

Attached: eww.jpg (300x168, 7.29K)

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I don't consider leafs to be a proper lifeform, so the answer is yes

It look like a little alien

drink bleach for trump

If it's a white baby then yes, it was living

kinda disgusting but cute hat

Yes its a living thing (why would you think its not alive are you stupid or something?)
But its just like flushing a goldfish down the toilet or something.

What kind of sadistic creature kills the baby and then puts a hat on it like if it was a doll or something?

Why did they put a hat on the fetus?

kill yourself christtard

That’s a strange looking just a clump of cells

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my guess is that it was born alive, but obviously not going to make it so they kept him comfortable for his short little life. it's sweet and a kind thing to do.

It was a living thing but in a state where it was more an organ than separate beeing.

Again, like all things, it depends on the race. If it's a nigger baby, sure, they're not alive as adults anyway.

looks like a nigger

>This is a dead fetus at 19 weeks.
Looks like Chinese food to me

>t. Non-White subhuman

Only if it wasn't Canadian

Made for BBC

What race is it?

It's a dead white baby so a good thing I guess. Based Shlomos & their Kalergi plan

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That's an angel. Whoever says differently, can go fuck himself.

Unless it can survive outside of the womb on its own I don't care. If it gets to that point then yeah, don't kill it. But until then it's basically a parasite living off the mother and they should be able to get rid of it if they don't want it.

Ayyyyyy lmao

It died when cut off
So not a proper life

>oh no, look at the little baborino, each life is precious

It has a hat so is human

>Legally abort up to 20 weeks
>20 weeks
>5 months
What hellhole do you live in where such late term abortions are legal? Are you including those for medical reasons?

Depends on race

this kind of thought is why we deserve whatever happens to us. we destroy our progeny and support replacing ourselves with invaders

Abortion is the worst and most disgusting crime ever committed.
And it happens about 45 million times a year, on this sick planet.
That’s 125,000 innocent human beings killed every day.
By the time you finish reading this post, about 100 more little babies will have been killed.

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they use these aborted fetuses to sell organs to kikes

That number is way to low
Mandatory abortion at starbux and McD's from now

The secret Yas Forums discord link is discord gg 2hc3gS6
We will interview Bill Gates this week. join.

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>was it a living thing?
What color was it?

Life begins at conception. This scientific fact is a critical fracture in the left wing positions that, if exploited, lynches all of them for failing to live up to their vaunted humanistic morals.

Force them to admit that they support convenience killing. Then once we've accepted that "convenience" is a justifiable ground for killing something, we can then have a nice conversation about gang crime and muslim paedophile rape rings.


Define parasite you fucking loser.

Here's how consent works. If the fetus can survive on its own. Aka without the mother. And breathe on it's own. It's a baby. If it can't. It's a fetus. Yes you may be preventing a life from being brought into the world, By having an abortion. Reasons to get one might be but not limited to abnormalities noticed during a ultrasound. You really want this kid to live in a bed unconscious breathing with a machine it's whole life? What's the point.

As far as using it for birth control. Most the time that's only done up to 6 weeks when it's still a clump of cells. I'm sure you can find examples otherwise.

Here's where it becomes a consent issue. In your own Constitution, it states you can't own another person, or any part of said person's body. If that fetus is not yet viable on its on, you can't tell the mother what to do. It's not ideal to have an abortion, but in most cases it's better to abort then it is to bring up some mongoloid or toss it into the system without real parents with adoption. Either way. It's up to the other. Not the court, not you. If the fetus can survive on its own and it's viable - THEY WILL NOT ABORT. It has nothing to do with the way it looks. That's why it's important to remember the reason for it being 19-20 weeks. The fetus can probably survive outside the mother's womb at that point. Saying anything otherwise directly violates the thirteenth amendment.

Isn't science and facts fun?

So by your logic I can kerb stomp any baby or child while laughing because they are a parasite living off their parents and society and they dont contribute anything themselves.

Did your mom call you a parasite when you were a baby?
>Seems like not since i get to reply to you.

>Here's how consent works. If the fetus can survive on its own. Aka without the mother

Most children under 6 years old wouldnt survive very long on their own without their parents.

Abortions aren't a complete waste. The fetus has vital nutrients that can repair damaged organs. It's sort of like a fountain of youth if you can afford it lol.

friendly reminder that children are property of the father until they can support themselves (which is at minimum around 6 or 8)