Every single celebrity is a castrated tranny that they use to mock the masses.
They're all trannies
Other urls found in this thread:
it's true
it's actually true.
this channel will be educational and informative
But is this true?
What's the motivation? This sounds like the dumbest theory. On par with Flat Earth.
How do I know this isn't written by a tranny?
Prove it user
Michael Obamas cock is the proof you mongonlian mongrel.
Ok shlomo
This isn't true is it. It was a meme started a few years ago.
shits and giggles
Sounds too much like a psyop, true. The real reason for trannyism is the poisoning of the food chain with herbicides and pesticides, which did not exist 40 to 50 years ago.
Look up endocrine disruption + glyphosate, atrazine
There have been, what we could call "celebrities" for roughly 100 years. I have seen transvestites in my life and they always are still not 100% convincing. How did they manage to fool literally everybody with that stuff for 100 year? Did they do it 100 years ago too? Or did this start at some point? When? You gotta give use more than that
Women dont look like anime, virgin.
I eat all kinds of processed bullshit and all I want to do is fuck straight women with big natural titties with my dick
trannyism literally has existed for millenia not just 40 to 50 years. You had a whole fucking Roman emperor demanding to dress and be addressed as a woman. You had trannies in the Wehrmacht for god's sakes.
Ok shlomo.
They'll never answer this properly they'll just call you a shill for questioning the narrative they're trying to push. Remember these kind of people when our world falls. Ask yourself if they're worth letting into your communities.
It has no womanly curves and crosses It's legs over to create an illusion of curves. Open your eyes
They groom them since childbirth and constantly get mutiple surgeries.
Gender doesn't even exist
mods can you put in an ai that detects hot women in the op and auto deletes the thread
But she is Justin Bieber's wife ... are you implying that JB is a fagot?
It's a tranny too
dont fuck with Justin bro
Satan wants you lusting after women and the flesh. But imagine how much more devilish if he could trick you into lusting after men.
God is understanding of the situation just repent and the gay will go away, then stop lusting after celebrities.
Drink some disinfectant too, just to be sure
They're libtards just like the rest for a reason. They're trannies
Then tells us smart guy.
Are there any real woman famous?
First part is true though
It's to deflect from the fact they're Jewish.