Right wing thinkers:
Left wing thinkers:
... To name a few
Right wing thinkers:
Left wing thinkers:
... To name a few
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fk me that gif is hot
>Rousseau left
Oh no no no
What's wrong with white people?
The right has Ratzinger/Benedict, it wins by default.
The right has said what it needs to say
The Left is constantly coping with new Ideas because it can't find a good one
Ratzinger is a lefty bro
wtf I love paul joseph watson now
Probably because most of have only thought arguments like "because God said so" and never articulated their reasons.
The Catholic church already solved right wing ideology. And then WWII being used to delegitimize all genuine right-wing thought probably plays a role.
Aren't like half the guys under leftists Heideggerians? lel
not to mention Hegel..
The Catholic church imploded and started implementing cringefest clown masses in place of the tridentine latin mass. The Catholic church is also irrelevant in 2020
It really isn't, you just want to start fights on the internet. In Germany there are:
Ernst Jünger
Rolf Peter Sieferle
Karlheinz Weißmann
Armin Mohler
Gerd Klaus Kaltenbrunner
Rolf Schilling
Götz Kubitschek
Frank Böckelmann
Arnold Gehlen
Carl Schmitt
among others. We also must not forget that "the right" by default has every philosopher and artist before the 17th century on their side.
It's fucking pathetic when midwits try to compensate for their inability to debate by saying petty, playground-tier shit like "my side has more thinkers than yours." as if that has any relevance to the value of the ideas.
Oh, since mentioned Schilling I should also mention Gottfried Benn.
greeks are right wing
No they're left wing
I don’t a knowa! I meana we a wuza kingsa n shita
I wonder what they thought about foreigners and women
Too rational and objective
Everyone pre-enlightenment was right-wing.
Rationality and objectivity are right wing
barbar pls
>who are almost all latino leftists
Essentially all latinos are leftists though, it's just how they are
why is Brasil turning fascist(also they count as Latinos right?)
Calling Ernst Jünger right wing is kind of a weird statement. I don't think he can really be claimed by either side desu. He criticized almost every political position that existed during his lifetime, maybe with the exception of environmentalism which he seemed to have a consistent affinity for.
No, they're European (as is "the left")
Temporary deviation. They'll be back to leftism by 2030.
For the love of god, zero mentions of Joseph de Maistre in this thread.
What is that face trying to convey?
What is she trying to accomplish?
Yeah Brazilians are Latinos. And I couldn't tell you why they're leaning more heavily to the right lately. I can tell you, however that there are a fuckton of socialists in Brazil, they're just the minority. I'm not saying all Latinos are leftists. There are just a shit ton of leftist Latinos and most of them are Catholic.
He was one of the chief ideologues of German "new nationalism" and a central figure of the conservative revolution and was the publisher of new right magazines pretty much until his death. The right has legitimate reasons to call him one of their most important thinkers. I don't think anyone on the left would claim him as their own.
why are you guys so gay
It's funny how the Church is viewed as a bastion of "Reaction" from the viewpoint of European political thought, but in Latin America it's a source of communist pinkos. But it's understandable that a lot of Churchmen might come around to "left-wing" views (really just advocating more gibs) when ministering to a majority Indio population ruled over by a small Spaniard/Portuguese elite, and rather poorly at that.
I've seen some conflict between the Church and Feminists in South America, though I know practically nothing of the issue
His texts show an undisguised sympathy for the reactionaries - Leon Bloy, Chateaubriand, Joseph de Mestre, Edmund Burke, Donoso Cortes, etc.
Yeah I think that's over abortion though. A lot of online Catholics nowadays seem to want essentially the USSR but with abortion banned. Because socialism is when you're nice to the poor, brown, or both, and the nicer you are to poorer and browner people the more socialist it is.
And yet he also consistently authored works critical of capitalism and nationalism to the point that his home was raised under the Nazi regime. I'm totally comfortable with calling him a conservative or a traditionalist or whatever but putting him on the same side as the rest of the germans you mentioned is just kind of weird and seems like it ignores the transcendentalism present in a lot of his writing. I'll admit that I haven't read as much of his stuff as I'd like because translations can be hard to find in print but I really think that just calling him right-wing seems kind of reductive.
And don't get me wrong, I'm absolutely not asserting that he was a leftist or anything.
the left simply never moved past civil justice. in fact, they've redefined civil justice entirely. the left was decieved by satan very early on
At any rate, I'm willing to say you guys probably know better than me on the matter of Junger cause I'm still getting into him. Maybe I'm just looking at this from too American a lens or I'm just being a brain let. Idk
Why would being critical of capitalism not make someone right wing? Also, you should read his political essays, many of which you can find online.
>critical of capitalism
Obviously, he's not a liberal. I get it, you don't want him grouped in with national socialists and you will be glad to hear that I didn't. Who do you think actually remembers Jünger as a dissident of National Socialism here in Germany? It's the intellectual right, for the left he is a literal nazi and everyone else thinks of him as at least sketchy. Which makes sense because no matter how you spin it, he was a right-wing radical.
