Sunlight is a disinfectant

>Sunlight is a disinfectant
>Your skin is translucent
>Literally just standing in the sun bathes your blood in healing light
>Governments around the world ban sunbathing

It's pretty fucking obvious they WANT you to get sick

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Other urls found in this thread:

bump cause point made if true

>Governments around the world ban sunbathing
When did this happen?

They got angry for people going to the beach. Salt water and sunlight has been the best disinfectant for millions of years. Why do we even need governments?

They outlawed being in the park, you can sunbathe at home retard.

how do people like you function on a daily basis
has modern society really become so coddled that darwinism no longer exists?


>has modern society really become so coddled that darwinism no longer exists?
Yes. Just look at all the schizo retard boomers we've got here just spewing nonsense all day. These people all had high paying jobs and an easy life for decades, this is why our countries are going to shit.

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>Your skin is translucent
Actually a cool post
Why don't we ever think about how cool that is
Like we glow red in the light
Pretty amazing

Sounds like you need some sun fucking faggot

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Any idiot can tell that keeping a person inside, without sunlight, fresh air, and exercise will lead to health problems.
Reddits think these conditions are normal and they are used to never leaving the house, yet fail to acknowledge their illnesses.

You are aware that homes have windows which allow access to sunlight, right? I may be giving you too much credit.

>Sunlight is a disinfectant

UV-C (ultraviolet-c) is disinfectant. but it is harmful. better drink bleach

Bong sounds are so whiny. Whats with calling things by their colour? Can you get off the green, and onto the grey, and follow the yellow in the blue back to your homes.

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i'm locked in a basement since birth

sunlight is uv radiation you retard

>go jack up your risk of skin cancer, which does kill people under 70, to fight a disease that kills people over 70

Galaxy brain.

Go walk in circles in your backyard (or on the roof if you have an apartment). What the fuck is it with all you people and this sudden need to go stroll around everywhere all of a sudden?? I see obese pieces of shit who've never done 10 minutes of exercise in their lives out protesting to open everything up again. I'm surprised this fucking lardass (pic related) could be extricated from his couch. Are normies so weak willed that they cannot spend a few weeks not going places?

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>Why do we even need governments?
OOOYYYYYY VEY think about the lost revenue for fining people for having their dogs off leashes!!!!

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I don't know if what you're saying is true but here's my recent experience on this topic:
I'd been feeling some minor symptoms of the chink flu for the past month and a half, namely a slight cough, trouble breathing,a slightly sore throat and mild chest pain, and was very worried. I stumbled upon a video about vitamin D and how it helps with the immune system and especially respiratory infections so I decided to try it out. Luckily we've been having amazing sunlight here for the past weeks, it's usually always dark and grey, so I've been sunbathing for about an hour daily and all the symptoms disappeared.
Here's one video:

formaldehyde stops corpses from rotting...any ideas?
perhaps some sort of antiviral quinine derivative (disinfectant) vaporized and mixed in with the oxygen?

Trump got this idea tanning in his UV bed and had a eureka moment about how to stick an endoscopic uv light in the lungs

I sometimes wonder how long its been since faggots like you even saw the colour green outside of the grey Wal-Mart parking lot of a city you live in

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>Your skin is translucent
Niggers btfo

Apparently you have to let the sun hit your skin for this to actually work, it's not just about seeing a ray of light coming through the window.

based and checked

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>Your skin is translucent
you're on Yas Forums, my friend

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I've honestly found that any time I've had eczema, a little bit of sunlight in small doses heals it pretty quickly.

Oh and here's a somewhat speculative video on how sunlight can even reach our brain, and activate chlorophyll inside our blood:

Glass blocks UVB and only lets thru UVA or vice versa. Not lookung up.

Boomer cons are worse and dumber than niggers

Open the window, you fucking retard.

Literally the president is talking about injecting disinfectant to fight a virus, welcome to reality

Probaly they just want to complete white genocide man, nothing new under the sun.

Look up NIL light therapy.

They use it to break up clots and also help RBCs, both of which Corona cause/mess with.

Lasers shining through your skin.

>welcome to reality
you have to go back

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Glass blocks the beneficial spectrum.

This is what they want.

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those look like the kind of guys that sit in their trucks in coffee shop parking lots every day.

I walk my dog. It provides the same amount of exercise as pre lockdown. I get the Vitamin D, can perform deep breathing exercises, and can run if I find a park.

>Literally just standing in the sun bathes your blood in healing light

Sometimes I hate Yas Forums

Or, just go outside you nigger faggot.

Governments should never be allowed to govern more than a couple million people. The uk should have about 30 different localities that are all govern over their local area. This would keep them in check because theyd actually have to answer their constituents. Big centralized governments will always lean toward despotism after enough time.

You've no place to mock anyone, dumb leaf.

The media represents a segment of their community that want us dead. They literally lie about health issues that are well understood. Sunlight and fresh air is NOW BAD FOR YOU!!! Stay inside with your covid-19 housemates!!! Ignore the stories about what was learned during the Spanish Flu pandemic!!!

Dirt acts as a free antidepressant and free vaccine-like exposure as well. The goyim must pay for everything they use. The air, the water, now the dirt.