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why does the left always shoot itself in the foot with false equivalency? how does killing and looting the billionaires help to open the economy exactly, with that one time loot payment and subsequent destruction of companies they owned? whats it like to be this retarded?

You could just nationalize the company instead of destroying it. The executives still get their shit jacked though

She’s not wrong.
In fact you only confirmed that she’s right.
Never fear, after the elite get lynched, rest assured we will pick ourselves up by the bootstraps and take berry gud care of their companies and legacies.
I for one would argue for their childrin to work cleaning rooms in local hotels, stocking grocery store shelves and lots of bartender jobs.
CNA’s in boomer retirement homes sounds good too.
Aaaaand if they give up their smartphones someday they can have health insurance too, and a little only fans work and boom.
Dental coverage is within reach.
Day of Days fren.

nationalized industries are literally cancer made for political appointee cocksucking 99% of the time

But it doesn't restart the economy? You get a small amount of lot that won't even last a day split up and you still will have to open the economy to feed people eventually.

do these people think rich (((people))) just sit around with billions of dollars in cash?

the way she expressed her point was stupid, but i mean she's kinda right no ? nationalizing big companies could help the country's economy to recover ?

We don’t disagree with her you memeflaggot

>Bait image 17
Do they even pay you guys anymore?