Why is everyone so afraid of niggers? Is it a burger thing? Here in the UK...

Why is everyone so afraid of niggers? Is it a burger thing? Here in the UK, you are more likely to get started on by working class chav white trash than black people, who usually keep to harassing their own kind and Pakis.

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13-50 dumbfuck

>why would you be afraid of an emotional low impulse control armed hominid
Around blacks, never relax.

not sure, but Russian Niggers should be killed more frequently

That's just not true. The crime rate of blacks in Britain is the same as the US, there's just less of them and they are more concentrated in London.

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And they mostly involve other blacks. Groups of white trash are feral and itching for a fight. Nigger gangs usually keep to themselves.

That's just not true. The black-on-white interracial crime rate is actually even higher in the UK. 70% of interracial homicide is Black On White. Per capita, you are still more likely to be attack by a black person than a white person, based on pure per capita criminality. Whites are numerous but have very low crime rates. The notion that blacks keep to themselves is farcical. You clearly don't live near any.

Pic related, another image. Shitlibs will claim this is discriminatory, when in actual fact it just shows they commit more crime.

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I’m glad I live in north wales completely shitskin free

And here's the nail in the coffin to the discrimination argument. Conviction rates are near identical across all races.

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They steal and cheat and are privileged

Not afraid, just don't want to be associated with them, or live around them. Indians too./

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>Itt, let's pretend Bongs come to the U.S and aren't afraid of everything.
Foreigners amuse me.

>You clearly don't live near any.
I'm from Birmingham retard, they're everywhere. Your statistics are cherry picked and don't represent what is actually happening on the ground.

Fuck off.

The nigger stole his lunch money when he wasn't paying attention lel

In the UK you're more likely to be beaten and robbed by an Irishman, Pole or Lithuanian than a Pakistani or Nigerian.

You're either being completely disingenuous or you're a brainwashed fool.

OP reported for child porn

>lemme tell you about your country britbongs!
Shut the fuck up muttboy

Did a nigger mug you or something? What happened?

Here's a great breakdown of the types of murders different races commit. Whites are the least likely to use bladed weapons. Bladed weapons show intention to kill. Whites are more likely to kill someone by hitting them, which implies a fight and accidental death. All other groups have much higher bladed weapon usage and shootings compared to whites. Asians (whatever that means in Bonglandia) seem to really love strangling people while blacks don't strangle at all. 'Others' (Again, whatever the fuck that means) seem to really like using blunt instruments.

Crime rates themselves differ among races, but even the methods of crime differ among racial groups in a significant way.

Whites are clearly the safest group be around by a large margin.

>cherry picked

These are wholesale crime statistics involving all racial groups. They literally can't be cherry picked.

>don't represent what is actually going on

Yes, they do. I assume you're a pajeet. You're wrong by a statistical margin. Please leave my country.

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the white kid hasn't found out what happened to that sweet bike he got for xmas yet

Chill out Nigel.

Lol OP on suicide watch

This is simply not true. Eastern Europeans have very similar crime rates to Native Brits. Blacks and Mixed-Race people have the highest crime rates. Asians follow by a third but we can safely assume 'Asian' crime rates are mostly Pakistani's and Bangladeshi's and not Indians or East Asians.

>committing crime in England

Are you from the 1800's? What is this absolute bollocks?

Adjust these for socioeconomic class and you may have an argument.

tell that to the 19,000. Granted it wasnt them, but close enough.

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Why cant foreigners be content with leaving white people alone

This has been debunked for almost a century. Poverty has little real bearing on crime. Socio-economic status does not cause you to rape, murder and rob shoes. There are hundreds of studies comparing wealth of criminals in among different racial groups. All show that wealthy blacks commit even more crime than the poorest whites. It would be no different in the UK.

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