Is anyone here less masculine than their father...

Is anyone here less masculine than their father. I’m pretty sure everyone notices that men are becoming less masculine as time goes on. I’m a zoomer and I have a height advantage on my dad . He’s 5’8 I’m 6’1 but aside from that he mogs me in every masculine trait. He could grow a full beard by age 18 I can grow a basedboy one. He has bigger hands , my hands are smaller . He has more muscle meanwhile I’m skinny fat with a lot of weight stored down in my thighs and ass. I’m also a dicklet. When I was a kid I barely played sports and had a shit diet and I’m basically a basedboy. If all it takes is one generation of laziness to fuck the generic tree up we need to start putting children through more excercise . Video games and a sedentary lifestyle will take a toll on how a child develops .Can most men who had very sedentary lives throughout the developmental period of their life regain their masculine strength / traits?

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I feel like this meme would be better of the guy was holding a shakeweight.

If you hard to do hard work at the Auge of 16 you would look like him faggot

Who cares about manlyness anyway? Just become a doctor

A lot of this is just physical traits. Masculinity is a mindset. If you lack that mindset but your dad does not, ask him for advice instead of schizophrenic internet strangers.

>has kissed a girl
I didnt and I'm a 31yo skinnyfat non getter
I'm also almost like you besides
>I’m also a dicklet
I have a big dick but since I'm never going to use it it doesnt really matter

Get a real job in a manual labour then you'll notice the difference, until then you're just atrophying

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>Masculinity is a mindset.
This. My father is basically a NPC slob, a proto soiboi.

hmmm tough call

on the one hand my dad has had sex at least once

but on the other he has been divorced twice, i think each divorce negates one sex so he is a double virgin

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I feel you OP. I'm pretty similar in that I'm 6'1 while my dad is 5'10, but he seems way more like a man than I am. Even as a guy who sits on his ass and works on computers all day he seems to have more muscle than I do when I work in a manual labour job. He gets a 5 o'clock shadow at 3pm while mine comes in like British rail, delayed by several days. He's a proper nerd but since my parents got divorced he's been a proper Chad going round fucking mad hoes. Meanwhile I'm a gayfag who likes bottoming for big dick daddies.

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Yep. And I want to die. If I had the balls I'd go on a shooting spree or something, but I've just been patiently waiting for death since my teen years. Ironically, that was even before I stopped hating my father.

Die Augen sind das Fenster zur Seele

the shakeweight actually works really well

You have alot of work ahead of you.

Pullups (cheat however you have to for starters) will give you a more masculine upper body. Get a doorframe bar and do one every time you walk under it.
Shave. My beard looked like crap until I was 25.
Dick length, simply ignore it. It works, so move on.

Understand that the problem is not physical. It is mental, emotional, spiritual. The body is simply the outcome.

Multiple generations of men have failed to be truly masculine. Nigger worship is not masculine.
You are starting from scratch.
The Bible has what you need, but churchianity doesn't.
Study or die.

Get right with Jesus while the blood still runs warm in your veins.

Chuck Missler's Learn the Bible in 24 Hours (book & YouTube)

Chuck Missler's Knowing God - An Extraterrestrial Message

Join me and my family with for a daily, verse by verse, Bible study.

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Literally me, but I'm not a turk

Go have sex. Don't overthink it

I don't think it's just sedentary lifestyle. Alex Jones is unironically right, they are putting things in the water that turn the frickin' frogs gay. I don't think it's intentional, it's just that we like plastics and shit and some of that stuff acts as a xenoestrogen. Testosterone levels have declined over the generations. In fact I vaguely remember seeing a longitudinal study on animals (I think it was dogs?) that showed that they were also experiencing generational decline in testosterone levels... but I can't find it now, sadly.

I'm taller than my dad and can grow a beard whereas he can't.


hard times make hard cunts
hard cunts make good times
good times make soft cunts
soft cunts make hard times


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>masculinity is a mindset
Masculinity comes natural if you have a good diet and do barbell exercises.
If you have to delude yourself by repeating some mantra then it's not real. Eat right and exercise right you fucking spiritual faggots

Oh yeah it's totally the water not the fact your diet is 99% carbs
the fucking cope from mutts is immeasurable

> divorce bad
you divorce because women become shit. Once you grow up you'll understand.

Obviously I agree that you should reduce your carb intake, but I think carb consumption probably peaked in the previous generation. Nowadays people are more aware that carbs are bad and fat is not as bad as people used to think, and are modifying their diets accordingly (at least a little bit). But we are still seeing testosterone levels go down in Millennials and Gen Z, not up. So it can't all be testosterone.

>it's not the water
I started to become more muscular when I stopped drinking tap water and switched to bottled water from France.

No, me and my father are both very masculine men.

