Give us back our land, you fucking Polish thieves.
Give us back our land, you fucking Polish thieves
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Give back Rugen!
You have to win a war to get the land back
That was the Soviet Unions fault. Poland didn't want your territory as it meant losing the Eastern provinces wich were part of medieval Poland. Take it up with Russia and the Ukraine.
third time is the charm
>This is how the last one started....
haha stop it hanz! haha
Btw my uncle is in your shithole and he owns a chop shop.
>wanting an even worse East Germany
Let's not do this.
I wanna give Germany all that land and then give Poland a bunch of land to the east. Russia can do with less.
Its most likely an easter goymoney bolshevik rape baby commie bringing the bantz.
Go get stabbed by a turk you filthy swine.
Nice try, but there is no real Germans anymore.
Belarus would first have to give back the Kresy.
By your map, assuming all your premises, there is indeed plenty of Germans remaining. Also, as a reminder, Piluski wanted to work with Hitler.
Pilsudski wanted pre-emptive war against Germany with UK and France but they rejected the plan. Now France is nigger
Isn't that what you made the EU for? You have open borders. Now settle Poland en mass
Hitler claimed that war would have been avoided if Pilsudski had still been alive in 1939.
And what will you do? Settle shitskins there and your ruling elite picking up taxes from them?
This is why we need to start arming Poles and declare open season on all krauts.
We need more guns than america has, AK 47s for everyone!
I'm going to need a source on that. Beck indeed was in favor of this idiotic plot. This speaks poorly of your country: plotting to gang up on a neighbor. You all had no claim to Danzig. And, what was East Prussia is a dump since its administration was transferred and all the Germans forced out. Keep flexing tho. NATO/ZOG is loving making you into the next GRIDS haven.
Chimp out one more time germs, for old times sake.
ask gero about it
and say hello to ahmed
it's like lucas said
it rhymes
Might makes right
So either bring your shit or stfu.
Looks like someone is salty his asylum claim was rejected. Hope Corona infects millions of you retards this Ramadan. Would be Gods gift to humanity.
Jew dont hide behind a meme flag when you insult, dont be a coward!
Gdansk was Polish and will forever be polish
Also there is nothing wrong with ganging against a country with 40 million too much people (that should've been killed or sterilized tbqh) hungry for land and destruction of the neighbor countries
Also Poles didn't have claim on whole East Prussia only on the southern part with Polish majority inhabitants in there.
The Poles only gained Danzig after WW2, it was a free city in the interwar period with a national socialist government and was just used as an excuse by Hitler to start a war
Ok fingol, love you too, have a blessed Ramadan.
There's an extremely high chance of that. I'm not sure where Polish bro is getting his info from that Pilsudski wanted a war on Germany; he and Hitler were aligned in geostrategic aims regarding the USSR and had a similar style of governance (authoritarian vs AIDS democracy.)
This. It was meant to be neutral but it chimped out so the Poles cleansed the german neighbors.
If you read the history you can see it was a horrible pain in the ass for Poland, blocking Polish trade, assaulting Poles doing multiple sabotages. People there behaved like total subhumans and they deserved not being able of living there any longer.
Alot of people don't know this but when the wall came down, Kohl wanted both the GDR and eastern lands lost in WW2. Nice try Helmut.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Danzig has a long history of freedom, being under the yoke of a dozen different forces and was one of the more important cities of the Free Hanse.
Should some cities be free in their own right?
Danzig had freedom a few times.
Over the course of time they often made their own decisions of belonging to Germany or Poland and it's like that 1100 years ago it was a mostly polish settlement, but like many other areas, you have several people living there.
They successfully defended themselves against the polish king after long sieges, another time they supported poland without issues.
All this bullshit just furthers to keep people from fraternizing, connecting and talking.
Give back all the gold and art you've stolen and destroyed, Niggers
danzig is an ancient slavic enclave tho
germanic fucks have only claim to it 'cause they can't stand it if eastern/central europe is not germanised
how's your pedo monarchy doing, eh?
meme of a country
The only reason why this proposal didn't happen was because UK didn't want France to get more powerful than UK.
This is the ideal map of Germany.
You have to be 18 to post on this Taiwanese basket weaving forum.
Poland controlled access to the city and increasingly turned the screws on the city as Perfidious Albion goaded her into a more demanding posture.
>Danzig was Polish
C'mon fren. No it wasn't any more Polish than New York is Lenni Lenape. It was populated by Germans who spoke German and had been so for several hundred years. Now, as a son of Poland, you probably well know the message of Fatima. It is a warning to us all, and especially your nation: hypernationist jingoism will not save you from the chastisement. Focus on getting NATO out of your country. They are force feeding you GRIDS and BLACKD and your government/police are going along with it. We can disagree on various points, but I actually do care about you all and it pains me to see your nation walk down the gang plank that we long ago have plunged from.
the mighty polish army with their plastic tanks lol
germans had the most superrior tanks of WWII and what happened?
It was just occupied by Germans. Just because some immigrants squatted there doesn't mean that foreign country can grab it. Also there was more Polish than New York you utter retard,. Around 10-15% Polish to be precise.
Poland needed a big port and this city was always a historic Polish port.