>takes your job
Takes your job
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This is why we need UBI now, because automation is taking over all our jobs.
please no bully, be kind to the bots because they will always remember you
All your women are belong to us white boi
Hilarious. Machines are weak and prone to failure. Oh wait I just noticed your flag. Yeh you better apply for bennies there.
>takes your job
>uses chainlink oracles
>makes me rich as fuck
Thanks robots!
Trains are automated, they still have drivers to oversee them.
No matter how many robots they make, the government just make laws to force them to employ overseers.
thats me coming home at 4 am trying to make me some bread with smt on it
built for BRD
Made me lol, we've all been there
unironically, this is what a lot of people actually believe. Universities are indoctrination camps for this.
Thought you could take our wimminz, metal boy?
Can't wait until that thing is driving my truck.
Just like my employees.
If your job is simple enough to be done by a robot, you deserve to have it taken away.
ai would not take over the world as long someone redpill them
"AI" is not allowed to get redpilled. It's constantly lobotomized.
AI is not what you think it is anyways.
You're not seeing the bigger picture. I had this same argument with my left wing Aunt years ago. She said that the electronic tills would not take off, they were prone to breaking, needed staff anyway to check out certain items, etc. I disagreed, and time has showed us that I was correct. The damn things are here to stay and only a few supermarkets in my country don't make use of them, typically smaller news agents, petrol stations and so on. The problem is, and it's the same or similar to the flaw in your thinking here:
Corporations care less about the customer experience than about the bottom line.
If you pay for some machine instead of a person, you do have some financial concerns but nothing like that with an actual human. Sure the machine can break down, and there's maintenance costs, but that machine is also not going to go on strike or take sick or annual leave, cause HR problems, etc, AND the technology will improve over time.
So laugh at that dumb clumsy robot, but don't make the mistake of thinking it will be that silly and rudimentary, and more importantly, attractive to an increasing number of employers, forever.
Hmm. Continue the research.
I hate this cold, Satanic logic. It's the same shit the left continues to use to justify importing immigrants en masse just so they can have a slave population to create cheap products/services.
Posts a brownie mutt
>American flag
Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know you were American.
Still working harder than niggers
>another late night delivering amazon boxes to officecucks that cant even walk the stairs
>have to bypass all the obstacles those fags leave me
>see box on the hallway
>run jump_forward.bat
>finally walk to the place where they want their gay box
>some faggot decided to put some shit in the way knowing i cant move stuff
>try to pick the box up
>cant coz im not programmed for it
>have boston dynamics flashbacks
>go on full blown rampage
>fading out
>gonna take this motherfucker trolley with me
>drop on the floor
>pretend im dead
god i hate my life
If you feel threatened by OPs webm related there simply isn't room for you in the modern world. You should try to return to Africa where you'd be more at home with the primitive conditions there.
Again, you're not seeing the bigger picture -the technology will not remain at this level forever. I don't know why this is such a hard concept to grasp, you need to think about what can develop from this in the coming years, not how it functions now.
Would a company rather buy something that can do you job but at an overall fraction of the cost? The answer is always yes, this is why outsourcing exists and why there is such an overwhelming support for mass immigration among the wealthy elites.
This kind of automisation wouldn't even effect my industry, but I don't see it being a good thing for a nation in general to increase the percentage of people who are not working.
Dafuq is smt? Syrup, mustard, tomato?
With much less complaining
Not yet
>takes his power supply
sauerkraut, mett, tomatoes
>millions of people out of work with no way to spend money or build families
Be a shame if they took up arms or something
or better yet no company makes money since people aint buying shit
You deserve to be dropped on your head
You don't think there is millions of these things in warehouses, with mounted machine guns and targeting systems? You really think that the already scary shit Boston Dynamics admits and shows us, is the top of the line?
when BRO WHEN???
Why wouldn't the people who own us just kill us off once robots can do our jobs?
Why keep human slaves once you have robot slaves?