She’s going to fuck everything up. Women being the emotion driven creatures they are will either open boarders because of bleeding hearts or go mad with power. Either or someone needs to wack her now
She’s going to fuck everything up...
Imagine if she does take over. Let her emotion help Nuke Israel and parts of the USA.
It would be hard to fuck up NK worse than it already is,
But yeah, stupid incels lusting over this evil dog faced whore is one way it will be worse.
SIMPS May actually betray country and family just to lick the ground she steps in
This please, I fucking hate kikes I want all jews to die!
Are you COMMENTING from the USA?
Drop the red-pills to her somehow. Let her know the real enemies of the world. Kikes and kike-supporters (golem mutts.)
I'd fuck her from behind desu
Eat shit Moshe.
Day of the oven approaches.
Fucking yellow fever simps lusting over her because she is some 5/10 asian chick just need to die.
I wish I could ship them all there, so they would end up like Otto Warmbier.
How? Is sending my energy enough?
>evil vagina turns Best Korea into Worst Korea
It's a sad day lads
I, for one, welcome our new ovarian kimche overlady
Someone needs to marry her and fuck her senseless and take over the kingdom like the old days before she becomes evil.
Everyone knows that mommy is always second in command.
This is impossible
so cute
Any real news on his status?
I imagine it will just collapse from here.
She's going to open up North Korea and win the first united election
Even all of South Korea will vote for her
She's been working with POTUS and the Q team
>peencrap this toast
I will whack her with my smegma dripping dick if you know what I'm saying
Like she’d let that happen
she is smug like worst girl
>just to lick the ground she steps in
uh hello?????? coom department?????? i would unironically love to do that.
She will reunite Corea.
Oh incels commie crying, what makes you think that she'll ruin everything
Well, she is a woman
And what? Not all women in power are bad
Yeah, and not all tranies and homosexuals have HIV.
But when we talked about probabilities, its better not to take their blood if donated.
sauce on the anime?
Calm down pussy, your edges are dull.
Never interfere with your enemy when he is making a mistake.
I want it too, but I'm for real and not ironic.
North Korean Generals will use her as a spit roast till a suitable male Kim heir is devined.