Just messaged her lads, wish me luck

Just messaged her lads, wish me luck

I had to google half of the terminology she used but came to the conclusion that she is a biological female and actually does like straight masculine looking males

She looks kind of goofy but under her politically progressive get-up she's actually kind of cute. Also listing that she's a virgin is kind of a bold move but leads me to believe she's kind of begging to get dicked

We actually share a lot of similar tastes in entertainment media which leads me to believe there's actually more there under this liberal persona she has created for herself

What are the odds that I can bring her back down to earth and get her to give up this nonsense she has going, or is she a lost cause?

Attached: 04-24-2020 6 43AM.png (1484x769, 238.25K)

If she doesn’t even consider trying anal, drop her immediately

I wouldn't say go for it, because let's face it, that's not even wife material, and just a dicking will get her more into the black hole that is gender politics. Go in only if you are willing to marry her.

Good luck user. One quick one to the back of the head should do it.

Ermmm...there’s red flags all over this. My gf is kinda like that, she’s a “liberal” and believes all kinds of stupid shit. I made a joke about how blacks never invented anything and she starts yelling at me how they did, so I said name an inventor. She started yelling about “my American education doesn’t allow me to do that” and I said “cause there isn’t any” and she proceeded to look up some random African literal who “scientists”.

>doesn't want kids
Are you fucking retarded? unless you plan on killing it, GTFO.

>old WOMEN
>in younger PERSON's body
>not interested in kids
>kind of andro
its a trap you fucking retard shil


She’s going to accuse you publicly of rape the moment you even show the slightest hint of your power level or you don’t militantly adhere to her brainwashed world views


You dun fucked up OP, this person is so fucking crazy that it's not worth even bothering trying to fuck her. This entire profile is a huge red flag.

are you retarded?

>She looks kind of goofy

Goofy? No.

Attached: download.jpg (200x252, 6.91K)

She has cats and dog babies though!

This shit has to be bait. Saged.

I'm not exactly husband material either and I'm only like a 3/10. I'm a pretty shitty human honestly. I'm just wondering if it's worth "trying to change" someone like that
I love peanut butter man
In many ways yes
It's not, she listed that she likes Yu Yu Hakusho on her profile and I think that's pretty cool

Attached: pic.png (499x408, 307.41K)

Because I’m familiar with that site...
75% match is great, buuuuut - that means that there’s more than a few questions that you SEVERELY disagreed on. I’d find out what those are ASAP, and decide what is worth bending on. If your building’s foundation is 75% solid, it’s gonna be a slow, painful collapse that wasn’t worth building in the first place.

You'll never get laid incel nice try

OP you better run. That thing is concentrated crazy

I'm a complete noob to human relationships, maybe you guys can give a little advice before this thread gets 404d

Is my profile decent looking or is it covered in red flags too? IDK, I try to assume the best in everyone and can look past supposed flaws but I really have no idea what I'm doing. Maybe trying to date someone like that OP pic isn't a good idea but I wouldn't mind trying to befriend someone like that

Attached: 87687687.png (803x706, 116.51K)

My first and last messages with an Okcupid girl who said she will only have female friends.

Attached: okcupidedit.jpg (896x733, 81.38K)

You kind of look like that kid from Harry Potter that grew up to be super handsome... Neville? Something like that.

>not interested in having kids
Why bother?

How did none of you fags notice this

Attached: Screenshot_20200424-092145_Samsung Internet.jpg (1000x1015, 231.32K)

people can change their mind about stuff, I think that chick in OP pic needs saving
do I look like the dorky kid version or adult version of neville? I was a fat girly looking ugly kid in my childhood which really fucked with my self-esteem well into my 20s, I've been told I'm good looking before but I always just assumed it was people lying to me

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You have to message 20 women a day. I was an expert texter and decent profile and face. And i only had a 20% response rate from OKC.

Of those 60% never texted back a 2nd time. It really is a numbers game. After you hit it off ask her to meet up, if she gives youbany other answer than YES!! Drop the bitch and move on.

This is how online dating works

Jesus fucking Christ I've gotta get off this board.

It fucking astounds me websites like these exist. The sheer neuroticism of it all.

People really need to understand that they aren't that important.

>being a nonpaid
nonpaying maybe?
also, you are too agreable to get anything worth.

If you fuck her properly you can control her by her orgasm and by attention you chose to award her.
Encourage her to the right idealogies/redpill and reward her good observations, while routinely pitying the left/faggotry.

Shut the fuck up and get off my board you self loathing pile of shit. I came in here expecting a giggle and now I'm actually getting mad at your sheer faggotry.

What does that mean? Is it le hand rubbing bearded kike merchant or smth? Halp ke out here.