ITT: Southern Europeans are not Arabs, fuck off sheckel-berg

Ive tried researching this myself but found no answers that weren't controlled by jews,
While acknowledging Mediterraneans tend to be darker in complexion, and that the concept of nations means that no inter-national blood mixing should occur, does a darker southern complexion negate the white status of the Mediterranean, there is plenty of proof that genetically southern Europeans are distant from north africans, Southern europeans have made enormous contributions to all technological fields and acted just as capably on the world stage in terms of empire building. does being white mean you must be pale? or is it a jewish word meant to divide europeans and to distract from the ability of europeans to work in conjunction to achieve a christian european world. nordics are undoubtedly a beautiful people, but so are the Mediterranean's, and many have the blue eyes and blonde hair that the northerners possess. list evidence to negate the claim that being swarthy means you must be sub-human

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Meds and nords are niggers

Hi. Could you please stop dressing that shitskin as an ancient greek and start dressing him like a byzzmuttine or something? Thanks.

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honestly the med in these comics is way more attractive than the aryan

memeflag, ignore most of the art shown has curly hair, mediteraneans have caucasian skulls, but darker complexions which includes curlier hair, show me how many people in modern eras have curly blonde hair that is natural

he looks like he smells really good but nord dad bods are perfect

we wuz part of roman empire n shit

without the potuguese maritime advances most european empires would have never been possible, beyond this modern cartography is heavily based on the portuguese cortographical discoveries. maps are fundamental to our understanding of the world, without them navigation is made extraordinarily difficult. the portuguese did much more then exist in the roman empire.

i tell that to myself every day, but no one cares about us anyways

Any greek or italians here?

Go outside right now and take a photo of some random people in a crowded area

Bet its gonna look like turkey

i care

they took what made you strong, your empire was your legacy, now you are back to the smallest state portugal has existed in since 1412. remember portugal was not cointained in the mainland but spread across the oceans

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That is irrelevant

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user if we just go by Haplogroups the North Europeans and South Europeans are barely different and most North Europeans have brown/auburn hair.

North Europe has dominant R1b and I1.
South-West Europe has R1b and I2.
South-East Europe has R1A and I2.
East Europe has R1A and I1.

We are all related to these 4 lineages.
R1A=Kurgan culture / Aryan Horse riding Chad's who worshiped a God of moon, war and fire and his son a thunder God as their ancestor.
R1B=Bell beaker culture / Branch of the Kurgan culture that moved west.
I1=Native North Europeans/Hyperarborean culture (bronze age slave traders and sea raiders)
I2=Native South Europeans/Ancient Levantines (I. E. Before the Semitic horde came these had control over most of the Mediterranean, Anatolia and Mezopothamia).

I care.
If you have a sister that's of age let's trade.
Mine is 23 and has finally realized that listening to Femnazis will get her nowhere.

Before you ask no I'm not Hans but a Croach.

allies 4 life

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never understood how some retards could call meds arabs. then you're just admitting arabs created one of the greatest societies the world has ever seen. which one is it

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again a meme flag why is it always memeflags who try and divide us. you have to understand TURKS are an invasionary force that took over the european nation of byzantium, there are europeans in turkey, and turks in turkey. think beyond modern borders.
so why do many pale nationalist supposedly race realists refuse to accept that anyone who isnt as pale as the europeans forced to live in sun deprived areas are just as european.
Ainda bem, there is no need to be ashamed of the colonies the way the socialist party tries to convince you guys.
its the whole
>moorish rapebaby meme
when the europeans drove out the arabs from iberia they would have forced out the obviously mixed race peoples aswell, and besides that iberians maintained european levels of success in world domination and innovation, it seems only recently that suddenly southern europeans are seen as almost non european because they arent "white", the term white was invented by portuguese and spanish slavers anyhow, and its been proven multiple times christians refused to participate in slavery and that (((they))) perpetrated slavery. so jews invented the terms white and black and still utilize it to split Europe

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North Africans are mostly Roman settler replacements after the Jewish Kitos genocide

yeah, you're right. our government is like
>uh colonies bad, colonialism is fascism
>oh yeah, africans from former colonies arent foreigners at all, they are almost portuguese too
>pic related
but yeah, thanks for the support, I hope for the best for you guys aswell

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Why do all White achievers look like Arabs - William Faulkner, General Lee, Lincoln, young Queen Elizabeth, Kate Middleton, Sean Connery, Tennessee Williams, Carey Grant, Shakespeare etc.

cope medshits

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don't you have somali cock to suck?

>have curly hair
and that means that....."drumrollssss"... they are MUTTS, racemixed rapebabies.

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meds willl never be white. They are from africa and the middle east. Go home

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because an overwelming majority of ''whites'' have black hair and brown eyes. actual blondes with blue eyes are a tiny minority even in europe

>don't you have somali cock to suck?
why would I be sucking your blood brothers cock?

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>christian European world

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>calling others mutts

ive met some young portuguese, and the marxist indoctrination is scary, trusting a socialist constitution, completely forgotten the empire that existed no more then 46 years ago, went to portugal aswell and there is socialist and communist propoganda graffited all over your cities, I pray for the portuguese people. doesnt change the fact your ancestors have no connection to the romans and greeks, you were barbarians to them, you are not greek or roman, even if they were pale blonde and nordic, which makes no sense as nords get sun burns in southern european climates
the statues have curly hair too dumb fuck gypsy
>mediteraneans are from africa and middle east, not true but ok, learn how to read genetic data
checked and based
confirmed jew, mediteraneans are extrordinarily more racist then swedes especially among older generations, stop making shit up

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