Such cringe threads are the result of the inaccessibility of Galkovsky texts to the English-speaking world.
Ezra Pound
GK Chesterton
Windham Louis
GK Chesterton
De Maistre
GK Chesterton
James A Gregor
That's all off the top of my head
Nah, it's fine. You're in the process of finding out that not every right-wing radical is a nazi or Yas Forums retard. It's not your image of Jünger that is incorrect, it is your image of the political right.
I will, thank you. I've mostly been trying to find his novels is all. I'll look into more of his nonfiction.
And I don't really see how criticizing capitalism could be right wing unless you're arguing for mercantilism or feudalism or something to that effect. Then again I should note that I'm an economics major so admittedly my understanding of the political axis in that respect is probably pretty shallow philosophically.
wow a bunch of hacks and schizos
This is the most nuanced shit I've seen on this website in like a year. Thanks you guys
are you that gargantuan autist from Yas Forums
Instead of his novels look into his aphorisms, that's where he shines. Das Abenteuerliche Herz is his supposed masterpiece. And yes, your understanding of politics is way off. In a nutshell: free market capitalism (liberalism) is a product of the french revolution, which was the birth of left and right - the left were proponents of the revolution, the right were trying to conserve the old order. What you think of as the politcal right (liberalism) was the first "phase" of the left. They were content with the revolution so far: human rights, free markets, religious freedom. Others (which are now thought of as the left) wanted to advance the revolution further: socialism, atheism, a whole new world basically. The right to this day is preoccupied with trying to preserve aspects of the old order that are threatened by progress and revolution - from this angle it should be clear why right-wingers like Jünger, Stauffenberg and the Scholls rebelled against National Socialism.
god i wish that post was my pp
Which is not to say that National Socialism was a left-wing regime or ideology, just to be clear.
Because illiberal right-wing thought was systematically purged from western institutions after the second world war. The right also tends to purge its most radical elements (I.e
William F. Buckley and his ilk), and its most creative thinkers with them. It isn't so much that these right wing thinkers don't exist, it's just that they tend to fall outside of mainstream knowledge because they aren't commonly studied or cited, because theirs is an intellectual tradition which has been largely severed due to certain historical events of the last century.
If leftists wear hats, that doesn't mean that those who wore hats in history were leftists. Concerning the general character of the left and right parts of the spectrum, the Greeks are left. Depending on which Greeks we're talking, of of course. The sophists were probably more on the right, Plato was extreme left
>promoted rule by an Aristocratic king
Plato advocated philosopher kings and thought democracy led to tyranny
No modern political language can be applied to Hellenic Greece. Athens was simultaneously democractic and military rule- being a citizen was essentially the same thing as being a soldier. It's so alien to our conception of citizenry and aristocracy that left and right just don't work.
That certainly makes sense. Like actually makes sense a lot. So I think then that it could be said that economic models like capitalism and socialism or whatever else could be considered kind of peripheral to the philosophical left and right, yeah? Since any argument about those kinds of things are dependent on people having rights to things like self governance and self determination on a societal level, and would therefore be "to the left" of pre-enlightenment thought?
the slaves should be mentioned too
I figured that aspect was obvious. I mean if your gathering of citizens who have come together to make decisions, and they're all also hoplites with slaves, it's a dynamic that hasn't really been around for hundreds and hundreds of years. Even Feudal lords isn't really equivalent since they had a more rigid structure than participatory democracy.
My favorite manifestation of Hellenic Greek democracy is how the 10,000 handled their escape from Artaxerxes.
very early US society was a bit like that. They were mostly slave-owners who were involved in war, but suffrage was based around owning land.
Yeah, pretty much. The difference is more so about wanting to preserve culture that had organically grown over a long time versus wanting to initiate an all-encompassing transformation that is supposed to lead into a new, better world. This goes back to conflicts over enlightenment ideas: The right doesn't believe that human ratio is powerful enough to envision and build a world that is truly better than what is, while the left generally believes exactly that.
Good point.
Sure, that's an approximate comparison, though the sheer number of localities and people puts it in a different kind of organization. I think scale is often glossed over when comparing political systems when it's pretty crucial.
I think that's a prudent position to take, like in the name of intellectual caution, but that's not the necessary case. If you read Plato's Republic (VIII) his description of democracy applies perfectly to modern democracy with no imagination necessary. Perhaps there were particular, technical parts of their government structure were alien to us, but I think it's more than similar enough in essence.
yeah its not a great comparison, it just popped into my head. agreed on scale too
Exactly, democracy is on the right and Plato's ideal government is on the far left
See my post Even if his criticisms of democracy seem to map onto our version of it, they're so incredibly different from each other that his criticisms are necessarily surface level. They make sense mostly as high level platitudes.
I have to say I find it interesting that no matter where people fall politically almost everyone seems to view liberals(social, conservative, market, whatever) as being either irrelevant or opposition. My personally desired system is basically just market socialism but that's because I view politics from a very material perspective drawn from my economic education thus far.