Masculine isn't your hand size or your height. It's your how you carry yourself and your interests.

Be stoic but be loud and assertive when the time calls for it, be downright agressive if need be.

Be capable and useful. Work on self improvement both physically and mentally. Learn how to fix your own car and build a fire, but also learn philosophy and history.

Being a mansuline man is being a well rounded island of self sufficiency.


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I am also physically fit, just to clarify. I do cardio and weightlifting regularly.

Which is why (((they))) had to respond with a new propaganda program: veganism.
Animal fats are the only good fats, remember that people

It's all biological. You don't have to worry about mindsets and spirits and whatever the fuck

Healthy body = healthy mind

My favorite part is how you aren't allowed to question or test the Lord. You know, because the truth abhors being tested.

Your wife fucked other guys before you married.

>that font

Fuck off back to plebbit faggot

Same. I think it has to do with my father being a VFW during the cold war. They injected those soldiers with expiramental drugs and shit. Then I was born on a navy base with nuclear submarines. I was probably irradiated.

I’m more masculine than my father both physically and mentally. I am taller and more muscular and I am also much more intelligent, disciplined, and fiscally successful.

So are people who try to improve themselves doomed to be geneticlet?

Man I don't know how retarded one has to be to get that from my posts

Back when I was skinny fat, all I would end up getting with were Asian girls. After I got more muscle and a respectable set of abs, I found I could actually get white girls and latinas. But one issue came up that i never thought would happen:
As my testosterone went up, my taste in women changed. I was no longer satisfied with toned, fit, or skinny girls. All I wanted were thicc women. In fact, I now only exclusively date chubby, thicc, and plump girls because that is all my high testosterone brain wants now.
Pretty interesting but whatever.
I'm having fun with my slampiggys desu.

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>has kissed a girl
>still a virgin
This is me.
dated a girl and she was super horny, making out, she really wanted to fuck but I couldn't get a boner. Then she ghosted me the next day. She was hot too and there's probably no chance of me getting one like that again

Sucks to be a low T basedboy, Fuck my life

Yeah it’s fun slamming into their pussies with your cock and watching their ass cheeks ripple from the impact.

Well there’s your problem user, your a faggot

He is taller than me, has bigger hands and still has his hair in original color in his 60s. But I can grow a much better beard with him, and I have hairy legs and arms, while he has none.

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You are whiny bitch fuck leaf. If you are less muscular and with less beard, then it is because you are weak lazy fuck. I looked exactly the same like my father when I was 15. Yet later on I started to od something about my body and mind and at 20, when he was still skinny and with a little to one beard I was already muscular and with decent beard. If you believe it is only about gym you are faggot. First you need to change your mindset and train your mind to be man. Not a weak cunt leaf you are.

Uh oh, sorry chief! I was trying to understand your logic. I successfully made three other people fit. If fitness will become the standard, non-fit people would have to physically adapt, or be marginalised.

I haven't made a friend since 2001

Cant compare my self to my father since he been dead most of my life. But I'm the tallest living male in the family, the broadest shoulders, biggest chrono magnon head and I'm a worthless piece of shit :)

Yeah, but you always look gay using it

Why’s the cord connected to his genderless crotch? He looks like a dr Seuss character

To answer your question, basically fuck niggards. Respect your mind and body regardless if you have shit genes or not. Knowledge is the only thing that will save you in the end. In order to absorb, retain, and share information efficiently, you need to maintain your body.

Pic unrelated

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typical kikecel

I've been once to the US for half a year, and the tap water is really really bad. It tasted chemically and I had strange sensations around my sinuses. Fellow europeans understood what I was talking about, but the 'Mutts sadly got so used to it they had no idea what I was talking about

So tap water is a factor , but ofc diet too

that is a woman. what you posted was once an attractive woman. no joke.

They were talking about this in my science class and that was 17 years ago. It's a known thing plastics cause more estrogen (teacher called it "female hormones") in our environment.
I even remember raising my hand saying: "Teacher, can this increase of estrogen in our environment account for the increasing homosexual population?" The teacher yelled at me, but didn't really answer the question...

Yup. I love the ass jiggle, the wide hips, big thighs, and the titties bouncing. It is a lot of fun. I was talking to other guys at the gym about it when I first discovered my preference in women had changed and a few said that was normal, while others tried to encourage me that I shouldn't degrade myself my dating chubby chicks. IDGAF though. I love the thiccness.

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>less beard
This oa cope. I am a bit more muscular than the guy from fighting club, and I don't have lot of beard, but it's easy for me to maintain muscular mass. On the other hand I empirically see hairlet blobbish soibois coping with a beard because "muh beard is a man thing". Probably they don't even have a chin to be proud of.
>inb4 I'll be clean shaved for life