Why don't the power elite and celebrities release their already completed movies for free on Youtube? Why don't they donate their skills and talents? It would be a really nice gesture. That could help walk back a few of the huge missteps these privileged fucks have made lately.

It could also keep people like us, from continuing to mostly ignore them when we get to the other side of the Wuhan virus. As it stands, I don't think people will care nearly as much about them moving forward into the future.

Come on celebs and studio execs. Do you really need 25 more Ferraris this year?

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what's Florence Pugh's superpower?
having a huge ass?

god im such a simp for that jewess. i want her thicc thighs to smother me

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I don't care that she's a jewess, i want to fuck her holes hard

It doesn't just have to be the "capeshit" user. I'm talking about all of it.

Even when the dust has mostly settled. I doubt very much that people will instantly flock to crowded theaters to rub elbows with strangers. These movies they're holding back, will still flop. So why not do something positive with them, for the fans who made it all possible for them in the first fucking place?

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>may 1st

I totally forgot about all forms of entertainment, i just want this covid shit to be over but it’s all i read and watch lately.

They don’t have skills or talent. It’s become painfully obvious to everyone.

I don't want to watch this shit even for free

>Why don't the power elite and celebrities release their already completed movies for free on Youtube? Why don't they donate their skills and talents?
Profits need to be protected at all costs.
>Come on celebs and studio execs. Do you really need 25 more Ferraris this year?
Implying the need to keep shareholders happy isn't the end goal.

>I totally forgot about all forms of entertainment
How is this possible? At least jerk your gherkin to some JAV in these times!

You gotta support the industry, son.

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Ofcourse i do but looking up schedules of upcoming movies/games etc was something i had a mild interest in, but now nothing matters.

finally russians are the good guys

some big actors do star in smaller productions, basically pro bono. i have respect for them

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>Florence Pugh
Nobody wants to see this shit.

holy shit you dumb?
you know who ran IFC?
Harvey Wienstien. If you wanted an independant film deal you had to send your hottest actress to go visit Harvey in his hotel room.

>already completed movies for free on Youtube?

because they already signed deals with the cinemas and breaking that contract to go to streaming services instead would make them kvetch so hard

>wanting kikes to release their stupid capeshit
I'm happy that this decade-long bullshit is finally dying

>jerk it
I thought you were based Walmart user but now I know you're just a coomer!

Don't watch their shit, don't listen to their shit music, and don't pay attention to their shit opinions.
How much of their dirt needs to be put in front of your eyes before you wake the fuck up?

That's what I'm saying user. These movies won't turn profits anyways, and will just be put on streaming sites when they do open in empty theaters. It would make way more sense to get ahead of that and turn it into a huge positive publicity thing for the film industry. It would go a long way to undo the damage they've caused themselves preaching and "singing" from their mansions.

To your other point. If something positive isn't done now. Those shareholders will be fully fucked for years into the future. Maybe even forever.

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Well, why not? Japan produces a lot of pornography all things considered, and I'm a walking sex crime waiting to happen.

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cut off your dick

Are you kidding they would never do anyhting more than joining a livestream for people. Free movies? not a chance goy

Well Tommyboy Hankeys is going togive his cum... I mean blood to help covid patients...yeah only rich ones Im sure Ohpra on his list..

You make me laugh.. like there arent sponsors paying them to do these home entertainment for the sheeple.

She's fucking fine dude.
Like I'd degrade myself and void myself of all pride to fuck her I mean god damn.

Right, exactly right. Which is why they should.

All they're doing now is leaving a bad taste in everyone's mouth, and destroying their product in the long term.

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That's what I wondered. I thought everyone already knew hollyweird is full of sick freaks. If they all drowned tomorrow it would be a blessing.

lmfao, shopped her giant fat ass in the f'in poster, imagine this dumpster fire on screen.

Nothingburger NPC spotted.

This thread is being slid hard. I must have rattled somebodies cage.

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