Thank you for the suggestions and perspectives. I really appreciate you taking the time to go into all of that.
I'm glad there's finally someone who wants to engage with these ideas. I wouldn't say liberalism is irrelevant, I would say that it cannot clearly be defined in terms of left and right. Historically it is the moderate option. Philosophically you could argue for it from a right-wing (rule of the capable; market laws structure society in an organic fashion) or from a left-wing (equal chances for everyone; overcoming the remnants of the traditional state) perspective. Personally, I am not too concerned with economic policies. That's for the experts.
You could just as easily say that the technical details of the government structure are the "surface level" aspects, and the underlying essence is what is common between them and what is spoken to with Plato's account, which I think is rather specific and precise.
Truth doesn't need rationalization.
How is a philosopher king left wing. Why am i even taking this bait
Peterson is a right-liberal, not a right-winger per se. He is neutral on the issue of hierarchy/supremacy and is in favor of aristocrats and anarchists "talking it out" and finding some kind of compromise.
"Right" and "Left" don't consist in arbitrary sets of aesthetic qualities, a spectrum is a logical progression of differences between poles.
I'm saying the essence between a few thousand hoplite slave owners voting on the best course of action for their city is fundamentally different than the essence of 10s of millions of severely indebted proles voting for representatives for a federal government spanning a continent and 330 million people
your image is describing the libertarian spectrum you autist
Preposterous and idiotic spectrum, here's your (you)
I was basically a wignat for like two years until the alt right shattered after Charlottesville so I'm very open to all kinds of ideas. I love Jünger's prose and the pseudo pastoral scenes in Storm of Steel is some of the most beautiful stuff I've read so I have no problem listening to stuff like this.
I was raised a hippie basically and you'd be surprised how easy it is to engage with aristocratically-oriented literature when your upbringing is oriented around a deep, all abiding love of the natural world and the individual. That's why I love shit like Hesse and Junger and Muir and Thoreau. In a weird way I think of them as being different expressions of a very similar kind of spirit.
>Ernst Jünger
>Rolf Peter Sieferle
>Karlheinz Weißmann
>Armin Mohler
>Gerd Klaus Kaltenbrunner
>Rolf Schilling
>Götz Kubitschek
>Frank Böckelmann
>Arnold Gehlen
>Carl Schmitt
Kek, this is a list made up of literally "who"s, nazis and memes.
>rights-respecting ideologies
Depends, what drew you to the alt right?
Yeah, similar biography here. I'll go to bed now. It was nice talking to you.
>literally "who"s
No, not really.
Schmitt, I guess? Only part-time though.
This interests me, which ones are the memes?
Feel free to provide an alternative spectrum, but I don't even think you guys have a concept of one.
People have a conventional conception of what "right" and "left" mean which really amounts to nothing more than vibes and archetypes of individual people. There's additional confusion with the right and left investing themselves in positions that don't actually follow their orientation, but we turn around and define the orientation based on what these people do and the positions they take. So what comes out is a naive and nonsensical concept of the political spectrum.
So a theocracy doesn't "feel" left to you, because tradionalism is claimed by the modern right, but that doesn't matter. The slightest consideration of what an actual spectrum would be exposes the fact Plato is on the motherfucking left.
Now either step up with an account of what the actual spectrum would be, or say nothing. Making noises of protest means nothing and makes you look like you can't come to terms with not having an argument
It's just a brief timeframe. Most countries are/will be returning to centrist-lefty governments. Argentina already did, Brazil and Chile will follow.
The most legitimate distinction between right and left is the attitude towards hierarchy, no matter what axis we're looking at.
literally all of them are memes for edgy psueds
It's mostly because the church opposed and oppose Latinamerican dictatorships to this day. The current pope hid (and became friends) with lots of communists/socialists/unionists, saw them get tortured and slaughtered.
While on the other hand, for example in Spain, the church were accomplices of Franco.
Partially just being a kid I think. I was barely 19 when Trump was elected. I also rejected the left at the time largely out of disgust for SJW-types and their coddling of fat people and LGBT people and that kind of thing. I'd already decided I didn't like capitalism much, having been raised with a strong awareness of the harm that unregulated industry causes to the world and I think that things like Nazism seemed like the only avenue to follow if I wanted the world to be beautiful and didn't want to wallow in complete degeneracy.
I've largely drifted from the right lately because most of the leaders of those movements are frauds in it for money, or they're basically just libertarian except really racist. I got completely disillusioned by the climate change denial among nationalists. To me it seems almost tautological that a love of your nation would include prioritization of its environmental health.
Because the ideas of the right are usually things that arise organically, without any theorizing or intellectual basis. Because of this, the Right appeals to two main groups.
1. The masses who just want to live their lives as they have always lived.
2. Technocrats, fascists, monarchists, amoral psychopaths and all other forms of elitists who believe that hierarchies will never truly disappear, and that any attempt to intellectually construct an alternative is both damaging and futile.
