Never really noticed it until now, why is everything just so negative?
This is why all the "Netlifx and chill" idiots are depressed as fuck.
Never really noticed it until now, why is everything just so negative?
This is why all the "Netlifx and chill" idiots are depressed as fuck.
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Bojack Horsemen is an existential art work depicting a horse being in constant suffering and never being able to escape himself neurotically ruminating on his past. The rest of the shows are shit
Bojack isnt a show made by furfags?
Imagine watching Goyflix
fuck off back to plebbit. People wonder why we watch nipshit
first four seasons are, the rest is just nonstop globohomo tranny metoo blacked.com psychopharmaka shilling
Big Mouth is entirely fucked up. It's unwatchably bad. So incredibly, terribly, bad. I cannot express how excruciatingly terrible it was to watch one episode, and to have my girlfriend be the one who put it on.
We aren't together anymore.
Pic vaguely related
Fuck Bojack. That show was bait and switch. Each episode gets progressively less funny until by season 3 you realize it's not a comedy.
because media exists to program us
zoomers are a generation of subconscious hedonistic satanists because of it.
Drugs and sex are considered positive in the Liberal mindset.
I don't know how they make any money I stopped watching this garbage a LONG time ago even before they were so overt with the poz.
It's traumatic brainwashing intentionally designed to desensitize you to violence and degeneracy. You can see it because you're not their target demographic, which is made up of Stockholm syndrome'd morons.
Bojack got BTFO by Family Guy and never recovered
blowjack horseman was never funny
I think BCS is overrated. But if you want a laff go on tumblr and look up Mike from BCS and all the weird tumblr chicks posting daddy fantasies about that 70 y.o fart
>Never really noticed it until now, why is everything just so negative?
gee, i wonder who's behind all the degeneracy in tv
>Never really noticed it until now
gee, i wonder who's behind all the degeneracy in tv pt2
so much satanic shows as well, the world has accepted satan so completely, I hope god ends it all soon
More bestiality filth
Much of the world has always believed weird schizo superstitions.
Bojack is brilliant. It's a drama some comedy peppered in.
Just started watching BCS and it's alright so far.
Big mouth is shit
People are depressed because they don't exercise or eat right 99% of the time imo
a show can't be brilliant let alone a netflix cartoon show made by jews aimed at edgy 12-year-old kids trying weed for the first time
>I cannot express how excruciatingly terrible it was to watch one episode, and to have my girlfriend be the one who put it on.
>We aren't together anymore.
Lmao the same thing happened with my last gf and big mouth.
its all shit
>Netflix original
>Netflix original
>Netflix original
Oh Big Mouth
I remember a video where they discussed how it ridicules 9/11 conspiracies and how the creator of the show has deep connections to our Department of Defense
This shit goes really deep
Big Mouth has got to be the worst thing to come out of Netflix. It’s just a propaganda piece that at the same time tries to normalize pedophilia
yeah, they should watch anime instead, that'll cheer them up!
Normal Words Horseguy is also shit
>nihilism is bad because it conflicts with my world view that I have meaning
Big mouth is pure pedophilic GRID. The other two shows are pretty decent, particularly better call saul. If you can’t watch television for occasional entertainment without deriving your life values from it then you might be a brainlet.
but muh free will to fuck my life up
Big Mouth is incredibly based.
The problem is that at least half of the country are in fact absolute brainlets.
About time, I found the video about Nick Kroll, creator of big mouth, and his family
This is an interesting watch for newfriends who don't know about him
Imagine thinking that the same people who print money like it was wallpaper really give two shits about making advertising profits with their satanic programming for the masses