The fucking shills on this board since last night is like nothing I've ever seen on pol. Every one of you need to gky...

The fucking shills on this board since last night is like nothing I've ever seen on pol. Every one of you need to gky. Trump did not tell anyone to inject bleach. That is a fact. Nobody is falling for your shit and it is easily disproven. Seriously just off yourselves, you have the mental capacities of 10 year old autistic niggers.

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>like nothing I've ever seen before.
Hello newfren

> niggers

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>“I see the disinfectant that knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside, or almost a cleaning Because you see it gets inside the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it would be interesting to check that.”

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Based Trump making amerilards kill themselves

I hope these kikes keep shilling. Once their dumb shit reaches twitter we'll get some dead niggers guaranteed.

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So even though there is clear video evidence of Trump suggesting to inject disinfectant you are going to lie about it? Why are Trump voters so dishonest when backed into a corner?

This sub used to be proper bantz, now its just a circle jerk for Trump.

We would have laughed or ass off at this if it was Obama or Bush, love how all you cultists just reeeee crying when someone makes a joke

>this sub
You have to go back

>This sub

It's just meme, he always says dumb meaningless shit on twatter. The media LOVES it. Remember when he talked about pardoning Joe Exotic? That was like 10 articles right there.

It's all meaningless, if anything it should show the normies not to take fucking twatter posts seriously, but they will.

He said it at a press conference while millions of Americans were watching.

Just ignore the threads, don't get baited, they can post to themselves all they want.

then disprove it Kyle

you have the Photoshop skills of a 10 year old autistic nigger

This, let them circlejerk like they do on leddit

Shut the FUCK up user, you can’t say bad things about the trumper man! That’s not very kekerino of you. *snorts* shadilay!

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Relax it's share blues/50 cent new strategy, they know Biden can't win, let them waste their time/money

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Fucking kek

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Same shit with Joe Exotic. You people are fucking retards for not being used to this. Do you remember how many articles were built around 'Trump is going to pardon Joe Exotic'? Has he? No.

He's just going to use this to further the divide between media and half the nation because the media is overreacting to something intentionally stupid he said. like it is Trump's MO at this point.

>he always says dumb meaningless shit on twatter

He was speaking live during a fucking televised press conference you low-IQ, low-information go'fer shill bitch.

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take it easy dude we all realize that anyone saying
>hur dur blumpftler said to inject bleach
is a complete mong, probably some brain washed commie retard, and should be put on a wall. just take it easy. there's nothing you can do and the void is tired of all the yelling.

Can someone translate this? I don’t speak ooga booga.

It’s not shilling, it’s shitposting you stupid cunt. If you can’t see through it all by now you need to find a new home. Yas Forums isn’t for you.

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>a way we can do something like that
> something like that
> like that
He was noting the substances that kill the virus on the outside of the body and was asking if there was a way to manufacture a drug that does something similar but for the interior of the body, obviously this would have to be a SAFE drug you fucking retards. I'm sick of Trump and think he's a complete retard but this is truly low IQ shit. The media obviously wants to push this so that some retard will drink bleach and they can blame it on Trump, along with the retards who drank fish tank cleaner then use that against him in the debates later this year. It's all so tiresome.

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How many fucking words was it? He did the same shit with Joe Exotic and it was LIVE too.

How many words in a throw away comment are you getting your pussy torn up about? We've all seen the video. He's pending no issues on it.

>if you dont worship trump you're a shill
You fuckers are so braindead, you dont own the board
fuck off back to the_donald if you dont like it

Where are the memes then? It's all Reddit tier Garbo.

Who really cares OP? It's just zionist Trump. Do you really feel defensive over him?

Yup. Expect a major happening happening soon. They're putting all their pieces on the board.

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