For intellectuals, there isn't much appeal towards the Right, because the core of the Right is that the intellect is severely limited to begin with, and it doesnt permit much in the sense of change. Because, whether the Left wants to admit it or not, its main appeal has always been to intellectuals, not to the masses, with the former not infrequently voicing their disappointment in the masses, who refuse to rise up in the way they want to.
Left=Anti monarchy
It's not our position to provide an alternative spectrum when your initial argument is so sparse and illogical. It's not worth responding to. The mere idea of "liberties" than can be "violated" is so obscenely modern that retroactively applying it to ancient or medieval forms of government is simply juvenile.
Politically, the left has a distinctly more positive attitude towards heirarchy. In terms of the voting demographic, the bulk of the modern right had a more positive attitude towards heirarchy. I say "bulk" in reference to the religious, working class herd, as the real conservative wouldn't share such an attitude if being "conservative" means anything independently of the behavior of modern Americans who register as Republican.
Thanks mate. You too!
Both american parties are right wing oriented
>which really amounts to nothing more than vibes and archetypes of individual people
see >In a nutshell: free market capitalism (liberalism) is a product of the french revolution, which was the birth of left and right - the left were proponents of the revolution, the right were trying to conserve the old order. What you think of as the politcal right (liberalism) was the first "phase" of the left. They were content with the revolution so far: human rights, free markets, religious freedom. Others (which are now thought of as the left) wanted to advance the revolution further: socialism, atheism, a whole new world basically. The right to this day is preoccupied with trying to preserve aspects of the old order that are threatened by progress and revolution
Some people have actually read a history book. You on the other hand have a straight line with three words which you flaunt as political theory - a theory that is flawed since, as you admit, it does not describe the reality of the political left or right.
>There's additional confusion with the right and left investing themselves in positions that don't actually follow their orientation, but we turn around and define the orientation based on what these people do and the positions they take
You can as easily say neither are. See how useless that is
>You can as easily say neither are.
Depends on what you define as right-left. But yes, anything can mean anything.
>I'm a communist, there is not American left, both parties are super rightwing when compared to centrists in Europe
>I'm a reactionary, but both parties are leftwing because they import hundreds of thousands of immigrants every year and allow the slaughter of unborn babies
Think of it this way: for this topic of debate, it's useful if not essential to establish clearly what the nature of the political spectrum is. Mine makes sense to me, but if it's wrong, I would appreciate hearing an account of the actual spectrum. Maybe I don't deserve the privilege of getting informed, but if no one is going to actually provide an alternative case I obviously can't help not taking the responses seriously, as it is usual Yas Forums behavior to make noise in place of an argument.
Here's my question: What are the poles of the political spectrum? What is it that changes in the structure of government from left to right? As it stands, this thread contains only one answer to that question.
The US is clearly neither a monarchy nor communist. So either side can be pedantic about it, but we still understand that the Republicans are to the Right of the Democrats.
That's pretty much what I meant.
>>literally "who"s
Gerd Klaus Kaltenbrunner
Rolf Schilling
>being a citizen was essentially the same thing as being a soldier. It's so alien to our conception of citizenry
...it’s almost like some modern countries don’t have mandatory conscription. You’re a special type of retarded aren’t you?
I wasn't agreeing with you. Being relativistic to avoid a subject, instead of accepting the definition everyone's using, in no way contributes to a meaningful discussion.
Democrats are centre-right, republicans are right. That's all.
If this thread is a Socratic dialogue, one of the truths we are trying to determine is what the natures of the "platonic" left and right are. We're working together to come to a conclusion. Everyone ITT agrees your proposal is wrong. The spectrum cannot be determined by the degree of which a government respects rights because rights are an invention of modernity but government is not.
You're concerned with the structure of government across the spectrum, and I also take issue with that because I believe the intentions and goals of a government (moreso concrete actions than stated goals) is important. Different authoritarian governments pursue vastly different objectives and cultivate vastly different societies.
I somewhat came in from the opposite side, as i used to be pretty far left, but i eventually grew disillusioned with infiltration of SJW types in every organization i encountered, both online and offline. Looking back on it, i had some more fundamental problems with the far left as well, though i didn't really dare to admit them at the time (mostly a very strong divorce between theory and practice). I eventually gravitated towards Italian style fascism, which isn't that far from being a tankie, although tankies would never dare to admit that. I still have that position today.
I was never part of the alt-right and wasnt really active on Yas Forums when Trump got elected, although i did watch from the sideline, and I honestly never expected to witness such a political upheaval all over the political spectrum.
But i knew that this momentum wasnt going to last. It's the old 3 steps forward, 2 steps back that Lenin already talked about, and a lot of very idealist people these days really should brush up on Realpolitik. Trump succeeded in destroying the old order, and from the resulting chaos he allowed radical parties (mostly on the far right) to establish a new normal, and since the far right seems to have the momentum, they can continue this until a coup by a reactionary who isnt incompetent becomes possible.
