Canada is done

Coronavirus is the end of Canada. The economy is fucked.

Attached: download.png (229x220, 8.71K)

Who cares.

Think yourself lucky, at least Canada is redeemable...UK has long since passed the 'abandon ship' phase desu

Why is everyone in this shithole talking about trump and American politics it's like we just completely gave up on ourselves and are hoping our retarded brother down south is going to be able to fix everything . All I hear is trump this trump that meanwhile Trudeau is fucking off to this chateau or whatever the fuck it is in Quebec probably to engage in some homo erotic fantasy since he finally has an excuse not to bring the wife. I dunno I just want America to invade us it's all so tiresome

reminder that canada didnt invade iraq with us, corona collapse is your punishment for being traitors and cowards

Attached: hmmm (1).png (707x908, 523.98K)

The reality is we will drift in USAs wake. Trends there (and even Europe) will affect the domestic situation more than any movement created here.

Economically we are 100% attached. We will rise and fall depending on what happens in the US. That’s just the reality under the current free trade system. So basically we’re fucked, because I honestly believe the USA is fucked... even more than most people realize.

Dude. Why on earth did you go to Iraq. What a colossal blunder. It might be written in history as the death nail.

Yah whenever I bring up the economy people tell me to shut the fuck up and that saving lives is what matters it's like they don't realize a healthy economy is the most important factor in maintaining a healthy nation .

Good fuck Canada

Inject bleach nigger mutt

Vive le Québec libre

Attached: F4569B57-CB33-43DC-8462-F1CBA866D848.jpg (3840x2160, 2.74M)

>Not cucks

Attached: Leafs Cucks.jpg (1038x771, 215.65K)

Show flag shlomo

Lol America bout to annex you

As a libertardian Im fine with CERB and some benefits to help through shit like this because one of the only things the government SHOULD do during a massive crisis like this is try to take care of its citizens. The problem is people are asking for way too much. That student benefit and the NDP retards askin for CERB restrictions to be lifted make me want to kill myself. CERB is an EMERGENCY benefit for people who had JOBS and suddenly dont have jobs. The bum alley homeless rapist shouldnt be able to fucking apply and get that shit.

Canadian economy = selling housing to migrants and trading with USA.

Day of the rake is upon us

Please God let this happen I want to buy guns without going through all the gay PAL/RPAL shit

>shows EU flag
>calls other countries cucks

Hmm yes interesting

that's pretty much it

Talk about being dramatic, we're fine you girly nigger

I was watching Canada for a while and you had the same infection rate as Australia for a little while, then we stooped and you took off, why?

We're fineeee everything is ok guys nothing to see here everybody just look themselves inside for the next year or so surely nothing bad will come of this .

No we're not. The third world subhumans are gonna start chimping out soon.

Yes one or two of those houses is probably more than your entire nations gdp retard. Go away. Understand yourself and know your place.

Less USA economy, less Canada, you are too much dependent on USA. But you know what capitalists keep on promoting in books for such times, that this is perfect opportunity, a window of opportunity, to maybe even topple USA.

Quebec is it's own little micro country and does things it's own way. (we fucking pumped BILLIONS into their healthcare system for them and they have NOTHING to show for it, fucking french fuckers fuck them so much. Toronto is just Ontario like Newyork city is to NY. FUCKING IMMIGRANTS FUCKING PIECES OF SHIT

We let a bunch of third worlders in

People in Canada don't care. People in Canda still go out to parties. Hardware and grocery stores are packed. No one social distances.

Worth doesn't matters, it's only who owns land and housing, since that one makes decisions. There are many African niggers in South African plantation houses, they just aren't making decision, they bring lemonade and pick cotton.


Yes bring in more pajeets niggers and gooks

>fucking french fuckers fuck them so much
They make great comedy and Canada is the laughing stock.

Kys mr muh berta oil

Ontario and bc are a cancer... this is where most of this shit happens

USSA is done for, I just wonder what would be the end it all war...Or rather with whom ?
Most likely candidate appears to be Russia/China

Trudeau fucked Canada. Not some harmless flu variation

40% of all Canadian housing is owned by chinks. When you factor in jews, pajeets, sands, and niggers, it's clear the majority of land is owned by foreigners. Don't trigger the poor widdle leaflet :(

>they don't realize a healthy economy is the most important factor in maintaining a healthy nation .

The concept of a nation doesn't exist in Canada. An actual nation is a group of people who are ethnically and culturally homogeneous.

No, just facts.

Attached: GDP Canada industry housing manufacturing 2019 economy.png (1000x1233, 143.92K)

spanish flue, asain flu, corona virus
you're literally being a pussy, this happens like every 50 years. You'll be fine, champ

We trade with USA because ITS THERE.

same reason why Germany makes everything your nation runs on.

Just go away. This isn’t an argument you can win. Canada is crawling with refugees from your nation, couldn’t pay a Canadian to move to your country. Just fuck off. We beat you by EVERY METRIC. Except perhaps most pairs of ‘Diesel jeans’ per capita. Seriously you don’t even have to like Canada, some times I don’t myself , but it better than your country. Full stop. Period.

So whats your suggestion? Civil war kill with the end result to usher in communism?

You mean Canadians. They have no relation to China.

Did i ever said i hate you? Relax. I like some Canadians, but that doesn't means i want to French kiss you.

Break up this sad excuse of a country. It's a joke and doesn't work