If the elites control the world then why would they allow us to post freely on Yas Forums?
They would have had m00t destroy it years ago.
If the elites control the world then why would they allow us to post freely on Yas Forums?
They would have had m00t destroy it years ago.
Other urls found in this thread:
Because our shitposts on this anime imageboard are completely fucking meaningless, newfaggots only started thinking that posting here made a difference after 2016
But you would think they'd want to shut down anything facilitating descent and pointing out their tyrany, right?
Shutting down all outlets would cause too much discontent and lower stability. People need to think they think for themselves and having shill infested places like this where anyone can say anything but the majority of the traffic is in line with controlled opposition talking points is a more effective means of control than hamfisted censorship which builds resentment
what is controlled opposition you pajeet faggot
canadian education
>If the elites
what you mean is "if the jews".
They want us quarantined here instead of exploding kikes on facebook.
There’s literally 5% original thought here. The rest are just shills and bots or people parroting shills and bots. Why would they shut it down?
all the good posts were on infinite chan
they shut it down, retard
Because it looks like they’re out of ideas
Sorry. I know I’m scary. Runs in the family I guess
This place is a tool to guide public discourse. Period.
People here wouldn't be talking about 90% of the things they post about here, if they hadn't read threads on here about it. People just don't realize that this place is being used as a form of mind control.
They did, normies think Yas Forums is only full of racist neo nazis, any time Yas Forums is mentioned in MSM its always something negative
NWO needs to let some safe spaces here and there so people can vent their rage and feel their opinion is important when it trully isn’t. As a venezuelan diasporashit, I can confirm the reason why the government despite their heavy censorship still allowed social media in the country was because they knew the nature of the memezuelan is that of an attention whore and getting more likes/followers, thus letting them feel important and as if they were really changing anything, when in reality they were just being distracted and the commies in top of the food chain slowly cucked them more and more. I am sure many other places in the world, even America, does these kind of stuff.
Yas Forums is basically the only place we can have uncensored political discussion. There's no other place except on the dark web but then there's nobody to talk with.
Because we are an ever evolving social case study. And for damage control.
this site is a honeypot didn't you figure it out yet?
So we can call them retarded monkeys because they are.
pic related
>You have been banned for
Yeah man, so free
The best way to keep slaves passive is to give them the illusion of freedom.
/pol is full of larpers. the most hardcore thing anybody here ever did was analysing IS propaganda vids. Meanwhile, this board and the constant natsoc larping are used as examples to support the narrative of international natsoc terrorist networks. Should be plain to see which one is more useful to leftist organizations.
That's what women do with men.
Dunno, but Iet's take advantage of it before our social credit score is too low to post.
Lets talk about Psycho-Electronic weapons
Are we cyberpunk yet?
The Mark of the beast is here
Fuck the who
Because the internet is the largest data mining op. All webs have spiders, and most unsuspecting little things get caught.
Dude, because the elite play a game called INTRASPECIES PREDATION. You taunt your prey and throw them a bone every once and a while. Here's a video on it, where a moneyed Jew talks on the matter..
So mote it be. Doubt it not.
To keep up the illusion of freedom and also makes monitoring opposition much easier
Because at least here they. An montornwhats being talked about. If we weren't online. They imagine we would be having secret meeting of hate in your basement
The US allows it’s citizens to scream into the wind as a type of relief valve while being extremely heavy handed against anyone who rallies against the status quo. The Charlottesville right wing protests are the ultimate example of that.
I don't get what you mean, though I am interested.
Yas Forums is a useful boogeyman
Yas Forums is controlled opposition
You're fake news
Do you actually think the elites would be afraid of a bunch of incel schizos
Because 4c|-|on and 8c|-|an were much more effective redpillers. We can literally thank the Chon for the beginning of the first embers of the nationalist right in 2011/2012, that started turning lolberg useful idiots into national socialists... or "national capitalist" as an American version of it (not a fan of the term myself). Sadly it was stomped down and cripplechan was a more neutered "White nationalist" response but was more widespread.
Charlottesville was a honeypot and disinfo campaign.
Because Yas Forums is not directly under their control. Controlling the world doesn't mean controlling every single little bit of it. They are able to access Yas Forums just as we are, but it is not within their sphere of influence.
Lot of people don't read this Board, they watch Fox and MSNBC.
And they can try their psyops here too. You think all of these posts are organic?
It’s easier to catch fish when they’re all put in a barrel compared to fishing in an ocean
Somebody should start National Centrism. I'm too lazy though.
so they can mark all the dissidents, duh