That's certainly an interesting piece of history, user, but hardly an account of the essence of "right" and "left" as serves any use whatsoever for a general classification of government. It was already my argument that the modern conception of left and right is distorted by incidental behaviors of the parties. We can allow the existence of a logical spectrum of governments. If we sum up a party by their behaviors in history, conservativism is radically self contradicting and continues to be, which basically unravels the entire project of conceiving a spectrum at all. Which I find silly. You can establish a logical spectrum out of any range of things, it just seems politically interested people find that to be jarring.
I agree, and it's in line with my point. If we define the left based on what's on the left side of a conservative threshold then of course we're going to be taken aback at the suggestion of what's actually far left.
I wasn't agreeing either, I was calling you a retard. The original definition of left/right is about Monarchy, so you are objectively more wrong than I am, except Im not so much of an autist that Im going to get hung up on my magic words like you.
That you think 'everyone uses' that definition only betrays your own ignorance and closed-mindedness.
why are there so many jewish intellectuals than christian (in proportion to their respective populations)? 203/900 winners are jewish. The Israel Institute of Technology has produced more nobel prizes than Harvard and oxford.
>Feel free to provide an alternative spectrum
Sure thing
>Auth. Left: Horizontal authority (codependence, publicity, popularity)
>Auth. Right: Vertical authority (centrality, supremacy, aristocracy)
>Lib. Left: Vertical liberty (equality, anarchy, democracy)
>Lib. Right: Horizontal liberty (independence, privacy, individuality)
Left: Horizontal sovereignty - ochlocracy, democratic socialism, anarcho-communism
Right: Vertical sovereignty - monarchism, feudalism, colonialism
Completely different. In Athens it was a matter of having the time and money to purchase armor, weapons, train formations and marching with other citizens, and acquire merit through random military excursions for loot and glory. Your bronze armor, weapon and training were symbolic and literal forms of domination of a slave caste without access to those things.
>The spectrum cannot be determined by the degree of which a government respects rights because rights are an invention of modernity but government is not.
That wasn't really my argument, it's more about the reach of authority.
>You're concerned with the structure of government across the spectrum, and I also take issue with that because I believe the intentions and goals of a government (moreso concrete actions than stated goals) is important. Different authoritarian governments pursue vastly different objectives and cultivate vastly different societies.
So be it, but that's 1. Vague (cultural spirit and more pragmatic interests may lead in radically different directions) 2. Potentially of a different axis.
I maintain that "right" and "left" entities will and often do engage in behavior that doesn't follow their orientation, due to particular circumstances.
They promote themselves. Nobel prize nominees are nominated by other scientists, not the academy. So Jew scientists nominate other Jews.
He was right wing.
Communalism is more conservative than capitalism. Also Marx was a nationalist. By today's standards he'd be right wing.
A troll, not a real philosopher
A demsoc, definitely left wing but not a commie like most modern leftists are
Right winger
If your concern is the reach of authority than by necessity all modern government regardless of perceived orientation must be leftwing simply because of the vast array of technology facilitating the surveillance state. Modern America has far far more information and capacity to impose its rule of law in an authoritarian way than some Feudal lord in bumfuck agrarian France circa 900AD.
>no force
All ideologies and systems require force, this is retarded.
so that means there is a higher proportion of jews in science also...you're just proving the argument there.
I'm not sure a reactionary coup is even plausible in the US at this point. Then again it's hard to say anything for sure given what a shitshow this year has been. For all I know the quarantine protests could escalate in a really radical direction.
But yeah, I think ultimately I gravitated toward the right for reasons that were basically aesthetic or elitist.
>left wing
actually right wing
>right wing
actually right wing
>birds left side
actually right wing
>so that means there is a higher proportion of jews in science also
Not necessarily. Only that they're clannish and self-supporting.
Strange argument. That's like saying a democracy where one of the representatives is Thanos isn't a democracy because he can arbitrarily subvert the system and freely exact his own whims.
? It's a question of more or less force, less force is more right. You wouldn't say there's no such thing as a cold vs heat distinction because there is no total absence of heat
Not an argument.
because jews are more likely to be a part of the intellectual and scientific community. Considering their population compared to christian/arab/indian they should be barely represented, but according to what you said they're are so overly represented that they are able to sway who gets the nobel prize. again proving the main point without even being able to claim that they don't have average higher intelligence. This is why I can't have discussions with goys, they don't seem to comprehend how to have a meaningful discussion.
>Not an argument.
actually right wing
>the definition of something has changed after 300 years
This post is actually interesting.
>Politically, the left has a distinctly more positive attitude towards heirarchy
Would you say that this is because hierarchy has become secularized? Because we live in a secular political society (mostly), the left actually promotes hierarchy (of scientists, technocrats, etc) while the right disdains it.
Literally who? Kek
>Strange argument. That's like saying a democracy where one of the representatives is Thanos
The irony
>Considering their population compared to christian/arab/indian they should be barely represented, but according to what you said they're are so overly represented that they are able to sway who gets the nobel prize
That's not what I said at all. Show me some sources that support your claim.
>We also must not forget that "the right" by default has every philosopher and artist before the 17th century on their side.
