Censorship on Twitter based on local laws

>I-IS that the moustache guy? HITLER? aaAAAAAAAHHHHhhhh I'm gonna... gonna BLITZCOOM!!!! TIMe to destrOY EUROPE AGAIN!! I'ma.. i'm gonna RRRRUUUUULE!!
Is this what goes through legislators' heads when crafting custom laws for internet censorship in Germany? Is this really worth restricting freedom of expression over?

This is technolo/g/y btw, more concretely the nexus between tech and law/free speech/censorship.

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>I'm gonna... gonna BLITZCOOM!!!! TIMe to destrOY EUROPE AGAIN!! I'ma.. i'm gonna RRRRUUUUULE!!
If only

Zaid Kuchiki has nice taste. Shota Byakuya is top tier

you are cattle to the goyim. they wont let you post heroes.

>Is this what goes through legislators' heads when crafting custom laws for internet censorship in Germany?
They are usually insane Boomers without any clue how the internet works and a desperate desire to force everyone to think like them.

You won't find a group more obsessed with Hitler then the German parliament, even the most dedicated Neo-Nazis are practically disinterested in the whole thing compared to German politicians, just in the other direction, obviously.

Makes no sense, goyim literally means non-Jews

its late, my bad.

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wehraboos seething

Yas Forums out, This wasn't intended to be about some 20th century war criminal. I could have taken google maps as an example, showing different versions of disputed borders and sea territories in different countries. I'm wondering about the implications of different versions of "Agreed-Upon Truth"

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>hurrr Yas Forums out
stupid jew, posting an image more interesting than your topic is a mistake and meme originating from the birth of this website. now return from whence you came

>wehraboos seething
As if.
The German government has been seething over any mentions of Nazis (even in the context where you are literally just shooting them) for many decades.
No Neonazi is as much into NS...

everything is censored in germany
they are worse than saudi arabia

>20th century war criminal
I don't see any? That is Hitler, not Churchill/Truman.

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>War criminal
Based on laws made up after the crime and even then not all parties are/were held accountable to these "laws". Calling someone a criminal, regardless of your moral objections, is quite absurd given such laws.


b-buts thats not even illegal in germany

twitter is just saving its ass with machine learning and blocking everything related to nazis

I mean seriously, what, except for a bit of Wehrmacht Rape was there on actual *war* crimes done by the Axis?


>b-buts thats not even illegal in germany
Are you sure?
You might argue that this is a form of Wiederbetätigung, as you are trying to associate Hitler with modern media characters and by that trying to put him into a different, possibly more acceptable, light.

What war crimes did Hitler commit?

Is saying "Ja mein Führer" really a warcrime though?

>tfw you never noticed WWII class was almost all about the Holocaust and was nothing but reading emotional Jewish lies about Nazis turning kids into soccer balls or some shit
>No real evidence exists outside eyewitness accounts and stories
>It's so real you're not even allowed to investigate it, a distinction that isn't even shared with any other event

At some point the truth will be revealed, I have no clue what domino effect that is going to have.

it's not the picture of hitler, it's the nazi insignia he has on his tie.


So where is the tech related question again?

The question is how we, as denizens of the society/-ies we do live in, want to utilize the technology which will, intentionally or not, mold said society.

I wonder how anyone but celebs even utilizes something like twitter in the first place.

Youtube doesn't even region lock their subversion.
Can't have the gentiles learning about nationalism, can we?

Attached: Jewtube_Censor_Swastika.png (1081x240, 180.76K)

youre a kraut.
you cant be trusted with freedom.

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I don't think I've ever learned anything directly related to the holocaust in high school history. The closest I got to was the events leading up to WW2.

Nobody has. Pretty much everyone in America is forced to read Night by Elie Wiesel. Only because his lies are the least bullshit, every other eyewitness "hero story" is so unbelievable a critical thinker would realize it's bullshit. Yeah thank God you got sick Mr. Goldstein, those Nazis cancelled the gassing and got you to a hospital right quick. Wait a minute...

>tfw you never noticed WWII class was almost all about the Holocaust
I didn't, because that wasn't the case for me. 70% were about the usual historical facts, 20% about the aftermath and the remaining 10% were about the Holocaust. And it was that much only because we made a day trip to Mauthausen. It's literally 2 sites in my old history book.

Then you had a good teacher who only did what he was required to do in order to keep his job. My experience was pretty blatant, WWII is important but every time we studied it we would focus on the Jews and their persecution. Often in video form or by making us read a book in a history class, which is the one of the few times in a history class I was actually required to read a book instead of a textbook.

Exterminated millions of gay people, jewish people, black people, trans people, latynx people, and starting a world war that killed millions more?

Sounds more like a Germany problem than a Twitter problem t b h

Don't know
Don't care
Fuck off, 1/128 German Americans

newfag go home

Not at all. She was actually one of the best teachers I've ever had. However, she rightfully assumed that we already knew enough about the atrocities committed during WW2 (at least the ones on the German side) and wanted to focus on aspects that are usually overlooked or only briefly explained.

that's not twitter tho, that's Germany forcing twitter to do it
they do the exact same thing in video games as well
>how is this even possible how do germans not rebel
occupied nation running mass deradicalization psyops that's intended to keep their occupiers there while castrating it of the only ideology that can mobilize the modern basedlords that Germans are into something threatening

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