Were the christians women of Yas Forums?

Every based and redpill knows that christianity is a Jewish religion, driven by emotion. We know that contemporary society has lost its sense of reason and today it only acts according to emotion. Christianity also favored women, see that today man is her slave. You just have to be born a woman and you have a good life.

Is christianity a female religion and are Yas Forums christians, our women?

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What a terrible thread. Have a bump.

Built to drink boiling black coffee

>Christianity is a Jewish religion

And fuck Big White cock

>Big White cock
cool it down with the oxymoron

Yeah cockerels aren't white what a retard

Built to zoophilia

My woman.

Dude brazil is degenerate as fuck?

Christianity is dying. Islam is the true masculine religion, built through war and conquest.

Brazil only implemented christianity earlier, my woman.

>unzips dick
here it is, now suck it

I often wish I was born female.

>christianity is a Jewish religion,

Attached: 1536032941944.png (213x237, 7.52K)

>huemonkey larping as wignat
checks out lmao

I understand your thinking.

Huemonkey are christians.

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>thinking women IRL have any value

Attached: Kino realizes that some television and movie board of an anime website has been misusing her name.jpg (1377x1377, 156.61K)

That is why christians love jews.

See a christian female obeying a monkey.

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Based. Fuck Jews, niggers, faggots and Christians that think they're hated by Jews worldwide but they literally have this thing called the Vatican.

Christians are exactly like Q-tards, trust the plan rapture fanatics.

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>thinking that some fetishist from CA represents all men

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I'm just analyzing.

Monkeys and women did not get a special seat for nothing.

>khamsah necklace

some christians wear the hand of fatima mistakenly calling it the "hand of mary," but odds are she's a muzzie or juwe

lol @ athiests and "other religions"

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I assure you that the Catholic percentage would rise up if you took spics and the irish out of the picture

Being ploughed by Tyrone and his mates

Implying that atheists are not a consequence of christian moral weakness.

Religion without spirituality.

Attached: CHRISTIANITY.jpg (951x1024, 749.33K)

savages are driven by emotion pagan boy

Are they 99% savages then, before christianity, 1%?

Yeah, jews love to falsely claim ownership over everything, including Christianity.