Brit/pol/Media hacks are kill edtion

According to a poll of 1,652 Britons for Sky News conducted by YouGov on Monday and Tuesday, TV journalists, the likes of Piers Morgan and Robert Peston, are distrusted by 64% of viewers with only 24% saying they trust them – a negative net rating of minus 40. The Dead Tree Press fares little better, having now regularly seen the Lobby hacks asking questions at the daily briefing for themselves every evening, only 17% say they trust newspaper journalists, while 72% say they do not, giving an overall net score of minus 55. That is the kind of net approval last seen by Jeremy Corbyn at his nadir…

This is an incredibly difficult time of year for our brave Muslim community here in Britain. Attacked on all sides by racists, bigots, xenophobes, islamophobes, the corona virus and genetic disorders still they put on a brave face, a smile and keep that Blitz Spirit - that bit of Britishness that every one has. Though even though they are hurting, they still find time to donate meals and volunteer for our NHS.

Let us have a clap for all our Muslim allies, friends, brothers and sisters. With the Mosques and Masjids all shut they have no place to practice their rich tradition and community They are having the hardest time of all us right now yet have given the most back of all of us. We must show solidarity.

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> news putting health warnings in their programmes to remind people not to inject disinfectant.

Pretty funny.

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>Coronavirus cure hopes dashed as Chinese trial finds promising HIV and antiviral drugs have NO effect on infected patients
yet another "miracle cure" failure. this virus has to be a bioweapon. nothing works against it.

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>only 17% say they trust newspaper journalists, while 72% say they do not

Ha. Hopefully they'll make a big misstep and come crumbling down.

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Eddie please stream tonight.

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what stream shall I do lad?

Just got back from the police station. My neighbours didn't appreciate me wanking for the NHS out of my front door.

what you drinking, lads?


please clap for the bus drivers

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Tea and water, separately

I am king of the Angles.

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I love you lads dearly hugs and kisses mwah :) Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Just had a crafty clap in the garden and it stinks

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Jimmy White?

If white english/british people will want to stay the natives of the island by the end of the century, they'll have to simply take down the monarchy.

No, no the queen itself. But the entire caste based aristocratic system based on the international financial money of the global elite, which the monarchy is directly or indirectly part of.

Crown colonized half the world, not the english. Crown caused all the genocides, not the english. Crown should be held responsible and be guilty for it's crimes, not the english. The english need to dissassociate themselves with the crown, only that way we will liberate ourselves from the immigration oppression forced upon us by the global elite, which the crown is part of

Ironically, what brits love the most and find the most iconic to their own identity is what will bring them to their own demise. Simply because we're mere subjects in the eyes of the crown. Just as it was the case only 200 years ago during colonial times.

If english nationalism is to survive, it needs to get rid of the crown and it's aristocratic cronies

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cringiest larp for a while t b h

Just saw a bit of BBC news and they're still doing the "Why are so many ethnic minorities disproportionately dying from coronavirus" bollocks

>Is there a bigger cuck than blah blah

english nationalism is alive and well. even the civic nationalists count because their double think about race is easily dismantled without destroying their intrinsic humanity. they just have to admit there is more to nationality and race than they want to, then it all naturally falls into place

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>950k closed cases
>CFR is still 20%
i think it's safe to say that this virus has a minimal kill rate of 20%. it's probably closer to 40% or 50% once you account for all the underreporting. even higher than that once the reinfection waves start.

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>english nationalism is alive and well

Enjoy ramadan then.

getting use to these half days at work, the only thing is i find im getting tired more quickly

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Fuck the monarchy just as much as any politician


Not really, she's overseen the death of our country and its people. Fuck her.

>english nationalism is alive and well.

yes, they REEE online anonomously while we gang rape their daughters. English white supremists are terryfying.

>getting use to these half days at work
hoping lockdown lasts as long as possible and that the longer it goes on the less likely we will return to normal hours.

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>Return home from university for the duration of this supposed SHTF scenario (very boring end of the world so far)
>Hear people clapping around 8:00 pm last night
Oh haha people actually do this nonsense

you prove my point. even in a police state where speech and thought is monitored and controlled and political freedom is a distant memory, and a corrupt anti-white anti-english 24/7 media, those of us who get to see what is happening are instantly 100% nationalist. more people are seeing it everyday so yes it is alive and well and growing

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>white supremists
found the paid influencer

yea i imagine universal income will become a thing cause all of this.

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Sorry if I upset you

more like 100% instantly cucks

Although a trademark of english collective mentality of just standing by thinking business as usual, that won't save you or your particular type of "nationalism" when more radical strains of islam start to slowly creep into the already growing communities.

Looks like lockdown is over boys. It got real noisy outside today and looking outside people have had enough and are out in droves. Traffic is well busy.

Mexican lives matter

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Same here, loads of old people out for a walk as well. It’s sunny and nobody cares anymore

HMS Ray Mears

HMS Sir David Lammy

Just wait, the lockdown will end neat the end of summer and then they'll impose almost immediately after winter starts to protect from a (((second wave)))

''your reputation is amazing covid...i really hope you finish the job with Derek draper''