Are pajeets ok with this?

What's going on in India?

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What kind of fetish have pajeeta's created ?

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No, it's not even a meme on Twitter leave alone reality
It's happening right under your nose and you're not aware of it.

Discuss here anons

8k*n => 8kun

>Kara boga Muslims in India are getting brown pussy

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Wait do Indian girls like muslim guys?

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So if i go to India i could get a qt hindu gf? Plz confirm user

If you're brown and Muslim, you'll get harem of masala cuties dtc(down to convert)

Pakistanis are Aryan, Pakistan literally mean land of the pure, Indians are Dravidians, it’s only right that Indian girls want Aryan Pakistani men

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Muslims marrying indians are common in Malaysia and it disgusts me seeing malay-pajeet hybrid children , i have no idea how some men are attracted to those parias

Indian women are kinda hot desu

Muslims are not a race.

>Smelly shitskins fucking other shitskins
Why do I care?

Pajeets are getting SLOM'd

What if I’m tall and white?

>larper thinks these are muslims

>Pakistanis are Aryan, Pakistan literally mean land of the pure
If heavily inbred implies pure then sure. You pakis and poos all look the same to me anyways.

Nah, out with the old in with the new.
That was an old trend, after the caa bill passed which is forcing Muslims to leave India, Muslims have gained status of being persecuted and opressed by government, so Hindu are giving them refugee with their warm poons so they can back strong. You can get a tan and try your luck.

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Hindus are a meme. A massive group of people who were kept subservient by Brahmins and Muslims for thousands of years. These people barely had an identity before the British arrived in the subcontinent. Brahmins were brutal and withheld all their religious texts, traditions and languages from the rest of Indians. No reasonable person would have considered Brahmins as the same religion/nation as the rest of Indians. They former spent all their energy on savaging the latter. What we today known as Hinduism is basically an offshoot of Brahmin religion with the help of the British who forced them to be more tolerant. The distinction is important. These modern Hindus formed the first truly pan Indian empire with the Marathas through a campaign of victimhood. They slowly started hating Muslims after a campaign of diverting attention away from their Brahmin tormentors and masters. In 1880, overnight they decided they didnt want to speak the "Muslim" language called Urdu. And Hindi was born. Ironically, the language we known as Urdu-Hindi is an entirely Muslim contribution to South Asia.

Fast forward 100 years and a shit ton of revisionism and they believe their civilisation is super ancient, super indigenous and Muslims are their eternal enemies. The seed was sown by the British to loosen the Brahmin and Mughal grip on this majority, and what we have today is a toxic society that wants blood. Pakistani founder Jinnah must have seen this coming from a mile away and he successfully managed to separate from this shit show.

The year is 2020. Hindu nationalists genuinely believe that Coronavirus is a Muslim conspiracy to weaken Hindus. The point is that the more you study Hindu history the more you realise that India is a failed experiment that will end in tears. Its literally unravelling before our eyes. There is no chance of them ever becoming a super power with the deep rifts that they have.

He's probably talking about Tamils. Most of the Malaysian Indians are South Indians & look dark af.

It's a good thing that Dalit alphas like me are now destroying Brahmin patriarchy then, isn't it?

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The greatest mistake...

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Fuck off Abdul, even commie liberals whores are not even interested in dating you pigs.
Muslim are technically niggers of India.
> Wants free gibs from government
> Constitutes the most economically backward, illiterate section of the society
> Commits most of the crimes DESPITE being 17% of the population
> Thinks the girls from the majority community are attracted to them when they are not, on the contrary there have been alarming number of cases of muzzie hoes eloping with a hindu chad.
> Writes interfaith porn stories on the internet (just like a lot of interracial porn in America) to cope up with the daily beatings they get by police

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You people really can't meme for shit. White power 1488.


Stop using meme flag Pajeet. Be like me, I don't have meme flags. Why you hidin your country fool?

Why Pepe is orange? I've never seen orange men in India, only brown ones.

Orange (or Saffron) colour usually associated with Hinduism or more often with radical right wing hindu nationalist party.
The orange colour here signifies ideology not race

Indians are kinda based I hope they kick Pakishit's heads in

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