Are Americans racist towards Bongs?

Brit user here, going on a trip to the colonies once all this bs is over with. Biggest issue I’m concerned about is the the anti Anglo sentiment I see on this website and online genuinely. I am disturbed and frankly upset by the level of hate Americans seem to have for us. I’m terrified that the moment I get off the plane and they hear me pronouncing my words properly they’ll release I’m an Anglo and attack me. I’ll be the victim of many offensive jibes and they might beat me up for the war of 1812. Can any of you anons help calm my stress down, is it true that Americans have a viscous hatred for all things Brit? What about the women? Will they attack me too? Help me anons I’m so concerned
Pic unrelated

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No, they are usually well liked.

We embraced Hugh Grant and we shall embrace you as well my British fren.

no. we see you as basically the same as we see Americans from distant states. the accent might even get you laid.

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>once all this bs is over with
Don't forget, you're there forever.

I don't really hate anyone based on nationality, even if I don't like the countries they're from. I actually am liking the direction the UK has gone in recent years though, and I'm a fan of your Prime Minister (I'm glad he survived coronavirus). So, no, I'm not racist against British people.

Only online where there is this weird competitive "banter". Hell Yas Forums alone has like 5 bong vs burger threads a day

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just dont suggest any political changes that go against the crowd you are with, if you are in red territory fuck commies, if you are in blue territory then fuck whitey. also bring your own disinfectant.

Bait thread

just watch out for feral niggers, or pretty much anyone covered in obvious prison tattoos

If you are white you will be well received, at least in my area. Take advantage of your accent, I have known many women that will fuck your brains out just for the accent


No no one cares. You might get some bants

Americans turned their backs on Britain and became twisted mutts, now they post their bitterness of white anglos on the Internet.

Stay away from niggers.

>Two British tourists shot dead on a Florida holiday were murdered because they claimed they had no money to give their attacker, a court has heard.

Also, hood niggers would be bemused and amused by your accent. Not that you should spend time talking to hood niggers.

Worst of all they still eat pork and don’t pray towards Mecca 5 times a day

Is that jewish whore a stripper now?

>they might beat me up for the war of 1812

First you’d have to tell them it existed

stay on those shitstained islands you call home and stay far away, were full you fucking beady eyed niggerfaggot

I don't think it's a popular opinion offline. Most Americans would probably just think your accent is cool but besides that wouldn't have much of an opinion on you, that's just what I've noticed the reactions are toward brits

Everyone is going to think you are smart because of your accent.

What’s her name?

I hate Brits for letting our ancestors beat them and then mutilate our dicks.
Please consider donating your foreskins.

Mate it's like an all you can shag buffet. Avoid the hoods, try stay with a family.

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Don’t confuse Yas Forums with reality. You’ll have no problems. You might even pull extra poontang with the long as it isn’t one of those ultra lower class nasty versions.

Im glad someone welcomed Hugh Grant because personally I think hes a fucking faggot

Racism is for races. Brits come in all sorts of colors these days. If anything there is a small bit of distaste leftover, for how the uk sneers(ed) at us for being an "uncivilized colony". Much like they did (do) of india.
But in most cases, no. No one gives a shit if you come to the us from the uk.

In RL Americans are probarbly the most respectful and helpful to other whites, than any other white nation & its people. Every american iv met in RL has been awesome.

Brits, Germans, Australians & scandanvians on the other hand have a deep seeded hatred for whites & their countries policies reflect it.

>people shit-talk online, therefore it represents IRL
You do realize that 99% of what's said here is satire just for the sake of argument or laughter?

Yes they are and it pisses me off as an Australian even. Yanks have some fucked up distorted version of history in the minds where the English are despotic tyrants out to rule the world through oppression, it's completely fucked up. The British actually ruled the world by consent, you could sign up or be poor for eternity, they didn't actually give a fuck as long as you sold or bought shit. The way the Americans twist things is very worrying.

>Its raycis

Its not fucking racist just impeccably retarded. There's literally a place called the 'rust belt' in their own country to go help. Then again I don't blame them for not wanting to go help niggers in Detroit and Chiraq lmfao

It's all just memes and shitposting. Don't worry about it.

You’ll be expected to sweep the occasional chimney and shine peoples’ shoes for a tuppence. DO NOT ask for extra porridge we frown on that kind of thing here

Fuck off, larping faggot.

>> The British actually ruled the world by consent

Thats hilarious. You should ask the natives their version of history.

no? how can you be racist to where you came from?

been there a few times and didnt have any issues ever. super friendly people. in fact ive seen racism to americans here.

Thanks pedro

We don't hate you for the past.

We hate you because your present represents our future.
>Disarmed population
>Endless socialism
>Muslim takeover
>Draconian laws; you have a loicense for that?
>Demographic replacement

I dunno I think she fucks niggers tho

>calling the U.S. "colonies"
>citing superiority due to wars from hundreds of years ago
You.....might want to keep your "bants" to yourself this trip. Things are a little edgy. I am assuming this is a business trip anyway. No touristy shit is open. Do your business and fuck off back to bongistan.

>Are Americans racist towards Bongs?
Very funny.
If you visit the states with the attitude bongs have towards Americans on this board, you're going to get fucked up.

dont you have a more important problem about paki raping your children?

Half the country loves all of that though

>>Disarmed population

dont let them take your guns bro

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Be sure to shout “COR BLIMEY GOV” a lot. It will endear you to the natives. People will start to get uncomfortable if you go more than 15 minutes without saying it, and begin to wonder what you are plotting.

Normie Americans aren't racist against Brits at all, in fact they tend to be obsessed over accents, heritage etc and think Brits sound intelligent and dress fashionably. British men do well dating American women, particularly those from rural areas who's only idea of Britain comes from Downton Abbey and find the idea of a reserved and mysterious gentleman exotic when compared with the emotive, loud and basic Americans they are used to.

Young male Americans online however refer to Brits as "fags" and deploy age old stereotypes about British people having rotten teeth and eating terrible food.

>anti Anglo sentiment I see on this website and online genuinely
Kek. By far the opposite. Unless you get all judgy and preachy (and sometimes even then) your anglo-ness will score you a solid +2 bonus on your 1-10 scale.