Would you save him Yas Forums?
Would you save him Yas Forums?
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He would pull my ass down with him. Was the plan all along
How did he get himself in that predicament?
One less nigger factory in the world
they were cleaning the windows. I'm guessing some ghetto ass way.
Checked. Makes sense
Yes. Racism and hatred are jew tactics to divide humanity. Every life is worth saving.
I'm afraid so, but I would hate myself for it and probably tell the bitch that although I saved her life, I think she's nothing but a disgusting parasite and she needs to get her ass back to niggerland where she fucking belongs.
I would try to save her, but if she fell before I could pull her up, I would be like, "Thank God."
Weird answer, but I'm being honest. I hate niggers, especially immigrants, but . . . that's just a shitty way to die. I would feel like if I let somebody die like that, then someday I would be in a similar situation and no one would help me.
Thank you johny epstein ver cool
Based user
Who broke you to hatred, anyways? How does it happen that people submit to something from which they never recover their autonomy?
You aren't white hats. You should know that. -_-
You made me and satan sad with ur argument
>negroid that's probably going to shit out niglets, take welfare and commit crime, most likely has up until this point
>saving it also requires putting myself in danger
Not only no, but fuck no.
He belongs to the roof now. You keep what you kill.
Not yours.
I would save
Sorry, but I’m soft
>Would you save him Yas Forums?
yes, i hate niggers enough that i don't want to be one!
Perfect answer.
No nigger would ever help you.
They would laugh as you plummeted to earth
No but I certainly wouldnt film it either. The law is on their side and im sure wherever this is has a bystander law where they can say you didnt help so basically manslauter
I think I better call the police, I am clearly incapable of solving this problem myself
Yes empathy is a white trait
Yes, because I'm not a psychopath.
Also, it's a woman.
Post version with sound
The sound of her hitting the ground is bone chilling.
very based
>Every life is worth saving.
>Also, it's a woman.
le simp
this is true, the majority would.
I'd stand their looking into its eyes with disgust.bit would realise pretty quickly that I'd have no intention to help it. It may look in disbelief and lose just enough heart to no longer be able to keep holding on.
It's one thing saving a puppy it's a different thing altogether saving a Pitbull.
I will also admit if it was a white woman without that family look and ring on her finger I'd let it drop too. As I would if it was a 60kg fag boy or brony.
If it was a Jew. I'd unlace my shoe and crush his money grabbing fingers
she survived apparently
the clip is from niggerland so in your scenario an immigrant hating american in africa would at the last moment save a nigger from falling to death before telling her to go back to africa.