Why do americans have so much pride for their pathetic bald seagull?

Why do americans have so much pride for their pathetic bald seagull?

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Because FREEDOM!!!

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why are germans so obsessed with the USA?

is it because you are still occupied by them? lol


Ask Nordstream 2 and screeching trump about that LOL

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>i love russian cock but not american cock
i mean ok, but why are you so obsessed with the USA?

Our "national symbol" looks like a roasted chicken.

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Kekd at the planet part

Our national bird should be the pigeon. Shits all over everything in large groups and there's fuckall anyone can do about it.

Because like you have said the mutts have still bases here but all bases now are more like hospitals for mutts injured in the middle east and we forbit them to launch missles here and prepare attacks.
We hate the mutts since 1917 and it never changed.


Because our countries have the better looking ones.

>and we forbit them to launch missles here and prepare attacks.
lmao now that is adorable. You're occupied by us, cuck. You don't forbid us from doing anything, we decide not to slap your entire country's shit in a day.


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Imagine fighting that kraut bird off while it tries to devour you.

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Look up Horus and his significance in the occult, that is your answer



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they hate the USA because theyve been trying to turn europe into one big EU superstate, like the US, but failing miserably, as the german always does.
it's hillarious but sad how cucked germans are

Nordstream 2 and a screeching Trump says no.
Just like how we ignore the american trade ban on iran and russian and just use tricks to go around them.
haha sure thing stupid beaner

All Germans love cock in one form or the other

>Just like how we ignore the american trade ban on iran and russian and just use tricks to go around them.
That's fine, a little kid sneaking food under the table for the dog doesn't mean the parents can't kill the kid if they wanted.

Have you ever seen one in person? They are amazing birds. Nearly the size of an adult human.

Why do germans don't have pride in their eagle?

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American "adults" aka midgets are not adult nor human at all.

>bald eagle is small and only eats fish
>german imperial is the largest and eats everything

Are you that embarrassed about your choking chicken that you must lie about both to make you look good by comparison?

Secretary bird is best bird.

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Once again a pooplander butthurt eastern subhuman joined a german thread

Bald eagle voice actor

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this is Americas national brrrrrd

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military bases on your soil: your opinion is irrelevant

Are you stupid on purpose?

The Harpy is in my State coat of arms, and in the coat of arms of the State Military Police, it is pretty neat, a silver and black eagle

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>Is a Dragon
>Is a Dragon

Other national animals on suicide watch.

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That’s only the Bundestag version though and because they allowed a degenerate artist to design it.

>German Imperial Eagle
not an actual bird.

nice chickens faggots

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>posting dragons immediately after st georges day

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you can even expand it germ bro.

Gemanys holy patron saint is the arch angel Michael,saint of soldiers. america is a god less nation without even a saint watching over the nation. They where DoD and are DoD.

go back to r eddit faggot

what ever new fag, geh grillen junge.

What's really funny is that Germans freak out about paying for their own defense, then go and put all the pieces in place to become reliant on their most aggressive enemy for energy.
Ask Ukraine how that worked out.

I smell jealousy and sour kraut

workd out great for them, its alesson to america what happens when they fuck aroudn geopolticly.

Ask syria how russian help works out for them against the saudi american terrorists.

>St George

Nigga please...

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Looks like a deformed chicken...

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Keep talking shit. We'll send over our real national bird the sandhill crane.





We have no problems with russia just america and the butthurt belt has problems with russia and most of our gas does not even come from russia while the butthurt belt relies 100% from russia but i never heard americans talking about that just the usual MUUUUUUHHH GERMANS BECOMING A PUPPET OF RUSSIA hahahahahahah

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If it wasn't for the German Imperial eagle the Australian coat of arms would feature the wedgie.

makes the dragon murder even more humiliating doesnt it?