It is time for the Australians to take over this board

Amerimutts have been shitting up this board for far too long. Ever since 2016 a multitude of faggots have migrated here from reddit, home of r/The_Donald, and have been bringing their retarded conceptions of reality with them.

It is time for the Australians to take over.

Amerimutts are some of the least educated people in the first world:


Their “infallible” retard of a president is not the reincarnation of Adolf Hitler, he loves jews and has been sucking off israel ever since he was sworn into office.


Amerimutts are some of the fattest and ugliest people in the world, with some of the largest egos.


There are more places in the world than America.

GET OUT. Get off this fucking board. I am sick and tired of you fagging up this place with your reddit-tier stupidity. It is time for the Australians.

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It's time.


I support you.

Shut the fuck up.
We're America's greatest ally.
Sorry about this retarded abbo, Yanks. We'll deport him when we get the next chance (we actually have deported Abbos in the past)

fuck yea cunt spot on, fuck these obese fatmerican cunts

fuck off cunt you seppo poof

Amerisharts are disgusting but all those Facts apply to Australia just as much

There's always the seppo cock rider to deal with first though, the worst of the worst, wishes he was Americunt with an AK15 slung over his big belly just below the ammo pooches bought from Cletus's sporting goods.

I agree everyone here is a fucking retard. American politics is totally centered around economics and the massively prevailing idea among these people is that conservatism can only mean libertarianism. There is absolutely no understanding of social political theory anymore. You have to like niggers and faggots and the jew theory is paranoia and the media takeover is unfortunate but "whats the alternative, BIG GOVERNMENT!?" Send help.

is YOURE president giving medical advice that the LIBERAL MEDIA does'nt want you to hear because of ZIONISM??
did'nt think so.

MAGA 2020

Fuck off americock-loving faggot. You’re not welcome

This sounds good actually. The only problem is that the white nationalists will spill out of this containment board and ruin the wholesome ones. Stay off my /ck/ bored, trumptards.

Good luck with that, you kangaroo fucking faggots.

Be grateful, We wouldn't be able to afford your centerlink payments if it wasn't for America footing the bill for global millitary defence against shit-skins, chinks, and commies.

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Australia is literally just a shittier version of Texas.
Know your place Bruce.

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Hey you lost your entire country and your bants and everything that made you interesting to the Chinese but at least you still have seething cope fueled rage

Strayans are the most cucked race on planet Earth confirmed. Go stand outside without sunscreen you silly little cock sucker

Ah yes, “be grateful”. Would you like me to get on my knees and suck their disgusting amerimutt cocks just like you’re doing? I’ll leave you to it, you disgusting traitorous fuckwit. You are not welcome in australia either.

Send him to Africa. And not south africa either like oogabooga middle of bumfuck nowheresville.

I, for one, welcome our Australian overlords.

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Race war when?

weeb pedo cunt, you have no say when the adults are talking you disgusting fucking child molestor

I'm the guy who originally defended America, but your post is just silly. Fighting idiotic wars for Israel doesn't help us. We'd be absolutely fine, militarily speaking, if America didn't exist.

How can he be traitorous if we've been sucking American cock for the past 120 years? All we've ever known is American cock

Your lineage is criminals that England didn't want. Kill yourself fag.

Sure, I'll move to the USA. At least they're less cucked by their own government than AUS.

ausshit is a police state can't even travel interstate or leave the house without being fined by the police


at least americans fight for their freedom and are already starting to protest.

aussie faggots love being bent over by the state. nobody here will say a peep if we were locked down till 2021

Yeah americans are a fucking joke. But the real joke is that even though they are such glaringly obvious fucking retards, they still control more of the power in the world than our backwater disfunction of a state ever will.

They have mastered the pigfight - we get covered in shit and they just enjoy themselves

Look at aus/pol/
somehow even more degenerate than brit/pol/
you want that for the entire board?


This user is owned by the Chinese.

Australia is the most irrelevant country on earth.

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Your the odd leftist faggot out on a board filled with ethnic nationalists. I'm sorry your sedentary lifestyle has left you with abysmally low testosterone. Hit the weights and lose the noodle arms.

>”Don’t make fun of americanons, OP! You should be grateful!”

You might as well drop the fake Australian Flags by turning of your VPN’s, Amerifaggots.

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how about you go fucking slam your head on a sink and die you fucking down syndrome retard
couldn't live without McDonalds and niggers huh?

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Disclaimer: this user is owned by Israel and China. Amerifaggots, you should realise that your inflated self-importance is not accepted by the rest of the world.

Them's fight'n words!
Stick 'em up!
I'm gonna teach yer some manners!

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wow thank you America for these infinity pakis, indians, chinks, arabs, gooks and niggers I now get to live with

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What a load of absolute shit, the American military became an absolute joke until very recently, most if not all the stinks in the world were fostered by the US state department and CIA and US military assets were only used as fodder or as provocation. Who the fuck would want to be involved with that shit fight.
