During this quarantine, countless young women are flocking to porn streaming sites to pay their bills. The fact that this is a reality is upsetting, and could've been preventable, at least to the scale that it is today.
The West used to have communities, which women undoubtedly played a part in. Wars happened too. Husbands died, or were injured and unable to work. But, women could fall back on the communities they lived in, and were helped to get by in life. The thought of wives working was unheard of.
The degeneracy all started in America WWII. Women's husbands were sent away to fight in a war we never should've even been involved in, and there was a massive demand for production of war materials, so that left the wives to do the dirty work. If a woman's husband died or was injured, she still did have a community to take care of her and her family, but also had the choice of supporting herself by continuing work.
The following generations lived in times that both men and women working were normalized. Heck, often times easy money. But, that evolved into a society that men and women felt obligated to work. Jobs paid less, and both mom and dad working was necessary to keep a roof over their heads. During this period (and ongoing post-war), the Western "communities" died. Neighbors stopped speaking to each other, and grew distanced. If a woman's husband died or was injured, a woman just had to keep working, or remarry.
Now, if anything happens to the husband, the wife has no community to fall back on. The idea of communities, and in turn the Nuclear family, has died. Women are okay with being single, and not having kids. Many men nowadays do not have a high enough paying job to take care of a family, and women are not naturally workers. They do the easiest thing to get the job done. She doesn't have a community to judge her, or to support her in times of need, and morals are basically dead. Deciding to stream porn for easy money is an easy decision.