Why is Japan so different from the rest of Asia?

Why is Japan so different from the rest of Asia?

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Islanders and Jomon blood would be my guess

Less mongrel rape. Every couple of centuries some new breed of barbarians would come out of some shithole part of mainland Asia and rape everybody around them, creating new mutts. Japan was spared from this by being on an island.

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Are Jōmon considered Chads?

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South East Asians are Third-World - Thailand, Philippines, and I don't see them ever becoming like the Japanese in terms of the society the Japs have created. Koreans are also up there with Japan in terms of having good infrastructure, high speed Internet, etc. The Japs and gooks have higher IQs at about 105. They're just smarter people, is my guess.


ancient British DNA, 'Ainu', who travelled across an ancient landbridge to Japan and brought big brain genes

It's not.

asian master race

Ainu is anything but British.

because the rest of Asia hates them for WW2 atrocities

also, kill more Russian Niggers

This is true. South east asians are scum.

Based Ainu genes

The way I understand it, very broadly speaking, they are independently evolved whites. Convergent evolution and all that.

They are degenerate heathens
Before wwi it wasn't common to see them fucking on the streets.
The woman would wear next to no clothes
After wwii the government had to essentially put out propaganda to make woman wear underwear

Modern day Japan isn't much different
Prostitutes and love hotels everywhere

What is an island? Ffs

Yeah but how did the Koreans become the most intelligent

Fuck off to canada chink

>Koreans are also up there with Japan in terms of having good infrastructure
Who do you think Koreans got that infrastructure from?

They've been civilized longer. Genetic selection favored intelligent men. They're not even chinks, they're super chinks. Their only problem is that their porn suffers because most Jap men are short and pudgy and limp dicked.

White admixture somewhere. I don't think any other East Asian ethnicity can have natural brown hair.

cant rite nao
still cornholin' ur mum

European admixture

because they fucked abos and lied about it

abo fuckers

this, the current day chinese are a bunch of mutts that have been mixed with various peoples who conquered china during the dynasty's

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i'd argue that among japs that the jomon are far superior that the yayoi japs. the jomon were far more easier to get along with and were pretty based in general but the more yayoi the jap was the more autistic and stupid they were

yeah, wasn't that written in matthew perry's diary?

Japanese people are mixed with australoids(ainu)

Why earwax? Seriously wtf.

Stay on an island long enough and youll go crazy

yes. Chaddo to iu no degozaimasu.

Blacks were isolated bruh. In reality isolation makes you dumber. Japan was not as isolated as you think. They traded a lot with china.

It could also be that nips kept trying to create ainu hapas to sell to brothels

older japanese Enrique Iglesias

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its true, 23 and me has a section about it. apparently asians have crusty solid ear wax. im 97% european so mine is idk, apparently its wet. i dont have so much of it that i can collect a sample, but apparently thats a white thing. i went to japan a few times and the last time i went to a place where you pay girls to clean out your ears. and for japanese guys apparently it feels very nice, for me it was a little weird. wouldnt do it again. i think she was just going through the motions because i paid. we had a nice conversation, but she didnt scrape anything out of there. i just pour hydrogen peroxide in my ears once a month or so.

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Doubt, a couple of industrilization and a quasi-fascist state can do wonders to a society that has been isolated for a millenia and that were stilll using primitive tools. Their uniqness as a society stems from the collective and not from the individuality, which was the basis for the other Asian countries. Apply this elements to a third world, same results but a different characteristic.

they clearly did nothing wrong, as we are now being shown. we should have finished the job they started back then when it would have been cheap and fast. now it's going to be long and expensive.


>Koreans are also up there with Japan in terms of having good infrastructure


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some asians have grey earwax, all han chinese have their pinky toenail sort of split, with a tiny extra nail on the side.

Yeah, looks like he could pull his weight in the Anglosphere, m8

learn some english grammar you stupid nip cunt

The United States, which was the same case with Japan. The wars changed everything

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Apart from the lack of capitalization the grammar is perfect. Your country doesn't even conjugate verbs beyond past simple.