Don't you know what types of ideas those men held? They were undoubtedly much more conservative in outlook than anyone living today, with few exceptions, mostly pertaining to private life.
>the economist
We're overly sentimental towards others and extremely self-hating.
But oh boy once that rage pops like a cherry the whole world will bow down too us once again. Let's be honest without us and a few Asians the world wouldent have access to all this tech and shit.
If we just left you alone and stop trying to "modernize" you, then you would just go straight back to mudhuts and voodoo.
Imagine thinking "modernisation" is beneficial to anyone, even white people
White people are more likely to convert to Islam, the real problem in the west is that there's currently an emptiness left by the death of the church and capitalist industrialization
Basically this.
The right is not pro-capital conservative irony-bros
Most in this thread have never giving the right a fair shake and are completely dishonest.
In the meantime the real right is staunch anti-capitalist and hates conservatives more then even the left and has been reading french theory and more. Not only that but the right rhetorically has the new generation easily in their grasp. We are beyond nietszchian individualism and have synthesized many ideas that most in this thread would never do because academia would disown them.
That's not what I said. I hate modernizing the third world and ourselves. I just didn't get it across well in that post.
Do you consider Yas Forumsack teenagers "the true right"? If that's the case your cause is doomed
Same user. I was shitposting.
I agree we have lost our meaning and are floating like atoms. And yea it's directly from your two points
No absolutely not.
Do you? If that's the case your critique is doomed.
How do you define right-wing? It's anti-capitalist and anti-conservative? What is it?
I feel like if more people read this post, the confusion surrounding the terms would be greatly diminished. Because he makes some great points
Hard question to answer succinctly.
>Joseph Watson
It does tho, if your side has less thinkers, they fucked up
But then why even the Liberal Right has so few artists or thinkers?
Many of the best artists in recent times have had right wing streaks in them. Small and large.
You can't sweep it away this time, it's obvious.
Wyndham Lewis and his group is a good example.
I'm pretty sure there are groups of self identified identitarians who get together at moms house and drink wine while talking about how much they hate jews, niggers, and asians
what about nietzsche
>Right wing
True. It's a myth that the left holds a grip upon the arts and that the right is just boring and old.
Academia badly wants to call Wyndham Lewis their own, but he has said too many un-pc things to be integrated successful. Such as his book paleface.
And he is by no means Pol tier.
Great points
I am the same exact way. Most of the alt right and irony Bros are just reactionary liberals and haven't gone the full distance of living out their ideals. Our time for cultural impact is on the horizon and many on the left are in denial of this. Though after the fact they will love our integration of their ideas.
Yea, the far right hates libertarians. They critique power but hate the idea of wielding power. They're reactionary faggots.
Being European is right wing.
Oh identitarians, woops. I read too fast.
Still my comment stands for some of them.
>the whole world will bow down too us once again. Let's be honest without us and a few Asians the world wouldent have access to all this tech and shit.
this is a literal endorsement of the modernity that white people have instituted, specifically technology. No one is going to be bowing down to us, because empire, technological or not, is a "modern" enterprise. You're either all in or you're not in at all.
del Noce, Schmitt, Leo Strauss, a great multitude of Islamic thinkers, and Sloterdijk (sort of, he's not conventionally right-wing) all bear mention in this discussion. That said, this is a bait post if I've ever seen one, but I'll take the bait.
Junger was a literal globalist egoist, please read him retard
Yea I regret that shitpost. I reverted to my younger Pol stage for a second.
His bubbles idea can easily be used by the right. To be fair I haven't read him and have only listened to a few people discuss his book. What book should I start with him? The cynical reason looks interesting.
how much should i bet that you actually haven't been to a Catholic mass ever and all your information on the church comes from twitter LARPers
Honestly, I'd just take the plunge and read Spheres. It's a commitment, but it's an incredibly enjoyable read. Each of the volumes reads well as a standalone too.
Vol. One Bubbles is an exploration of small-scale relationships.
Vol. Two Globes is an exploration of conceptions of space and "the world" over time. Sloterdijk here heavily revises some of Oswald Spengler's theories to great effect.
Vol. Three Foams is about contemporary society and how it functions.
Globes is my personal favorite, and I'd recommend it highly if you want a standalone Vol. to read. His essay "Rules for a Human Zoo is also worth reading if you want a taste.
He's a very odd Right-Winger if he is one, but I include him because he breaks very decisively from the Left. He ridicules the concept of Marxist Solidarity for a more cultural and local solidarity, for example.
I used to attend Latin masses two years ago and I almost converted
Thanks a lot man for the effort post. Makes sense now why ebert likes him because of the Spengler stuff.
I'll look into, I've got so many 30-50$ books I'm looking at right now.
Lots of Catholic reactionaries lately. But I sympathize with their desire for meaning amongst others so I wouldn't go so low as to call it larpy.
What does it say about me that I'd happily fuck her?
No problem! Sloterdijk is one of the most enjoyable and insightful reads in contemporary Philosophy, so I'm glad to try and convince someone else to read him.
