Stop being a whiny little bitch and just wear your damn face mask

Stop being a whiny little bitch and just wear your damn face mask.

Attached: Wear-it.jpg (500x564, 46.73K)

but i could still get it.

Why? Everyone is going to catch it anyway and the disease is mild as fuck, I don't live by my grandparents so they can't get sick from me. Might as well not be uncomfortable

Herd immunity. The same people who would've died of the flu this year died of this. The rest of us have the antibodies.

Like the flu. Every year. Throughout humanity, it's how we're still here.

Wad your mask up, cram it into your throat and choke on it.


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Fuck you, I'll do whatever I want. It's hilarious how you faggots switched from "masks don't work" to "everyone must wear a mask"

I hope this mask thing becomes commonplace in every day life.

I feel more comfortable in a mask, where I can hide my face. I like it, it feels cozy.

Except I don't care if I get it and I don't care if I spread it.

There isnt a more chad feeling than being 6'3" and not wearing a mask in public

At last we are finally equal to muslim women in the UK!

>try to keep the public from buying masks so healthcare workers have enough to treat the critically ill
>"just stay at home goy, oh except to go to the grocery store like literally everyone else in your community and and breathe in their exhalations and expextorations"
>suddenly backtrack when they realize lack of masks leads to near 100 fold increase in Covid 19 hospitalizations
And they wonder why people are angry at/distrustful of health authorities

Stop making up bullshit "contagion probability" numbers and I'll think about it.

I actually feel this way. I'm a socially anxious mess and these masks are the best thing to happen to me. I've been able to put myself in a lot more situations I'd normally be afraid to, simply because no one knows who's behind the mask anyway.

I bet you're a big guy

>wear your damn face mask
fuck you, I like to breathe freely, people are fucking hysterical with this misfired bioweapon, it mostly just kills old people, and they're the oly ones who need to be isolated, youg people don't fill hospitals, freedom for everyone

For (You).

You would’ve said “don’t wear a mask” a month ago.

The secret Yas Forums discord link is discord gg 2hc3gS6
We will interview Bill Gates this week. join.

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shouldn’t a muslim country like iran have few cases if covering your face works?

How is 70% of 5% equal to 1.5%?

It’s 200 shekels fine if the police catch you without a mask in this god forsaken Deseret. My country is so retraded they open up Ikae but gave fines and even arrested surfers at the beach.

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But I don't have a mask. Where the fuck do I get one?

Over 90% of people infected show no or only mild symptoms and only the weak 0,00001% die from it

aside from that, the picture is bullshit
those numbers are pulled out of someone's ass

there's already a very low chance of interacting with someone who has the virus, if you are like 99.99% of people, you will most likely not get jiggy with strangers in public, then there's a very low chance of them spitting in your face, because that's not what people do

do you go around tongue-kissing strangers? if not, then why worry?

but even if you do encounter someone with covid, even if he does spit in some way while standing close to you, there is no reason why both would have to wear a mask

if either of them wears a mask, the chance of getting infected is pretty much 0%

now fuck off

Nah, just let it happen fags.

What the hell does this picture even mean

we will be real life HELGAST!


I already do and it’s great. I hope this shit becomes the norm

dont tell me what to do, faggot
you be afraid of your little awoo flu, chads dont have to worry about this shit
that's why only betas, pussies and faggots flap their arms like a bunch of bitches

>given the chance to wear a mask and be anonymous in real life
>waaaa I'm a little bitch it's uncomfortable
A fucking respirator isn't even that uncomfortable you 5oyboy faggot

>second row
>taking your mask off reduces chances for transmission
Uh oh schlomo, looks like you got old talking points there! Better update your chart quick before someone important notices!

80% of infections occur at home where nobody wear a mask or a veil

Some old lady snorted at me for not having a surgical mask so I told her she was going to be enslaved by raiders in the looming apocalypse.

>wear the fag rag goyim

Are you fucking retarded? It's clearly propaganda but it also clearly states that one person of each row is infected and the other not. It's stating the infected person wearing the Mask limits the risk of the uninfected person coming into contact with their aerosols.

How the fuck I am supposed to get the mask?

I ain't wearing a fucking meme. This virus is a NOTHINGBURGER and anyone who honestly thinks differently is a 75 iq smooth brain. Imagine falling for these shills

Bandana, a cut piece of cloth, it's called being creative my polish fren. We've known this was going to get this bad, whether fake or not, since January people had plenty time to find this out and prepare but they did nothing. Regardless of if It's all bullshit, people should have prepared because I'd rather have the shit and play their little game properly and not have to worry than not be able to blend in with the normies.

>nobody wears them then
>not they dont wear
found the akbar


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no one fucking cares what infection happens at home, because for the infection to get into a home, it has to happen in public first, you absolute tool.

Is that really effective?

>pic source m. yass

>We've known this was going to get this bad, whether fake or not,
if it's fake, then it's not bad