6 kids....imagine my shock
Mudslimes up north
Of course sky news encourage this behaviour
>Import 'people' known for violence and multiplying like rats.
>Get demographically replaced while also being marginalized in your own homeland.
Imagine my shock
t. butthurt incels that aren't even wanted by their own women. Keep seething wh*Toids while Islamic BVLLS marry virgins and make 3+ kids.
Kek, those are rookie numbers.
Ok, suicide bomber.
By definition I can't be a suicide bomber Pajeet, I'm alive.
This is funny because it happened in India.
If that were an American newspaper I would be upset.
Very bad suicide bomber then.
Forgot your meme flag, dipshit
Who cares.
So which 3rd world shithole did you slime out of to end up in Tulip land then nignog?
Just because the pandemic rescheduled your mission doesn't mean you aren't one.
Never going to happen in your country. Only happens in countries with somewhat socialist and minority pandering governments. EU is fucked. So is India.
None, I was born here.
Six is too many if you aint rich or work on a farm
Who cares if it's too many if you're going to be a parasite on your host nation?
200 years ago these mudslimes would be genocided . Today, the west has become pussified and due to its influence, other countries' hands are also tied otherwise....
Even though Im just an only child, I come from a Catholic family where my mom is one of six kids. So its kinda hard for me to criticize this. But at least with my mom she lived on a farm for a good while making it useful to have that many. Also the fact that all of my aunts and uncles had 2 or less kids says a lot. Eventually they will stop breeding like rabbits too, its just the nature of demographic trends. Shame they can't do it in their own country.
That's way too optimistic. You can't really expect them to stop breeding like rabbits when it stems from their religious beliefs and everybody knows that mudslimes are deeply religious people in general
>You can't really expect them to stop breeding like rabbits when it stems from their religious beliefs
A bit strong coming from a country with 1+ billion hominids.
Keep the smelly paki minge for yourself lad, I'm not into bestiality
LOL white people can't even have kids and most of their marriages end up in divorce
Chad India virgin Pakistan c
we have outlawed open handed bitch prevention techniques
>every day we'll be featuring a different family from the same road.
So the virus lays dormant for a week to two weeks, sky news will go door to daor down a whole street, if just one person has it the entire block will get it. What's the fucking point of locking down?
In all seriousness this should have been handled like every other flu in every other flu season. The people most at risk can chose to isolate and let the normal people go about their lives.
Still NO flu deaths this year. Funny that, it's almost as if a respiratory flu was rebranded with a new name and then declared a pandemic.
The only pandemic is the media created paranoia it seems.
Hey how else will they get government benefits?
Thankfully here in Canada the free gibbs only pay for up to 3 children.
Don't forget the 300 million good-for-nothing (terrorism?) mudslimes. Total fertility rate for them is much higher than average. And that's without even counting millions of illegal mudslimes who breed even more rapidly than the legal ones.
Lol black people can't even develop a basic civilization, we may not breed like you but at least we aren't parasites
gets upset because they have sex.
fucking incels
Good luck dealing with those parasites
>So which 3rd world shithole did you slime out of to end up in Tulip land then nignog?
could of been one of the hundreds the English invaded, enslaved & stole. Since England is founded on ill-gotten gains, it belongs to everyone except the British at this point.
Rightfully so.
More upset because her and her children will destroy our identity and culture
Yeah we definitely stole civilisation from Africa lmao it would be wakanda without us 100%
We didn't choose it, our establishment sold us out
Like you wouldn't have conquered us if you have the chance