Watson is a crypto socialist, he included a zizek quote in one of his videos and also said something amoug the lines of "is that socialism, or is that survival" in one of his other videos
Hmm interesting. He appears like a gatekeeper, but I wouldn't have expected that.
I assume he's just been taken in by the faux-reactionary thing Zizek does sometimes to draw in naive right-wingers.
The right doesn't need to write pages upon pages of mental gymnastics trying to prove their point. They're simply right and nature and living reflect that, the "intellectual" is just someone trying to get back to square one.
Well more than half those left wingers are legit retarded or just plain wrong. So.
This. So much this.
>the real right has never been tried!
I don't know why this sounds familiar
Just because someone is in the status quo doesn't mean the status quo is right. Human values aren't as universal as you'd like to imagine. From what I can see right wingers write pages upon pages of why their value systems and beliefs are natural
what is their point
You're a dishonest retard
And you're a fucking coward who won't stand behind your words even when you know them to be true.
For fucks sake yes modernity has problems and poses challenges but I'm sick of you spoiled fucking urbanites larping about how much better it is without modernity. There's an argument to be made that there is a primal sort of dignity in an early death and a life of the soil but you're full of fucking shit if you're telling me that constantly being one bad day away from starving to death (which is what premodern existence is) isn't coming with its own set of challenges. Modernity and social technology came about for a reason and I don't want to hear a damn thing about how Hunter gatherer primitivism is better from effete faggots on a literature forum who don't know their ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to either foraging or hunting. You can critique the direction that modernity has taken and the alienation that the hyperreality we exist within online has brought into the world all you want, but if your answer to that is to just go larp in the fucking woods with no real means to provide sustenance/survival for yourself while the world keeps going on around you, you might literally be better off just killing yourself and saving yourself some time.
Modernity doesn't work like that my illiterate fren
The modern ideal is dead, that's not our paradigm anymore. Yet there are lots of institutions that are modern. Like education.
>t.s. eliot
The right isn't the "status quo". I'm not sure if you're paying attention but nearly every major social/capital/government power has been dedicated to destroying as much of the right as they can whether it be "anti-racism" or LGBT politics or gun control legislation. Everything that is pro-family/tradition/hierarchy is more or less completely taboo at this point and even positions on social issues which were found among left-liberals 10 years ago are enough to get you fired and defamed in public if you're someone associated with the right.
Also before you throw a fit over lumping liberals in with the left, consider for a second what you're actually doing. You're basically kicking and screaming like a little child that the portion of your political movement which has won the most leftist victories in the last 50 years (and has even made many soc-dem positions like single payer healthcare and an open-borders international proletariat class common talking points among low information Democrat voters) isn't giving you enough toys and sucking enough tranny dick. I can't believe how fucking retarded leftists are to not realize the massive weapon they hold right now in the progressive cultural power structure. It's all just because you retards need to constantly be larping like revolutionaries, so now that you've been the status quo for 40 years you don't have any other way to behave.
I'd like to think you're right about there being a will to actually improve the conditions of the country in a material sense on the right, but I'm really not seeing it. I'd love to see more fascists who give a shit and bring actually practical ideas to the table aside from "Ancapistan but no niggers."
idpol is not 'held' by the left
Yes, I get it the Truth and God and Nation and all the strong truths that made up modernity are now fully dead. It's a sad fucking day. Now go fikki fikki with niggers in the DRC if you really want to leave modernity behind and see the wonders of pre-modern life before the whole thing comes crashing down. We're going to keep living on the corpse like the scavengers we are until there's genuinely nothing left and no amount of your faggoty introspective backpacking trips to that on hill you found on Yelp are going to make that better.
It's easy to react against the light dying, it's a lot harder to realize why it came about in the first place and try to work to replace it. Instead of doing all of your Uncle Ted larping, actually learn a couple useful skills and maybe spend some time getting to know some people who you can form real human connections with. A good bunch of guys who can have each other's backs and work to support each other's families is a lot better than just one sad person pretending they wouldn't be starving to death without Amazon Prime sending them Chinese Bat Chips in the mail.
This reactionary nonsense you've been doing is a much more cumbersome surrogate activity than any hobby you'd be involved with anyways. At least a hobby let's you form real connections which can last beyond the first time one of you doesn't tow the ideological line for 5 seconds. Who actually sticks together with people from Yas Forums or a pool party once people get doxxed and the dirty laundry gets hung out for the world to see?
Because jews are the only right wing thinkers and any gentile male that dares to pretend his ideas apply to a jew is a leftist thinker.
There's nothing left of the economic left. You need to open your eyes and realize that idpol is the left now. That's literally the only thing of substance left. Capitalism won the A/B test in the cold war. It was better at "liberation" which is why all of these leftist Trotskyists became woke capitalists. There is no separation of idpol from the left because it fundamentally is the core of what remains of the post-soviet left. The only economic left states left are all basically NazBol which leftists pretty consistently call 'far right' anyways because the only thing the left has is cultural liberation politics.
