Why you don't go out of europe like UK? Polexig and Hungarexit?

Why you don't go out of europe like UK? Polexig and Hungarexit?

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Kike government in Poland, not sure about Hungary

You mean Poleave and Hungout?

Hungary just needs a push, then it'll roll by itself all the way. László Kövér already said that he's uncertain wether EU will still exist im 2030.
Here's the source, just use google translate

Poles are absolutely pro eu atlantists

You mean kurwout?


They want to keep EU money.

They enjoy slandering EU but they know they need UE money.

if you prefer.

>88 id
Hell yeah

so they are just filthy ticks

if they leave their population will probably starve to death

Cause they are both gib me dats

neither of those countries deserve independence

Yes the whole EU model is flawed because it just siphons money away from more productive countries into less productive countries.

EU will be destroyed within this decade whatever we do
on the other hand
> we get to financialy cuck germany
> not only tell them to fuck off but be given new and exciting opportunities to publicly tell them to suck a dick
> repeatedly
> in front of all other nations
> and they are paying us to do just that
> history will remember this forever
we're fine as it is, carry on

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Poorer countries benefit from EU whole richer countries fund the bill and take in refugees. Estonia is now considered a "rich" country so we aren't getting as many gibs anymore afaik. Time to leave I guess kek.

>Why you don't go out of europe like UK? Polexig and Hungarexit?
Ironically, these nations actually believe in a European Union because they think this will protect European values. Most of Europe is tired of war. But imagine their shock when they discover Western Europe is full of degenerate shit filled with niggers and no European values.

Only answer: we need the money

We already know that but we can move freely within Europe, work in western countries for a better wage and bring it to Poland, receive gibs, pretend we are willing to cooperate with EU in regards to social policies, and then, when EU tells us to do something we don't want to do, tell them to fuck off and face no consequences.

Because we are not delusional retards like bongs.


Are you aware that there is no way to exit from the monetary union and europe is going to emit perpetual bond?

>we can move freely within Europe
We can move freely within Europe thanks to Schengen Area not European Union.

>work in western countries for a better wage and bring it to Poland
Meanwhile Rajeesh and Mzumbu will take care of girls that stayed.

>receive gibs
Only investements that Germans make here is bike parks and some other meme shit. There are no gibs for actual shit that matters like technological innovations.

>pretend we are willing to cooperate with EU in regards to social policies
Were we obligated to take non EU citizens into Poland?
I don't think so faggot.

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Learn to English. Fucking waste of space eurofags


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too much gibs. i cant blame them. when some shitty bureaucrats throwing money at me i wouldn't say no

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If they leave they would actually have to pay back alot of stuff like the UK has to do.

Leaving the EU on your own = You'll have to pay back the Cash
If the EU crashes = the debts and cash will be forgiven.

>german retards are still at the gibs meme

No wonder why you are losing the culture war.

Budapest will be the capital of EU in 10 years.

Are you a waspjew trying to control Europe?

LOL, you go on ahead, Hungary. How's that forint doing? Yeah, thought so. Your government as it stands will never leave, it sucks the Euro dick for gibs and makes sure it feeds its oligarchs a small bit while tucking the rest away for little fat boy and his half-gypsy family.

Good luck if you do, though. I like Hungary, shame that since 1989 it has been nothign but a looter's paradise for post-Soviet failsons and Moscucks.

>gibs meme
lmao stay mad

>hate poles and hungarians
>why dont commit suicide?
not today anglojew, we arent falling for your trick again

lol if you visit warsaw you see more ethnic pajeets with polish girls working as uber drivers than you will here

so much for based poland

also all the poles have names ending in -enko or -chyuk interesting

>Why you don't go out of europe like UK? Polexig and Hungarexit?

they can't afford it. Italy is in a worse economic state than most african countries at this point, they are 100% dependant at the point. Same with greece, poland & romania


Mad about what? What are you boomerposting about?

Schengen Area is EU policy.
I wouldn't worry about Rajeesh and Mzumbu because most women are disgusted by them.
Still, gibs.
We didn't take any immigrants EU wanted us to.

Because they are poor

also i already know that op is a bong, hiding behind that meme flag
you left the EU, why do you actually care what the others do with their own countries?