How dare that orange retard suggest injecting disinfectant! These fucking quack doctors have been doing that for years. Why is orange man listening to these quacks!??!

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Thanks for the bump. Not sure it matters. The Shillforce is in full effect here today.

Must be a major happening coming down the pipe soon.

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Chemo is not disinfectant

I fucking hate you low IQ maga niggers. Trump said something stupid, accept it and get over it

You going to film the chlorox cholarquine clean covid?

Yeah, us retards...


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I hate that the majority of this board is still fucking so heavily influenced by the msm and their memetic powers. This place is a shadow of it's former self.

>cancer is coof
>chemo is bleach
Like I know MIGA clowns are low IQ but c'mon dude...

So I assume Trump said,
>"Inject bleach to cure coronavirus."
In those exact words, right? Or was it something a little different maybe?

It was just as real in their minds as anything Obama said in yours
Also what happened to Pence giving the speeches?
I thought he was the media dude?

why the fuck would you use chemotherapy against a flu

What do you think a disinfectant is buddy?

Trumptard cope best cope.

Chemo is not a disinfectant

Are you arguing against that? You would be seriously fucking stupid to do so.

I'm assuming this is a slight against me.

I watched the full vis with my own eyes. Trump is just rambling like an old man and said something dumb. You dont think a 73 year old man is going to say some dumb shit from time to time

Difference is that maganiggers feel the need to shift the narrative about trump co instantly like the sneaky likes they are

What does this even mean

Did you take your meds yet?
Trump is not god

Alcohol is a disinfectant. Does that make it bleach... buddy? Sunlight and UV are disinfectant. Are they bleach... buddy?

I could go on and on... buddy.

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I'm not on the whitehouse press staff so I dont get the serum or the vaccines
Dont care though, i want to get covid and spread it all along foggy bottom
Not like you guys ever do anything and instead just cower around with how you'll totally launch a gorilla warfrare campaign on drone operators

Hippity hoppity, follow the white rabbit
Death comes for you
when down his hole you go

Sunlight cant do anything, its too high a frequency from 5g and 4g to effect any molecules!

Oh boy here comes the shill patrol trying to spin Trump's retarded bullshit into something his migatards can swallow.

It is to cancer. It's also radioactive. So yes, disinfectant.

Lets play your little game shillbot. Prove to me it isn't. Waiting.

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>acting like chemo is a more fair interpretation than bleach for "disinfectant "
He's a retard and so are you.

You're really a dumb troll. Not even funny

Lol ok let's inject ourselves with lysol herp derp

Dont follow a shitty high-carb diet
Eat meat and eggs aplenty
Do barbell exercises
Don't eat too frequently, do a 3-day fast once in a while (fast until lean if you're a fatass)

and there you go, no cancer

>herp derp

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Oh wow, so a man with no medical training used the wrong terminology to describe a procedure he was just briefed on probably 20 minutes ago. Fuck me, guess I'm a pedophile loving, gun grabbing socialist now. Thank fuck for memeflags to point me in the right direction.

I unironically agree with that. I've lost many friends and family to chemo, when the cure for cancer is fasting, proper diet, light exercise -- depending how far along it is.

Fuck chemo.

Just so you aware, people spreading corona are being brought up on terrorism charges .

You are not a good troll dude. Unfunny and non engaging

the shills today . im so over it

And then being released
Everybody gets brought up on charges
its a scare tactic

Also those guys are idiots and disgusting pajeets
I am glad the lesser satan has made their lives of ruin

Seriously just go and travel
Its in the constitution, travel is a right from Allaha
What are they going to do?
>Oh we're charging you for that assault walk!