How has the Corona virus affected your relationships...

How has the Corona virus affected your relationships? Will we see a dramatic shift in working patterns as the world economy wrestles with this pandemic?


shits going back to normal, except we're about to go through a major depression and subsequent deflationary period. American civil war at some point too, and don't expect Israel to make it past 2050

Heres how the Corona has affected me

>be stay at home house hubby
>SO is high flying corporate financial worker
>worked in Square Mile, mentored by executives, previously applied for The Appreciate, shortlisted but didnt get through
>has her face on the corporations YouTube channel as an example of women in the workplace
>she has been working from home for weeks now
>fuck fuck fuck
>told her how hard it is running a household
>shes beginning to suspect ive been doing fuck all but play xbox and the dishes

Idk how much longer i can keep this up, im starting projects just to look busy

I’ve seen a LOT of women in my area starting to think raising a family is better than having a job. There’s a chance we’ll come out of this stronger

What relationships?

>American civil war

Havent you guys been memeing this since the last civil war?

Struggling with my desire to show people this whole thing is fucking psyop.

The reality is most don't want to hear it. Even a good percentage of people who desperately want to go back to work don't want to believe this rings of end times.

Why should I fucking care anyways.

yeah well shits been fucked ever since the last one

Everyone I know has been crazy as hell

We've regressed to similar times


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>fucking psyop.

Explain depressed user

My girlfriend of 2 years and I got forced into lockdown in two different places. We still talked online pretty every day. She got mad at me for something and reconnected with a childhood friend and tried to get with him to spite me. I'm too much of a bitch to leave her but I'm pretty fucked up anyway and couldn't take him been around even though she claims they are only friends and he doesn't want anything more than that. I said she has to pick between us and she still hasn't picked.

>shes beginning to suspect ive been doing fuck all but play xbox and the dishes
I'd be a stay at home cuck just for this.

If someone hits you with a power play like cheating, they never cared. End it.

Lost a few hundred bucks

Ditch that bitch bro she'll def cheat on you if she already hasn't.

Well, she claims she thought she was going to lose me that is why she did it and I did kinda flip when I found out about it.

Well, I was alone with my boss and he dry humped me. Then, blamed me for him being late to work. I suspect many people who still have work are working in very poor, unmonitored conditions.

There's more girls than ever on Tinder. But I also don't want to catch the Chinese virus. Such a frustration.

Get out while you can. NOW. You’re seriously better off being alone than in that relationship. She never loved you. She never liked you. She never EVERE viewed you as more than a simp. Forget everything she ever said cause anyone willing to THREATEN TO FUCKING CHEAT as a ploy to get back at you never EVER even liked you to begin with. You have been given a golden opportunity to see who she really is. Please, man, get out and save yourself.

She is willing to start replacing you before it is even over. Red flag.

stop being a spineless retard and leave the bitch holy shit

>have one fight
>lmao guess relationship is over
>doesn’t even bother to wait and see
>jumps on the first dick that she can coax her way

Open your eyes

GF broke up with me thr first week of quarantine. Feelsbadman I loved her but it’s cool I don’t need no hoe no mo’

Well to be fair, she didn't threaten me with it, when I found out about her reconnecting with him, I flipped and probably said things I shouldn't have. The next day she apparently tried to get with him because she thought she was going to lose me and didn't want to be alone. She admitted it the following day after I had cooled down a bit and we talked about it. That is when I gave her the ultimatum.

Every fucking day we are getting hammered with a barrage of information that has made it nearly impossible to discern true from false. Both the Left and Right have discredited doctors that disagree with them. And with so many policy decisions that seemingly defy all rational and critical thought it is now impossible to believe which 'expert' is telling the truth, which 'expert' is telling a half-truth with ulterior motives, and which 'experts' are completely full of shit. So how can we blame them?

Though what seems to shine through the smokescreen and pandemonium is some level of coordination. That this disinformation campaign has an clear objective that has been exposed throughout history over and over again, yet it still seems to be fucking working.

Why? Because the matter of fact is most don't want to jump down the rabbit hole. And understandably so. It's 4 o fucking clock AM and here I am ranting on fucking Yas Forums, because I just can't let this shit go. I'd really like to just enjoy the time off. Who gives a fuck if I'm not working so long I cash a free check and benefits?

Sometimes I wish I never took the proverbial redpill.

All I can do is hope that truth wins in the end...

Yeah, it has fucked me up pretty good. We didn't have any fights for the 2 years we've been together and made so many plans for the future. Women are fickle I suppose.

She stop caring about you when she started to reconnect with that childhood friend, just end it and save your face and time.

>slight time apart


I really, really want to, I'm just too fucking weak. I feel like she is the only chance at this I will have. I'm too fucked up, ugly, and autistic to attract any females let alone ones like her.

Kek imagine buying this "just wants to be friends I promise" line. His cum is already inside her body, swimming around right now, user. Searching to fertilize her eggs. Is she on birth control?
She wanted to feel his spurts, she got to feel his spurts. She'll probably keep milking it up in there, too. Even if she decides you're more suitable a mate, her body tells her To mate. And you aren't there when it's calling, are you?

This isn't even just typical roastie looseness you have here. Every time she ever orgasms with you, from here on out, the rest of your life? She'll feel a deep satisfaction. The knowing. She got his nut, so many times. And she got away with it, user. She won. You don't even know far as she's away. And you have to live with it. Kek she'll giggle to herself and think... "what a sap" and moan to herself how deliciously naughty and clever she is, how good that fuck was and compare it to the coom she just had with you.

If your relationship can’t survive one fight, it’s not a real relationship. You can’t base a relationship on just good times, it’s unrealistic and will only lead to the pain you’re currently in. Drop her, man, she’s shown her true colors when things get rough. You’re only hurting yourself at this point.

I wish I had the strength man. I should find out her choice soon. If this thread is still up I'll post the results.

A lot of people arent used to living 24/7 with their partner and hilariously would end up figuring they actually hate each other

normies btfo

you're a little bitch, go jerk off to your girlfriend fucking the guy