Red Pill Me on Glowniggers

Years ago I read a story from an anti-government, right wing type who was busted by the FBI. I don’t remember his name; maybe it was Edgar Steele. The convict gave a detailed account of how they operate to take people down. He claimed that their main tool is confidential informants, i.e. snitches. Supposedly each field agent will be working in several cases and is strongly encouraged to have a minimum number of CI’s working under him. The snitches are paid, and considering they’re already probably involved with criminals and low life’s (and therefor poorfags) it’s easy to find them. The prisoner also claimed that in news articles the CI’s will often be referred to as FBI employees, or as “working for the FBI” rather than a “paid informant.” The former sound more legitimate, but mean the same thing

Is any of this true? It seems very believable to me. It left quite an impression on me, and since reading it (years and years ago) I’ve noticed that nearly every FBI story where the author mentions how the case was solved it’s because of a paid informant.

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Yeah bro didn’t you watch Tiger Kings?

You’d have to be a damned retard not to know they use CIs and entrapment. Literally living in a fucking cave for decades to be that stupid.

And this is why they end up with bullshit like the dossier. And also how they manufacture literal murders of American families they don't like ala ruby ridge.

Paying people to tell you what you want to hear is really dangerous when you're also too fucking stupid to know it's bullshit.

>OY this guy we paid said the pee tape was real

>OY this guy we paid at the lodge said he's bad man

>OY this guy we tortured said there's big big boom wmds

>OY it's not our fault. Really, we're the victims of these no good liars.


No one mentioned that, and it’s not the subject. We’re talking about CI’s being the primary tool of the FBI rather than forensics or traditional investigations.

FBI mostly creates (entraps) the gullible, retarded, or outright schizophrenic to express interest in doing something criminal then they make the bust

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Yeah, no shit. I mean it's on full display on national TV. Everyone has seen Tiger King and how he was literally set up and only 'got' because of shady FBI informants.

That was in the 1930’s user.
Now they use teledildonics and ouija boards instead. 5g buttplugs will cut crime, too

>re: snitches
Make sure you pay 'em or you don't get to keep 'em.

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Forensics is more meme than reality. That shit is expensive and slow and tends to yield ambivalent information. Snitches and surveillance are the primary tools of the modern glowie.

>Paying people to tell you what you want to hear is really dangerous when you're also too fucking stupid to know it's bullshit.
Lol, implying they didn't.
They literally sent that guy with the shotgun to Weaver and he had to persuade him to cut it whatever he did that was illegal modification. He didn't want to at first but eventually agreed.

99% of crimes that the glowniggers "solve" are organized by themselves.

I did some work for a three letter agency. Ask me anything. I'll probably not know much.

All of them are pure evil pieces of shit and the greatest threat to humanity.

Not much more needs to be said. They want you dead or domesticated and they want your children raped

Back in -99 I hit a glownigger with My car

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Truth. Should have added 'or too corrupt'.

For all the shit i talk about the cia, the fbi should prob also be scattered to the wind.

nonessental workers

They will try to talk you into doing something illegal. ATF violations, illegal firearms transfers, drugs or drugs and firearms, explosives manufacturing or obtaining explosives, conspiracy to commit acts of terror. Anything illegal will do but they primarily try to entrap people with felonies involving 10+ year sentences. But, yes, it's not usually FBI agents that you will see but rather informants.

This is seriously so fucked up. Is there a goddamn shortage of crime? I could find dozens of felonies and actual drug traffickers in 48 hrs just by being personable. How fucking useless and incompetent does a multi billion dollar organization need to be to turn their entire existence into fucking entrapment of the few and far between innocent civilians? How fucked up does an organization have to be to let Comey rise to the top?

Perhaps the problem of mentally unstable trannies is actually several decades older than we all realize. J Edna created a blight on society.

they're rich kids on their way to a better paying job at some firm, they go for 2 years and get that on their resume and then bail

What is an operative?
What is an agent?
Why aren't you working for them to turn the tide right?

>We’re talking about CI’s being the primary tool of the FBI rather than forensics or traditional investigations.
fuck all that and listen to Bill Binney talk about programs like Stellar Wind, ok why does the DEA need 400 cray machines to spy in America? so they can keywordscore a bunch of drug convictions only from people with shit worth taking and then steal their shit and keep it, it's illegal to build a case presuming guilt, it's also illegal to use parallel construction to reverse engineer a case with data you collected off every single line of communication you could sniff


>Yeah why aren't you working for the people gangstalking you and destroying the country and your family and everyone's future. It's your duty to schlop literal retards who would be executed in any just universe.


Exactly this, they could hire your average teen age burnout and probably take down large swaths of drug distribution networks in less than a week.

Cause all those drug traffics are overseen by them, why would they take them down?
All the anti-drug operations by the agencies are just about taking out the competition for their own business.

>is there a shortage on crime?
Most organized crime is probably tied to the cia in one form or another, so they can't go after them.
So they have to justify their existence, and best way to do that is to entrap/frame those most likely to do something about the massive corruption and criminal enterprises run by the gov/cia.
Criminalize patriots, because when evil is law, good becomes criminal.

I actually know a guy who sells zips of weed all day every day. Some crazy old hippie. He recently had some big drama of some meth head slut 'heiress' stringing him along on a binge and he was a dumb fucking hippie trying to get her to go to 50k celeb rehab for good boy points.

It ended with cops raiding his apt when he had less than 4oz, legal weight with a card, the meth head screeching at the cops to arrest him while stealing his cameras, and no charges.

His tires got slashed a bunch afterwards.

Law enforcement is a fucking joke.



Americans have a right to know about the tactics that are used against them by an arguably corrupt bureaucracy.

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Federal Agents:
>Are quite possibly the worse type of people I can think of, they live in a movie/ reality fantasy, where they all think they are against the bad guys, when in fact it is THEM that are the bad guys

>Agents will approach an otherwise confused individual who doesn't trust their government, and then proceed to forcefeed them propaganda and further groom them for domestic terrorism, all the while providing them with weapons, explosives, and everything they need to be successful at what the agent has convinced them of doing, then the moment the subject goes to do what he has been brainwashed into doing by federal agents, he gets arrested for domestic terrorism

The lack of logic among federal agencies, and the lack of integrity, honor, and any sense of "doing the right thing" is staggering. Meanwhile you got pedophile rings more or less out in the fucking open operating with literal impunity that continue to operate outside the law

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Entrapment is a serious problem as well, that and falsifying official documents to support their cases.

Turn off your caps lock before I bury this thread in shitposts.

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The chans are fronts for cia operations. These places allow for testing of propaganda to guage public opinion and also as a place for .gov agencies to prove they need to increase their budgets. Because muh racists using free speech and all. The best way to show distaste for unoriginal propaganda us to either sage or reply with fake and gay. Also remember to humiliate your lowly goverment servant by making disparaging comments about op. So meme hard it is your patriotic duty.

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Yes, snitches are important but this is the foundation of jewish and golem power:

This site was made by spooks by it has some manual about snitches somewhere: