EU gives Hungary 2 weeks to let migrants in.
Press F bros.
It’s over
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Then just deport asylum seekers. Easy
Excellent source, faggot.
It’s AP my fellow Mongol.
>asylum seekers
Hungary doesn't need to listen to unelected bureaucrats.
Here's one:
put them in the zoos instead then
imagine not being western european and being a member of the European Union... cringe.
>you have 2 weeks to comply
S to the EU
RIP my hungarian friends
Never give up goulashbros, fuck shitskins.
EU more like PU
Hungary has not been pulling it's weight with the refugee crisis. as a member state of the european uninion that have a duty to these needy people.
we are truly fucked
Europe needs to star doing massive deportations if it wants to survive, otherwise it will follow Rome's steps and millions of people will die. At this point there aren't enough jobs for everyone.
Hungarians are scumbags. Not surprising at all, but then again, I'm not shedding any tears for the migrants. Fuck em both.
Oh yeah, well fuck you too!
Or what? They'll issue another demand?
The EU didn't dare enforce this policy when they had full coffers and everything else was normal. Now post-Brexit and post-Corona they are not going to antagonise the little countries, especially since Russia was so kind to Italy.
The EU should be using corona as an excuse to deport the economic migrants, not issuing empty demands to Europeans.
A non-binding opinion.
It is pretty ingenious how Hungary keeps out the migrants while technically obeying EU law.
But EU will still complain...
Yeah, they're obeying the letter of the law but not the spirit of it.
How about they leave and join us?
How many Hungarians actually want Trump running their country?
>Muh good Zionists Kikes vs bad Bolshevik Kikes
A kike is a kike and the only good kike is a dead kike.Anyone who tells you otherwise is a kike that needs to be slaughtered.
Funny enough Italy are considering leaving EU soon, so i don't think EU can do any more shit now, Thx to you bong, more and more country are leaving EU.
or else?
what are they gonna do? do some high pitch hebraic kvetching?