Should I betray my Greek origin, the western world and marry a rich Chinese woman?

Should I betray my Greek origin, the western world and marry a rich Chinese woman?

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a chinese woman is still better than a snownigger one, if you can't marry a med woman.

Kek, what is a snownigger?
What about Balkan women, Polish, Latvia? They look nice.

I did that and I'm happy ama

>marry a chinese woman
You mean marrying her family

Yes another med out the picture will be fine, do it faggot

Σκατά, I don't want this. Sounds like a Greek fat wedding.
I want a Greek Christian waif though as a first choice.

You aren't going to find any in Britain that's for sure. Come back diaspora boy

>what is a snownigger?
go away newfag

You are joking. Leaf women look great. The French parts especially.

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That's basically your only way to get wealthy, so why not?

I had a Chinese gf in the past and the culture gap was huge. The Chinese lore and social norms go too deep in centuries I couldn't get it.
Since I am Greek I also come from a place with the deepest lore.
When I was with her friends and family I felt left out of something.

implying most women aren't vapid superficial cunts who speak and say nothing.

insect dna would be an upgrade for a greek ape

kys newfag

He probably won't want you though.

Chinese guys don't go for Western women.

>couldn't understand their culture
is it because they eat dogs and practice cannibalism

You've been letting the faggots on Yas Forums get under your skin. Happa children are the absolute worst and nearly always hate their European side. Half northerner isn't preferable but its better than half-bugman.

You already did, leaving Hellade

yes, you should definitely breed some white into your family

Lol this
I once dated a korean, and thought there was a huge cultural gap, I dont think it was a big problem. If i had stayed with her I am sure we could have gone throught it, humans are not very different for one another.
No matter the culture, all seek love and companionship (yes I know that sounded gay, but its the truth).

I'd betray my whole country to Islam for that sweet asian tart.

race mixing is betraying your whole race to have sex with a girl of another inferior race and creating golem creations like mutts
your kids will never look like you or your wife and they will hate themselves due to their lack of heritage

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I need a Swedish girl

t. Juan Goldstein-Sanchez

Greeks are already Turks anyway, who cares?

Be sure to wipe all the Somalian semen off her first. That's how you get AIDS.

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Become a golddigger.


Don't worry you won't be able to because you are a poor autistic incel.

Marry her, get some money then divorce her and get some more money