>There's nothing left of the economic left.
Maybe in the US, but you were never marxists to begin with
>This reactionary nonsense you've been doing is a much more cumbersome surrogate activity than any hobby you'd be involved with anyways.
Any recommendations? I've always been interested in learning to survive outdoors more, are outdoors courses legit or can I learn most of that online while I wait for the lockdowns to end?
I can't believe that people fell this hard for what is obviously a bait post
American intelligentsia was rife with communists in the 10s and 20s, open and active supporters of the Soviets. It still is, but when the cold war started American communists started calling themselves "progressives" and distancing themselves from their Soviet ties (with many having grown disillusioned with Stalin, this was not hard to do). Marxism in it's 20th century incarnation is intrinsically American
Bro, there's nothing left in Europe or the remaining anglosphere either. Maybe you could say Belarus is still economic left. The rest of Europe is just a bunch of market controlled soc-dems living on the fat of the American empire. Leftism is even more of a larp in Europe than America because at least in America the people recognize that they are living under American rule. Leftism in Europe is literally just spoiled children playing in a sandbox that the Progressive international capital/cultural left has set up for you.
Where are the economic leftists? In fucking Slavoj Žižek's living room waiting for him to get back from another college tour? The closest to economic leftists I can think of are the populist nationalists that are showing up in certain parts of southern/central Europe but even then they're basically just Ethno-nationalists who are nostalgic for their Soviet childhoods.
>imagine bumping threads that beg the question
>imagine bumping sexualizing OP pic threads
Why is the Left inveterately coom brained to the point of constructing entire systems of thought on how to better consoom capital calamitously
Chesterton is a fucking genius. Doesn't like liberal capitalism because it harms the traditional institutions, extremely unique takes on society, arts and religion, enjoyed by literally every intelligent person regardless of their ideology (Zizek, for example, is marxist and yet a Chesterton fanboy)
He was even redpilled about the ((())), it doesn't get any better than this
Literally only current one that's not a neocon tard.
This is going to sound like a serious boomer post but I'm going to say it anyways. You don't need to spend your life's savings on Ghillie Suits and having retired Navy seals take you on peaceful walks in the woods. Literally start small. Start a vegetable garden and try to grow a few easier things like peppers and cucumbers. Learn to fish and join a gun club/hunting lodge and see if you can find someone with experience to show you the basics.
The kind of things that really matter are the ones you pick up through daily persistence and learning by experience, not from some class you're going to find somewhere. Yeah, maybe some survival expert could give you a few tips for if you find yourself suddenly stranded in the woods but if you don't practice that shit regularly enough where you could have figured it out largely on your own through experience it probably won't be there when you need it anyways.
On top of that you could just get familiar with some basic hand tools and generally work on being better at figuring out how to build and take things apart. A hobby like carpentry can mean the world if you're working in a group of people and you're the only one who knows how to put construct basic tools/equipment.
>>imagine bumping sexualizing OP pic threads
You consider this sexual?
Go to bed Landshark
This is a very interesting thought to be honest
imagine the smell
>armor, weapon and training were symbolic and literal forms of domination of a slave caste without access to those things.
...this is different than Israel and the Palestinians how exactly?
Hitler was a socialist.
I wasn't denying our obvious superiority in many ways.
But many of our problems are internal.
Of course we can only get to those problems once we sort the foreignors outs.
I said nothing about primitivism or even all out anti-modern primitivism. I just don't think making the third world modern is helping us. Actually it is hurting us because we have to prop them up by our own blood and sweat.
fuck me it's amazing how you've wasted your life
Well, you're wrong about all three.
This. So much this.
Someone needs to do that writing, but most don't.
We have the moral high ground.
We just need to embrace the sincere.
>We just need to embrace the sincere.
What do you mean by that?
>This. So much this.
redditors get out reeeeee
That's something they say? Huh.
You're on Reddit too much.
>good bunch of guys
Don't exist, sounds horrible. What if I hate basically everyone (including other HuWhyte people), have no actual intention of participating in any kind of real-world revolution or lifestyle change and just do the Ted & Fascist larping out of boredom & it pissing people off?
>Alexander the Great
>Julius Caesar
>Augustus Caesar
>Marcus Aurelius
>King David
>George Washington
>Abraham Lincoln
>Robert E Lee
>Otto Von Bismark
>Joan d'Arc
You know literally everyone that actually mattered or was impactful and not just a pseud that autistic tranny retards on the literature section an anime imageboard read in order to feel the tiniest glimmer of superiority in their pathetic lives.
>Yukio Mishima
>Ernst Junger
>Louis-Ferdinand Céline
>Oswald Spengler
>J.R.R. Tolkien
Basically all the good modern authors.
Your spectrum is wrong, retard. If the historical right according to your spectrum is left-wing and the historical left according to you is right-wing and at no other point in history the real, existing left and right align with what you define as the left and right of your spectrum, it should dawn on you that your spectrum is entirely worthless made up nonsense.
>Names atleast 4 jews on the leftist side.
This has to be a bait.