Evening lads, Praise Him

>virgin is in the shitter
>based country lads fucking with slant trainee pilots
>more on the planted methpipe

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Fuck chinks
>Attacking users

Nice made up rule there cunts

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What race are you?

She's ugly as fuck. Probably was cute back in the day but now she's some used up post wall sandwhore, kek.

What do you think mate?

Probably white. Western sandwhores would only ever go for a white man.

wtf are you doing, m8

No that's the reply to send her

is that your best photo?

>celebrating our zog masters

thank you for your service goy

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Give me an opener that can lead into asking that, I dont want to get done for racial vilification or some fucking bullshit

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fuck abc
fuck cops
fuck slants
fuck strawberry farmers
most importantly, fuck jannies

Serious question, how the fuck does a glass meth pipe survive a serious collision that killed 4 people?

If singles im gonna drink a beer

call her a whore, a traitor to her religion and race


You retarded m8?

Yeah righto muhammad, Ill get straight onto it

This but while youre thrashing it

What are you cunts doing for ANZAC day?

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fuck 'em
i'll care when they giveme a holiday

Do it. Pretend to be a muslim for extra effect.


Yeah that alright boys totally ignore this for some whore on tinder.

Serious question, what kind of WHS SOP have 5 personnel standing together on the side of a highway?

Doubt it. The bloke looked like a crackhead

>hey baby i love your tan

Going to do Arathusa canyon. Should be fun.

it's a small cylinder, not a window

how good was that ian brown larper earlier


working while laughing at all the memers who think its a good idea to revere a bunch of zog puppets

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There's something about Miriam....
She..... is a he........

drinking and blasting Last Post in my street at 6am, then I'll sleep


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-The peaceful invaders are even more dangerous than the violent ones.

Are anons here ready to work UNDER women?

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This bitch

Sorry, were you saying something?

Cheers cunts

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Shit taste mate...

I'd rather work six feet under as fertilizer

Ooh, hold the phone, whats that pretty red geetar over yonder?

Remember Tarrant on ANZAC day, he's a vet too, a veteran of the race war

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You mean work as a male prostitute?