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why does the left always shoot itself in the foot with false equivalency? how does killing and looting the billionaires help to open the economy exactly, with that one time loot payment and subsequent destruction of companies they owned? whats it like to be this retarded?
You could just nationalize the company instead of destroying it. The executives still get their shit jacked though
She’s not wrong.
In fact you only confirmed that she’s right.
Never fear, after the elite get lynched, rest assured we will pick ourselves up by the bootstraps and take berry gud care of their companies and legacies.
I for one would argue for their childrin to work cleaning rooms in local hotels, stocking grocery store shelves and lots of bartender jobs.
CNA’s in boomer retirement homes sounds good too.
Aaaaand if they give up their smartphones someday they can have health insurance too, and a little only fans work and boom.
Dental coverage is within reach.
Day of Days fren.
nationalized industries are literally cancer made for political appointee cocksucking 99% of the time
But it doesn't restart the economy? You get a small amount of lot that won't even last a day split up and you still will have to open the economy to feed people eventually.
do these people think rich (((people))) just sit around with billions of dollars in cash?
the way she expressed her point was stupid, but i mean she's kinda right no ? nationalizing big companies could help the country's economy to recover ?
We don’t disagree with her you memeflaggot
>Bait image 17
Do they even pay you guys anymore?
I agree with her proposal
She forgot the part where the mortality rate is unknown at best and extremely overestimated at worst and pretends there are absolutely no cons to keeping the economy closed. Great Depression 2.0 would also kill millions and lower the standard of living for everyone, but no one on the left wants to do the cost benefit analysis.
Yes because the government is great at managing companies its not like we cant even balance a budget
the left has wanted to go to war with the country and it's lower/middle class for decades. So this is it, a threat of a coof and people bent over and spread their assholes for the left. They'll never concede the authority that was giving to them, they will drag this on for years, every man woman and child now has a leash around their necks until every man woman and child steps up and dedicates their lives to the wholesale destruction and murder of all leftists.
Flattening the curve doesn't prevent more people from dying FROM the virus, it just spreads it out to prevent additional deaths that would result from hospitals being overrun.
Now that we can handle it, we essentially a just slowing down achieving herd immunity by keeping locked down and being fags about it.
>let's kill the 1%
Whoa, cool it with the antisemitism.
>and don't forget to sage
This is fucking genius, I love how adamant and persistent she is
Homophobia doesn't exist. The visceral reaction heterosexuals have regarding homosexuals is Not fear. It is righteous disgust and outrage that something so vile as a faggot (pedophile) exists at all. Being disgusted by faggots (pedophiles) is totally based and red pilled. You faggots just use the term homophobia to make your weak selves feel powerful, when in reality you are weak hedonists. Weak in body and weak in mind. You faggots deserve to die and should all be thrown off of multistory buildings into traffic to protect children from your predatory, pedophile ways.
we could kill 2% and get rid of 40% of billionaires.
While we are at it we can kill 13% and get rid of 50% of violent crimes
And then what? A bunch of lazy politicians get even more money and power? What a dumb idea. Have you ever seen politicians arguing? It's like preschool, all they do is throw aroun petty insults at each other and get paid royally for that and you want to give them even more?
Here are the lazy retards, doing nothing and getting paid by the average worker, fuck them and fuck you OP
as a third worlder living in the west i wish the west would do this
this would allow my country to mog them faster
most people here dont understand reason china and india are growing today and lifting tons outta poverty is cause we transitioned away from this type of gibsy prole loving economics towards merit based capitalism
remember a person with 160 iq has more intellectual ability than a million people put together, thats why they earn so much more
if the west implements gibs based economics itll result in them being poorer overall and argentina tier economic crashes KEK
good for my homeland we will be living better than them in 20 years and they will be so fucked theyll never catch up
If they killed everyone on the Forbes billionaire list, they would still be making films about it 70 years later
>3% ~ 9 million
More like 0.1% ~ 300k
Also those 300k are mostly boomers on their last leg of life anyways.
I swear, the boomers are the most spoiled generation.
They were handed the world's best country and are running it into the ground as hard as they can just before they leave.
>starving people should not be allowed to not starve
This nasty cunt would go with this plan until she realized how many of her fellow bugs were going down. How many kikes you think are on that list?
> excellent medical care
> double the GDP to restart the economy
She has to pick one to finalize her proposal.
>why does the left always shoot itself in the foot with false equivalency?
You're right. Her idea isn't equal, it's better.
>Great depression 2.0 Would kill millions
I sincerely hope you are ready and on because it is I sincerely hope you are ready user Because it is coming
3000 merchants sign me up
>born into a white world with a great economy
>ensure that your grandchildren will be minorities in their own country
>crash and burn the economy before you die so maybe you can live 2 more months
nothin personal kid
Actually most of the people dying in NYC are fat niggers and spics.
Report her for terroristic threats
Didn't Jonathan Swift come up with a similar modest proposal? Why don't we double up on the reward and literally "Eat the Rich"?
3% would be the weak ones, the ones that hold us back, the ones that are already sickly and cost our healthcares systems (therefore the taxpayer) more than normal, in the USA the sickly are the ones that cause the high insurance rates. The billionaires and millionaires would be paying their own healthcare. So they're not a drain on the system like the sickly are.
I fundamentally disagree.
but that's antisemitic
A fax (short for facsimile and sometimes called telecopying) is the telephonic transmission of scanned-in printed material (text or images), usually to a telephone number associated with a printer or other output device.
So what happens if this does not work? Do we kill you and her, fag?
Taking kikes in anyway other than pedophiles, psychopaths and nation killers is immoral.
It would actually be more moral to kill off the elite take their money and pay for people who are out of a job because of those elite people playing games with out lives.
>do these people think rich (((people))) just sit around with billions of dollars in cash?
That's exactly what they do.
And that's a good thing!
>kill all the billionaires
>their companies collapse because they lost the leadership that made the companies what they are
>stock values plummet
>realize their wealth was tied to the value of the companies and there's no longer any money to extract from them
>millions lose their jobs, nobody has the liquidity available to invest in new startups
>start running the money printers on a three shift rotation
Beware the Jew who names herself ((()))
Shes not left you iliterate Yas Forums retard
Most of them aren't in america, so you'd basically be stealing trillionaire infrastructure from around the world so you could get like 5 years of free vein syrup and radiation blasts.
It's hilarious to hear people propose scenarios where everybody is going to work together to remove the elites. I'm talking equally about the delusional 2nd amendment people who think we're going to overthrow the government, and the delusional commies who think we're going to overthrow the 99%. Humanity has been reduced to moral and human waste. There are no men of action anywhere to be found.