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Other urls found in this thread:

3 years of tds down, 5 to go.

drink your bleach!, 1 term president

His energy will be completely gone by then.

Kys shill

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Hey faggot OP

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Fucking look at me when I talk to you

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Such a stable genius


This makes me think the time when he looked directly at the sun, this man may have talent for bussines and economics but he is just a dumb low iq golden gorilla

>previous shill thread gets btfo by facts
>leaves to start a new shill thread with fellow shills

injecting disinfectant into your gaping tranny hole is sage advice, fagtard.

I work at potabilization plant, and we use UV to kill viruses in the water but it needs some crazy amount of power and light. If that light can kill viruses it means it fucks up you cells too you american retard


The cure is COMFY PILLOWS. He tried to tell you but you wouldn't listen.

>I work at potabilization plant,
So how are you an expert on this subject?


Cope and seethe

i missed it but would you mind showing me the facts that prove injecting yourself with disinfectant is a good thing? or he simply didnt say it


>It could work. I'm very intelligent and people say it takes one minute to bleach the Chinese virus out of existence.

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It needs to be injected into your butt, berniebro. You will be pleased.

Therapeutic reason doesn't mean it kills viruses you fuckin retard, supposedly this therapy helps oxigenate the blood which is all some bs quackery

>Gets BTFO'd in last thread
>Runs away to start another thread
>Expects different results.

Attached: OP Sucks.gif (150x148, 996.38K)

The damage control in this thread is hilarious.

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> Trump asks a question about whether a substance that kills germs on surfaces could have medical applications

Im no expert,but go irradate your cells with radiation you dumb fucking idiot, your commander in chief is the dumbest president in history but you are still delusional and dont want to accept it

>If that light can kill viruses it means it fucks up you cells too you american retard
You mean like i dunooo....chemotherapy?

Pleas don't whimper

>Inject disinfectant go-- I mean patriot

True. OP got BTFO'd last thread so he had to make a new one. Embarrassing

>What is Chemotherapy ?
Is Medicine & Science magic somehow?
What a fucking ignorant sheep you are.
Stop sucking do much dick its probably caving your skull in and hindering your thinking

Chemo =/= uv or disinfectant.


That would be radiotherapy, chemo dosent use radiation

Omg! Yessss! Trump is always right!!! Leftists Btfo OwO

prepare the appropriate orifice

Attached: fuckable-obama-kid.png (271x553, 300.61K)

These libshit "gotchas" are relying entirely on the fact that liberals dont actually watch or listen to what Trump does to reach more liberals that already hate Trump.

They're all plugged into the same echo chambers and refuse to acknowledge that's what they are, so they'll just keep up this startegy forever, literally until they die, unless someone ever manages to get them to wake up, and pushing moderates farther and farther away.

No one likes a liar, and that's very obviously what all these liberals are doing with all these misquotes of things Trump says. These so called journalists won't even air Trumps new conferences and we are supposed to just take their word for it about what he says in them. It's so retarded even my leftist parents stopped watching CNN.

So says the board certified doc of Yas Forums

>go make the thread
>we shall go make the thread
>when they kick you ass go make the thread again
>when they kick our ass make the thread again

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Attached: kek.jpg (1000x1151, 200.94K)

you can do both of those after your injection cum guzzler

Obviously injecting bleach is retarded, but how would one go about injecting light into my body, that sounds like a winner.

Go on do it...
Inject the disinfectant

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Pretty based.

Attached: what_he_meant_was.png (387x24, 1.41K)

Trump is a fucking idiot.

done, injected it in my veins.

what now?

Trump asked if there was a way to used disinfectants in the body, doesn't have to be Chlorine bleach, lots of organic disinfectants. Why hasn't garlic been mentioned? Also with mosquito season coming up, can the mpsquitos spread the disease as a vector, like malaria? No you aren't worried about that, you just waant to smear the prez and that's why I think Dems worked with the Chi-coms to get this disease going in America. You would make the world pay and let the economy crash and kill thousands just to beat Trump.

We didn't like Obama but I didn't spend every waking moment trying to slime him. Even if he was a lying, bastard born in another country.

By it's very definition anything that removes or reduces an 'infection' is a disinfectant. The difference between a disinfectant, an antiseptic, an antibiotic and an antiviral is just semantics.

The first is generally used for things we use on inert surfaces, the second is used on the exterior of the body, and the last two are used inside the body.

In the correct doses and purity alcohol, copper, mercury, aluminium and zinc solutions, could be used in all cases - not without side effects, but they would all perform the same function.

why? even ignoring the fact that you cant enlighten every single cell of your body it's not like light magically kills only bad things