‘Wuhan Plague’ plaques found on Atlanta businesses, streets

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The sign was posted on Atlanta businesses and streets. (Credit: Krystle Rodriguez)
‘Wuhan Plague’ plaques found on Atlanta businesses, streets
NEWS 18 hours ago
By Raisa Habersham, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Hodgepodge Coffeehouse owner Krystle Rodriguez received a text from her employee about the sign: a round plaque glued to her Moreland Avenue building outside her restaurant depicting Winnie the Pooh eating a bat with chopsticks below the words “Wuhan Plague.”

The signs have been popping up around East Atlanta on a variety of buildings and fixtures. Atlanta Police Department’s Homeland Security Unit, which investigates bias-motivated crimes, has been notified about the signs but so far no arrests have been made.“It’s doing nothing but reinforcing really awful stereotypes,” said Rodriguez, who posted a photo of the sign on her social media page to mixed reactions. “I have Asian American friends that said it’s allergy season and they’re afraid to sneeze in public because of all of the hate speech.”

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>reinforcing awful stereotypes

Like what?

Drowning isn't contagious


>le epic forced mymes

>le butthurt chink

Retarded gook

Calling it by a name that indicates where it originated is racist, you guys.
Never mind that "Wuhan" or "Chinese" is not a race, facts don't matter when you're dealing with lefty feels.

It's just racist because we say so.

Attached: LibtardedTrash.jpg (3864x3072, 1.91M)

What's with you fucks obsession with calling it "Wuhan" or "China"? Viruses have nothing to do with viruses and cultures and EVERYTHING to do with humanity and nature as a whole. Stop using this horrible pandemic as a some kind of sick excuse for racism and xenophobia, you disgusting individuals.

The CSA lost 155 years ago,get over it. The south will never rise again.

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That's actually irrelevant with you being a retard a gook

It's because we don't like being pushed around by politically correct asswipes.
It was called the "Wuhan flu" because that was the epicenter of the outbreak. Nobody originally hated the Chinese, nor the citizens of Wuhan for it, it was just a flu that cropped up and started to spread, FROM WUHAN.

Then the virtue-signalers jumped right on this as an opportunity to show everyone just how much more moral and high-minded they were, and, well...just how much BETTER they were than everyone else. So they started cackling and screeching about how RACISSS it was to call it a Chinese flu, never once in their walnut-size brains realizing that "Chinese" is not a race in the first place.

We are...perhaps, knee-jerkingly...throwing it back in their sanctimonious faces by insisting to call it the "Wuflu" or the "Chinese flu," with the hope that it will frustrate them and make them feel as inconsequential as the really are, outside their own inflated self-opinions.

Did I explain it sufficiently?

Attached: StupidBitch.jpg (736x689, 87.33K)

*chink* *chink* *chink*
excuse me but I also have Asian American friends that said

fuck communists
fuck journalists
fuck pianists
fuck jannies
and fuck niggers

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An altogether well-informed and intelligent gentleman.


Ching ching nee hao ping ling xixi ming ling kao wihao ding ding ding. Fuck off you piss skin slant eyed bug cunt. Your mother fucks dogs on live Stream for an extra bat a week, eat up pussy

Cool. I love Atlanta. I wonder if this is catlanta branching out.

We can automatically assume its a white because poc cannot be racist. Or creative.

I admit you had me in the first half.

Location has been used as a naming descriptor for millenia for everything. Humanity is not very creative with their naming of these events. We didn't have context to why outbreaks were occurring and could only say that shit was going down at a place. Few recent ones:

West Nile Virus
Zika Virus (Zika Forest)
Middle East Respiratory Syndrome
Spanish Influenza
Ebola (Ebola River)

>you bigots have to stop saying it's a bioweapon. It was clearly naturally passed from bats to humans.
So its because they were eating bats in their wet markets?
>you bigots have to stop saying it's from eating bats. While that is the story that we chose to run with, saying it out loud is bigoted.

Lyme Disease (Lyme, Connecticut) is the example you want to use most readily. We are fine naming diseases after places with white people, but we want to retroactively go back and rename diseases that were named after places of origin with non-white people.

“It’s someone else’s fault .”

t. Women

What’s the crime part? Similar to what? Graffiti? Bombing? Terrorists? Treason? Crimes against humanity? Jay walking?


Atlanta is full of hobos and Indians... what Chinese person was offended?

Where can I buy one?

It looks the quality of Atlanta mart wholesale, possible sign shop.. definitely quality work

tell that to the families of niggers that have drowned one after the other going in to the water trying to save each other lols

Attached: guess i'll die.jpg (570x464, 29.43K)


Scad is in Atlanta... but most of the scad kids have purple hair or some other liberal disabilities

'china gift'