He has made some jokes about Jews on family guy that were pretty mean to Jews and hilarious, im surprised he didn't get a hitpiece on him by the ADL.
He also did a bit at the Oscars how about how Jews control hollywood
He has made some jokes about Jews on family guy that were pretty mean to Jews and hilarious, im surprised he didn't get a hitpiece on him by the ADL.
He also did a bit at the Oscars how about how Jews control hollywood
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He also makes Jew jokes in American dad, this vile anti Semite should be stopped.
He has the Jewish version of an N-word pass. He's a skilled performer but his best skill is the gift of communication. Schmoozes everyone and gets favors from it, even from Jews.
the goys are back in town fren
For all the talk against degeneracy on this board, you would think people would simply know Seth MacFarlane is a degenerate faggot
I was redpilled by him.
It's a little known fact that Seth MacFarlane is a pipeline to the altright
His shows are too stupid for me but finding out the anti Jew jabs was rather uplifting.
They tried to kill him on 9/11 but he was too hungover and missed his death flight into the trade center.
McFarlane ask something like "Why should I as an american care about Israel?" on a panel show with that huge shnozed kike Bill Maher and gets shut down really fast.
Have you seen Borat? The movie rips Jews and yet he himself is a Jewish supremacist
He is a leftist fucking swamp degenerate
His jokes are irrelevant
Research his donations instead retard
Why should Americans care about Israel or any other country?
ahhh cartoons! that will stop em
>He has made some jokes about Jews on family guy that were pretty mean to Jews and hilarious
That's because his writers are Jews, those were self-depreciating jokes.
He’s a Jewish himself
In Family Guy, he pushes homosex, trans, beastiality, all manner of degenerate behaviour. He mocks the left and the conservative right, but openly holds leftist or liberal ideologies as normal. "American Dad" is even worse, constantly and unevenly lambasting American conservative values. TED -- a talking teddy bear fucks bimbos in grocery store.
If we are watching cartoons, I'll go for King of the Hill or F is For Family.
>That's because his writers are Jews, those were self-depreciating jokes.
Winner winner corona dinner
He is laughing at you, not his people.
He's a jew lover you retarded stormcucks, that's why all these fags get a pass, behind the scenes they all bow down to rabbi Schlomo
>joe's feeding them pennies
ok that was funny
Seconded for based KOTH
seth mcfarlane is a raging faggot, his shows are faggoty, and I think you're probably a gay homosexual op
Isn't he jewish too?
He's been banging that shrill kike Mila Kunich for years. He knows all about Jewish evil.
Nah. Seth is pure Anglo.
ok the soccer one was good too
I'm surprised he missed his flight on 9/11...But, after all, the heart is the measure of all things...
Welfare/perma-unemployment leads to UBI leads to crypto-digital currency completely traceable where the elites can turn off a person's account at will. Then the social credit system is the regulatory shaming device that keeps the borrowers and freeloaders in line digitally. youtu.be
>he mad joke about jew, wow so brave
Nah he got the jew call from his agent
Absolutely based if true
JIDF please leave
This. (((they))) do this to keep the sympathy train moving. Never forget how much (((they))) were, and still are persecuted to this day.
Shutup queer, mcfarlane is pure liberal propaganda with an extra helping of faggot pride and showtunes
>b-but he m-m-makes jokes of the nosensteins
doesn't forgive his other horseshit, he's indoctrinated millions of kids and young "adults" with his awful shows
>He has made some jokes about Jews on family guy that were pretty mean to Jews and hilarious
Half his writers are jewish, goy.
That movie was meant to make southerners and anti Semites look poor and stupid. It's admittedly funny but still a psyop movie